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Definitely hoping to meet them. Last concert I went to was Andrew Bird and not only did I meet him afterwards but I gave him the scarf I made him and he's worn it in a music video and to several shows. We'll see if I can continue such luck. Hey, it'll be October though! That's my lucky month! :)


Cool! Cool! Cool! What was the scarf like? Or, what video can I watch to see it?



You can stick with me too you know, considering what happened the last two times I was in Toronto. ;)


I know about the radio interview (we're all so jealous!!! ) but WHAT ELSE happened?


Hey guys, so there's this girl in France who has a flag and is thinking of having it travel around and stuff.. thread :http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=76837


So I volunteered myself and my group (Isadora, Math you) to take in Ohio. But we need a way for it to get to us from California and so I know there's someone here who's also going to a Cali date (I'm so sorry I forgot who it is and I don't want to go through the entire thread). So if you see this, go check out that thread and let her know which Cali gig you're attending and see if you can get the flag passed on to you so it can get to us :)

This may not happen this way since there are a few gigs between Cali and Ohio but she said getting to all the gigs isn't important. But yeah check it out guys, I think it'll be fun if a bunch of us can sign it and stuff :)


I have tickets to Sacramento, but it was an issue with my husband (rightly so, since I really had been spending too much money on Muse!) and, well, I just decided to give it up...:(:(:(:( but I actually feel a sense of relief in our relationship. And all the excitement for me anyway surrounds the 2 Ohio gigs, mostly because of all the friendliness on here!:)


But Crowbi is from Seattle and is going to some shows out West, and then coming to both Ohio shows.

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Hey guys, so there's this girl in France who has a flag and is thinking of having it travel around and stuff.. thread :http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=76837


So I volunteered myself and my group (Isadora, Math you) to take in Ohio. But we need a way for it to get to us from California and so I know there's someone here who's also going to a Cali date (I'm so sorry I forgot who it is and I don't want to go through the entire thread). So if you see this, go check out that thread and let her know which Cali gig you're attending and see if you can get the flag passed on to you so it can get to us :)

This may not happen this way since there are a few gigs between Cali and Ohio but she said getting to all the gigs isn't important. But yeah check it out guys, I think it'll be fun if a bunch of us can sign it and stuff :)

I love how you volunteered us! :p


I think it's a great idea and it'll be awesome if we can get everyone from here to sign it!


Oh gosh the level of excitement is climbing! And please please tell me the story of what happened in Toronto! O.o Did you meet Muse?

I did, well Dom & Matt. (This is going to be a bit long because I have to explain how it happened - still blows my mind!) It's totally a case of being in the right place at the right time!


They were doing an interview at a radio station there and people could win passes to go in to watch. I know a few people on here got passes, but there was no way I could because I don't live in Ontario. A few of us decided we would go meet up at the radio station just to see if we could see the guys up close (bisbstuff was one of them). So I get to the radio station and don't see the people from here so I just went and stood with a bunch of other people. For some reason I decided to go stand in the line where the pass holders were (a few other people in that line didn't have passes either). This girl came in the line and started talking to me. She asked if I had a pass, which I told her no, I didn't. Then she asked if I was by myself, which I said yes. She said she was by herself too and did I want to be her +1 for the interview. Well, you can guess my answer to that!


So, we went in and watched the interview. Just being that close to Dom and Matt was amazing enough, but then, they came down to see us all; totally didn't expect that! I got my Absolution cd booklet signed. I didn't get pics with them but did get pics of them signing it (you can see some of the pics in the link in my sig). Don't ask me what I said to them because I was so in shock (and it all happened so quickly), I really don't think I said much! :facepalm: :facepalm:



I know about the radio interview (we're all so jealous!!! ) but WHAT ELSE happened?.
Last year I met Nine Inch Nails. It wasn't as random as the Muse thing - I pretty much knew it would happen before I left here, although it wasn't set in stone. I needed to meet up with someone from the forums there because we were splitting the cost of the VIP thing they had going on (meet & greet and soundcheck - where I got to hear my absolute favourite NIN song!). Shaking Trent Reznor's hand was the most amazing thing ever. Well until what happened this year!
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I love how you volunteered us! :p


I think it's a great idea and it'll be awesome if we can get everyone from here to sign it!



I did, well Dom & Matt. (This is going to be a bit long because I have to explain how it happened - still blows my mind!) It's totally a case of being in the right place at the right time!


They were doing an interview at a radio station there and people could win passes to go in to watch. I know a few people on here got passes, but there was no way I could because I don't live in Ontario. A few of us decided we would go meet up at the radio station just to see if we could see the guys up close (bisbstuff was one of them). So I get to the radio station and don't see the people from here so I just went and stood with a bunch of other people. For some reason I decided to go stand in the line where the pass holders were (a few other people in that line didn't have passes either). This girl came in the line and started talking to me. She asked if I had a pass, which I told her no, I didn't. Then she asked if I was by myself, which I said yes. She said she was by herself too and did I want to be her +1 for the interview. Well, you can guess my answer to that!




























