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Wouldn't black homes be really warm in the summer, or would the supermassiveness of it balance that out? :unsure:


In theory the internal temperature would be similar to that of a regular house. The supermassive-ness cancels out the insulative properties of the external structure.


Probably but it's still cold here in Summer so a warmer house = :awesome::LOL:


Inorite! :p

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There actually was an art installation (since torn down) in Houston of a postwar ranch-style house-slash-black hole:

[spoiler=pics of the "black hole house"]XoByP.jpg





Someone divided by zero again didn't they... :noey:


Dammit, got beaten.

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This. Omfg.

You are amazing :LOL::LOL:


:LOL: This...this is awesome. + many for hyper_chondriac_muser!


Lol fanks guise :$... :D


I have to admit, I'm a tad worried about this song. It's a 'love' song, which isn't exactly 'new ground' for Muse; they've got a lot of love-based songs that are amazing/epic/brilliant etc.. But the 'new' age of Muse tracks have a lot more cheese, which is the part that worries me, especially as this song will feature on a Twilight soundtrack :LOL:.


Before people get their knickers in a tiwst - I don't personally give a shit if the song is on Twilight or the fecking Teletubbies, as long as it's good. The title sounds like it could either be insanely epic, a complete piss-take, or a big, fat ball of cheese!


Obvs we can't judge it before having heard it, but I don't like the waiting-around stage cos it leads to pointless rants like this, haha. :rolleyes:



Edit: lol, wtf is going on in this thread! The wait is making us crazy... just like the looooong-arse wait time for The Resistance :LOL:

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You are confusing mass and density. They are not the same thing.


An analogy: If you squeezed billions of clowns into a car, there won't be infinite clowns in the care, just a lot of clowns. Same with black holes. You could say singularities have "infinite density" I guess, but their mass is determined by whatever formed them. Micro black holes formed in high energy particle collisions have weights similar to that of subatomic particles, black holes formed by supernovae and other stellar events have masses that can be measured in solar masses, supermassive black holes are formed from primordial gasses and whatever else has subsequently fallen into them and have masses up to billions of solar masses.


In other words, a SBH is up to billions of times the mass of a neutron star, and indeed, neutron stars are probably routinely destroyed by SBHs.

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Lol fanks guise :$... :D


I have to admit, I'm a tad worried about this song. It's a 'love' song, which isn't exactly 'new ground' for Muse; they've got a lot of love-based songs that are amazing/epic/brilliant etc.. But the 'new' age of Muse tracks have a lot more cheese, which is the part that worries me, especially as this song will feature on a Twilight soundtrack :LOL:.


Before people get their knickers in a tiwst - I don't personally give a shit if the song is on Twilight or the fecking Teletubbies, as long as it's good. The title sounds like it could either be insanely epic, a complete piss-take, or a big, fat ball of cheese!


Obvs we can't judge it before having heard it, but I don't like the waiting-around stage cos it leads to pointless rants like this, haha. :rolleyes:



Edit: lol, wtf is going on in this thread! The wait is making us crazy... just like the looooong-arse wait time for The Resistance :LOL:


It was partially my fault.:LOL:


I posted a 'Supermassive Black hole vs Neutron Star' vid. No, not the song.

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Lol fanks guise :$... :D


I have to admit, I'm a tad worried about this song. It's a 'love' song, which isn't exactly 'new ground' for Muse; they've got a lot of love-based songs that are amazing/epic/brilliant etc.. But the 'new' age of Muse tracks have a lot more cheese, which is the part that worries me, especially as this song will feature on a Twilight soundtrack :LOL:.


Before people get their knickers in a tiwst - I don't personally give a shit if the song is on Twilight or the fecking Teletubbies, as long as it's good. The title sounds like it could either be insanely epic, a complete piss-take, or a big, fat ball of cheese!


Obvs we can't judge it before having heard it, but I don't like the waiting-around stage cos it leads to pointless rants like this, haha. :rolleyes:



Edit: lol, wtf is going on in this thread! The wait is making us crazy... just like the looooong-arse wait time for The Resistance :LOL:


:LOL: Muse make us crazy. Does anybody else remember the Buke of Dom's cockminster thread?

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You are confusing mass and density. They are not the same thing.


An analogy: If you squeezed billions of clowns into a car, there won't be infinite clowns in the care, just a lot of clowns. Same with black holes. You could say singularities have "infinite density" I guess, but their mass is determined by whatever formed them. Micro black holes formed in high energy particle collisions have weights similar to that of subatomic particles, black holes formed by supernovae and other stellar events have masses that can be measured in solar masses, supermassive black holes are formed from primordial gasses and whatever else has subsequently fallen into them and have masses up to billions of solar masses.


In other words, a SBH is up to billions of times the mass of a neutron star, and indeed, neutron stars are probably routinely destroyed by SBHs.


Good. Because SBH are slightly cooler. :p

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