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Haha, I love being controversial. Seriously though, UD is my favourite thing on The Resistance besides Exo, and would very much like them to continue exploring that style.


Wow that is controversial. It's not that I don't like UD, but they really shouldn't do any more. It just won't fit in with the totally bat-shit, hard-rocking sixth album they had better do :awesome:

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Haha, I love being controversial. Seriously though, UD is my favourite thing on The Resistance besides Exo, and would very much like them to continue exploring that style.


2cfdp9u.gif <- That is you.



Wow that is controversial. It's not that I don't like UD, but they really shouldn't do any more. It just won't fit in with the totally bat-shit, hard-rocking sixth album they had better do :awesome:



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Wow that is controversial. It's not that I don't like UD, but they really shouldn't do any more. It just won't fit in with the totally bat-shit, hard-rocking sixth album they had better do :awesome:

I want the next album to be a crazy, sprawling double LP that explores several different genres. It'll never happen, but I can dream...

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I want the next album to be a crazy, sprawling double LP that explores several different genres. It'll never happen, but I can dream...

So basically BH&R+TR?


They are already exploring a lot of different genres, something that annoys the crap out me. STAY FOR A GENRE FOR AT LEAST 4 SONGS DAMNIT.

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So basically BH&R+TR?


They are already exploring a lot of different genres, something that annoys the crap out me. STAY FOR A GENRE FOR AT LEAST 4 SONGS DAMNIT.


But that's one of the things I *like* about Muse. :LOL: I wasn't kidding when I said my attention span is shit.

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So basically BH&R+TR?


They are already exploring a lot of different genres, something that annoys the crap out me. STAY FOR A GENRE FOR AT LEAST 4 SONGS DAMNIT.

But I want more exploration, damnit! I would love the next album to be something akin to The White Album or Sandinista! - totally all over the place and inconsistent.

I would be quite sad if they reverted back to their harder sound and dropped the pop and classical stuff.


And how's this for a controversial opinion? If it weren't for Screenager, I would find OoS a bit too samey for my liking.

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But I want more exploration, damnit! I would love the next album to be something akin to The White Album or Sandinista! - totally all over the place and inconsistent.

I would be quite sad if they reverted back to their harder sound and dropped the pop and classical stuff.


And how's this for a controversial opinion? If it weren't for Screenager, I would find OoS a bit too samey for my liking.


Ooh, muy controversial.

I'd sort of agree with you, but not completely. Screenager really makes it more interesting, and is now one of my favorites on OoS, but I love the other songs too. And you can't say that Megalomania is samey.

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Seriously though, UD is my favourite thing on The Resistance besides Exo


Same here. Overall I thought that the best tracks on The Resistance were the ones that did -not- attempt to replicate their earlier harder style. Apart from Guiding Light, MK Ultra and Unnatural Selection are IMO the least interesting songs on the album, I love Muse's rocking side as much as anyone but these songs are nowhere near their best rock songs.

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But I want more exploration, damnit! I would love the next album to be something akin to The White Album or Sandinista! - totally all over the place and inconsistent.

I would be quite sad if they reverted back to their harder sound and dropped the pop and classical stuff.


And how's this for a controversial opinion? If it weren't for Screenager, I would find OoS a bit too samey for my liking.

And you listen to Placebo, The Clash, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bob Dylan, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Foo Fighters, Joy Division, The Killers, Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, The Doors, Coldplay etc? :p


OoS WAS exploration, a lot of it. They explored a lot of new stuff that they had never tried before, but still made a pretty coherent album up until the last songs. None of the songs are very alike, but they all share the sound and genre, which to be honest, an album should.


I am all for exploring, but I'd much rather see Muse evolving and progressing than constantly changing genres that has already been done 100 times.

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FTR, I think it's kinda hilarious some people automatically assume someone is a troll due to one of their opinions they dont agree with. Classic.


+I know Matt did a random Jam on the Kaoss before, but that was only a one time deal. He should do it more often.

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OoS WAS exploration, a lot of it. They explored a lot of new stuff that they had never tried before, but still made a pretty coherent album up until the last songs. None of the songs are very alike, but they all share the sound and genre, which to be honest, an album should.


Aye. OoS has a really distinctive sound - even on Feeling Good - and that's a massive part of why it appeals to me.

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I would be quite sad if they reverted back to their harder sound and dropped the pop and classical stuff.


I would be absolutely and utterly thrilled.


FTR, I think it's kinda hilarious some people automatically assume someone is a troll due to one of their opinions they dont agree with. Classic.


When the 'opinions' get like that, they seem ridiculous, and you just assume that they're only stating that opinion for the sake of being controversial. And to troll people.

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I would be absolutely and utterly thrilled.

I agree with you. Although not about the 'classical stuff'. They've always had classical influences and it's always been an integral part of their sound. In fact, I were to pick a sound they were to focus on, it would be the Space Dementia/Apocalypse Please style songs. (Although yes, I'm not sure that Apocalypse Please has classical influences.)

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I agree with you. Although not about the 'classical stuff'. They've always had classical influences and it's always been an integral part of their sound. In fact, I were to pick a sound they were to focus on, it would be the Space Dementia/Apocalypse Please style songs. (Although yes, I'm not sure that Apocalypse Please has classical influences.)


Agreed, although I prefer Matt's guitar songs to his piano songs, actually...

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When the 'opinions' get like that, they seem ridiculous, and you just assume that they're only stating that opinion for the sake of being controversial.


Why is it so hard to believe that some people -gasp- might have an opinion on music different to your own?


After all, Muse like Undisclosed Desires and I think I've seen Matt say in an interview that it's his favourite song on the album. Are they trolls too?

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Why is it so hard to believe that some people -gasp- might have an opinion on music different to your own?


After all, Muse like Undisclosed Desires and I think I've seen Matt say in an interview that it's his favourite song on the album. Are they trolls too?


Because when an opinion is something like yours, it seems, as I said, ridiculous.


What kind of a question is that? Of course they're trolls. They've proved themselves worthy of this over the TR tour with their indifference towards the fans.

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Because when an opinion is something like yours, it seems, as I said, ridiculous.


What kind of a question is that? Of course they're trolls. They've proved themselves worthy of this over the TR tour with their indifference towards the fans.

Their older stuff was just as classically influenced as now, they were just more subtle and more coherent about it, and didn't just paint massive blobs of the stuff here and there.

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