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omg what a cool story! How lucky you were! And very clever to go stand in that line. You never know what might happen... people seem to be unpredictable... sometimes they're mean, sometimes they become your best friend and sometimes they give you a ticket to see Muse haha.



^There it is before I finished making it!


and about halfway through the video he wears it!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's worn it to shows too. <3

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omg what a cool story! How lucky you were! And very clever to go stand in that line. You never know what might happen... people seem to be unpredictable... sometimes they're mean, sometimes they become your best friend and sometimes they give you a ticket to see Muse haha.



^There it is before I finished making it!


and about halfway through the video he wears it!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's worn it to shows too. <3

Great looking scarf! I love the colours. :) How awesome that he wore it in the video, and to shows!! Too cool! :awesome: (love that video BTW too funny!).


The funny thing is, I had almost talked myself out of going to the radio station, partly because I'm a bit shy and going over there by myself felt a bit weird, and I really didn't think I'd even see them (because I figured there'd be a lot of people there). But I convinced myself to go, said to myself - "I've come all this way, what do I have to lose?". Plus I had made plans to meet up with the boardies there, and didn't want to let them down by not showing up (unfortunately I did let them down because even though I showed up, we still didn't meet!).

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so my friend and i are thinking on not getting a board shirt...cuz its not cheep and when are 2 high school girls ever going to wear it??? id wear it only for muse things, soo yeahhhhh...just thought i'd let you guys know


Boo!:mad: (joking) I'm 39 and wear my shirt all over the place! I just like to make people wonder...this town already thinks I'm weird anyway.


Great looking scarf! I love the colours. :) How awesome that he wore it in the video, and to shows!! Too cool! :awesome: (love that video BTW too funny!).


The funny thing is, I had almost talked myself out of going to the radio station, partly because I'm a bit shy and going over there by myself felt a bit weird, and I really didn't think I'd even see them (because I figured there'd be a lot of people there). But I convinced myself to go, said to myself - "I've come all this way, what do I have to lose?". Plus I had made plans to meet up with the boardies there, and didn't want to let them down by not showing up (unfortunately I did let them down because even though I showed up, we still didn't meet!).


Good for you for having the guts to go to the radio thing by yourself! I'm also shy, and can totally feel how you were feeling. Muse has the power to make a shy persons strong and confident!:)


We'll definately be keeping our ears open for news about any Cincinnati or Columbus radio shows! Hopefully not on the 12th, though, since most of us will be camped at the door!

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What is the board shirt??


And omg, I think there's only 66 days now. YAAAAY!



Here's a link to the site for .mu shirt, if you want one.


Several of us got them. I had great fun "designing" mine. You can customize it so it has your messageboard name and concert dates you've attended (or, what some of us did instead of the dates is LYRICS we love!)

Maybe it's kind of pathetic, but wearing mine NOW, here in my little town, during the looooooong days and looooooong months that I have to wait until October, while doing the things I have to do Everyday (dishes, meals, shopping, laundry, bills) puts me in another frame of mind which makes the time pass more easily! Ha ha! :LOL: (And I have to wear SOMETHING while my other muse shirts are in the laundry, right?)


We were going to post photos of our shirts, but I guess we all got lazy! :LOL:

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Oooh the design on that is so cool! I would do it but I need to be good and save money for getting a shirt at the actual gig. I try to always buy a shirt at gigs I go to and since this is my first Muse gig... need to snag one!


Are you ladies getting together to eat or anything, before the show?

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Good for you for having the guts to go to the radio thing by yourself! I'm also shy, and can totally feel how you were feeling. Muse has the power to make a shy persons strong and confident!:)


We'll definately be keeping our ears open for news about any Cincinnati or Columbus radio shows! Hopefully not on the 12th, though, since most of us will be camped at the door!

They certainly do have that power! Taking that trip to Toronto, by myself, took me completely outside my comfort zone. But I didn't have a choice because not seeing Muse was not an option!


Oooh the design on that is so cool! I would do it but I need to be good and save money for getting a shirt at the actual gig. I try to always buy a shirt at gigs I go to and since this is my first Muse gig... need to snag one!


Are you ladies getting together to eat or anything, before the show?

There's quite a few of us that have GA so will be spending the day queuing for barrier. But you should come by and say hi! Most of us will have our .mu shirts on so we'll be easy to spot!
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They certainly do have that power! Taking that trip to Toronto, by myself, took me completely outside my comfort zone. But I didn't have a choice because not seeing Muse was not an option!


