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I thought that was conventional wisdom in this thread? :chuckle: See I have muse standards and then actual standards. Every single muse song in actual standards probably gets at least an 8 :p




A lot of Muse songs aren't that great. (Probably sounds harsher than I intended, but whatever)

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In retrospect, the extended version of Overdue is actually shitter than Overdue.


Listening to it now and it really doesn't work it. Overdue needed to be short and sweet - Im upgrading my score of Overdue to 6/10.


Where can I hear this extended version :eek:?!?!?!?

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I'm gonna throw in my album-order vote a little late :LOL:




(Not trying to be controversial... I really do love TR and OoS equally :))


Oh, and they are both only slightly slightly better than Absolution in my opinion... I was gonna make all three "equal", but I figured that was cheating and I had to suck it up and actually rank 'em Hahahaha.

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Ahem. Did you realise what you just wrote.

I love NSC, its cheesey and hilarious and camp, the piano is stunning and the guitar moves are awesome. Its a great crowd pleaser as well, apprently, but no way does it compare to the likes of CE.


NSC cannot compare to the likes of SD or AP or B&H. But CE is vastly overrated and I think that NSC is better than CE

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Radiohead related, but I'm sure many would disagree on this.


Ideoteque would barely breach my top 25 Radiohead songs. The only good part is the way Thom sings "this is really happening, HAPPENING", and I love Thom just for that part. But the rest of the song is fairly bland.


Oh, and Pirates 3 is my favourite in the series. There's a certain movie magic that the other 2 lacked. That said, it is the most flawed out of the 3.

Edited by m0hawk
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Radiohead related, but I'm sure many would disagree on this.


Ideoteque would barely breach my top 25 Radiohead songs. The only good part is the way Thom sings "this is really happening, HAPPENING", and I love Thom just for that part. But the rest of the song is fairly bland.

My favorite song of all time :(

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I think Showbiz is awesome. Second favorite Muse album.


I'll agree with that. The banana and pwoper fish jokes are extremely overused to a point where it's stupid :rolleyes:


I don't even get the banana jokes, and those are EVERYWHERE through this messageboard. It makes me feel like not a Muser. :rolleyes: I'm sure I'm not missing anything.


Thought I'd give some of my "controversial" Muse opinions. :D

1) I ADORE Exo-politics. And Hoodoo. And Invincible. And Starlight. BHaR is definitely tied for 2nd of my favorite Muse albums (with OoS).

2) I like watching HAARP but I don't like listening to the CD part. Only Stockholm Syndrome.

3) Plug in Baby will always be one of my favorite songs because it was the first Muse song I ever heard.

4) Guiding Light is awesome. End of story. :p

5) Hate This and I'll Love You is my 2nd favorite song from Showbiz.


That's all I can think of for now. Probably be back with TONS more later.

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You care to link me to it?


I've searched and nothing titled 'Overdue [Extended] came up. YouTube is a vague answer.

That's because it isn't called "extended". But okay, took me 10 seconds to find ;)


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A lot of Muse songs aren't that great. (Probably sounds harsher than I intended, but whatever)


All the time.


Resistance is the worst song on The Resistance. Just ugh.


Radiohead related, but I'm sure many would disagree on this.


Ideoteque would barely breach my top 25 Radiohead songs. The only good part is the way Thom sings "this is really happening, HAPPENING", and I love Thom just for that part. But the rest of the song is fairly bland.


Oh, and Pirates 3 is my favourite in the series. There's a certain movie magic that the other 2 lacked. That said, it is the most flawed out of the 3.


My favorite song of all time :(




I want muse to take influence from scissor sisters for the next album.


Muse are basically becoming a crap ELO tribute band.




Absolution flows terribly.



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Not sure if it's controversial but:


BHaR is easier to listen to from begin to end than Abso. I paused Abso a lot, and I'm really enjoying BHaR...

I just started to respect BHaR a bit more :p



Oh forgot: Invincible, The Small Print and Exo-Politics(though a bit less) are really good.

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