There's quite a few of us that have GA so will be spending the day queuing for barrier. But you should come by and say hi! Most of us will have our .mu shirts on so we'll be easy to spot!


Same here ("outside my comfort zone")! I hadn't been to a big concert (except taking daughters to see Miley Cyrus) since I was in my early 20's. Driving 5.5 hrs. from home to see a concert all by myself, and to wait in line, and to experience the pit at my age, certainly is nothing like the usual me. But, just like you said: "not seeing Muse was not an option!"


Kendra, definately stop by and hang out with us!

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this threads been hoppin! Im back from our mini vacation. We went up to Cedar Point and Lake Erie (where Im originally from) Spent time with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time and had a short visit with my sister. :)



Definitely hoping to meet them. Last concert I went to was Andrew Bird and not only did I meet him afterwards but I gave him the scarf I made him and he's worn it in a music video and to several shows. We'll see if I can continue such luck. Hey, it'll be October though! That's my lucky month! :)

So basically.... we're all going to stick near you for a chance to meet them! hahaha They can sign my Muse tattoo... hahahah or just.. you know... a cd booklet works too... :p


I love how you volunteered us! :p


I think it's a great idea and it'll be awesome if we can get everyone from here to sign it!



I did, well Dom & Matt. (This is going to be a bit long because I have to explain how it happened - still blows my mind!) It's totally a case of being in the right place at the right time!


They were doing an interview at a radio station there and people could win passes to go in to watch. I know a few people on here got passes, but there was no way I could because I don't live in Ontario. A few of us decided we would go meet up at the radio station just to see if we could see the guys up close (bisbstuff was one of them). So I get to the radio station and don't see the people from here so I just went and stood with a bunch of other people. For some reason I decided to go stand in the line where the pass holders were (a few other people in that line didn't have passes either). This girl came in the line and started talking to me. She asked if I had a pass, which I told her no, I didn't. Then she asked if I was by myself, which I said yes. She said she was by herself too and did I want to be her +1 for the interview. Well, you can guess my answer to that!


So, we went in and watched the interview. Just being that close to Dom and Matt was amazing enough, but then, they came down to see us all; totally didn't expect that! I got my Absolution cd booklet signed. I didn't get pics with them but did get pics of them signing it (you can see some of the pics in the link in my sig). Don't ask me what I said to them because I was so in shock (and it all happened so quickly), I really don't think I said much! :facepalm: :facepalm:



Last year I met Nine Inch Nails. It wasn't as random as the Muse thing - I pretty much knew it would happen before I left here, although it wasn't set in stone. I needed to meet up with someone from the forums there because we were splitting the cost of the VIP thing they had going on (meet & greet and soundcheck - where I got to hear my absolute favourite NIN song!). Shaking Trent Reznor's hand was the most amazing thing ever. Well until what happened this year!

Definitely sticking by you guys!!!:yesey: Honestly, Muse is the #1 spot of who I would LOVE to meet in the world.

Oooh the design on that is so cool! I would do it but I need to be good and save money for getting a shirt at the actual gig. I try to always buy a shirt at gigs I go to and since this is my first Muse gig... need to snag one!


Are you ladies getting together to eat or anything, before the show?

Id be up for meeting before if anyone wants to....and we can always bring food to those queuing. ;)

I wear my forum shirt all the time. I get strange looks as people read it and try to figure it out.:LOL:

I can't believe its getting closer. I realized school starts soon, and its fall! and Muse!!!!!

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I've finally made it to the Forums! From Toronto, heading to the show in Columbus. Anybody else from this neck of the woods going?


oh and if it helps, I have this picture of me with some friends.


<img src=http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs047.snc3/13460_1176966798852_1668570406_31105087_550886_n.jpg>

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I've finally made it to the Forums! From Toronto, heading to the show in Columbus. Anybody else from this neck of the woods going?


oh and if it helps, I have this picture of me with some friends.


<img src=http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs047.snc3/13460_1176966798852_1668570406_31105087_550886_n.jpg>


"Math you" and I live 45 min from Toronto (Cambridge and Kitchener) we're driving down for both Ohio shows! Welcome to the board btw :)

Ps. your pic doesn't show up


Also, where did you end up meeting them at the Toronto gig? Did you wait around after the show by the buses? Or is that a pic from The Edge? Either way, really awesome :happy:

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this threads been hoppin! Im back from our mini vacation. We went up to Cedar Point and Lake Erie (where Im originally from) Spent time with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time and had a short visit with my sister. :)

normally each year my s.o. heads to Cedar Point to ride the coasters for a day. this year they are heading to King's Island! so that is TWO roundtrips to Cincy this year (I know, different thread)

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"Math you" and I live 45 min from Toronto (Cambridge and Kitchener) we're driving down for both Ohio shows! Welcome to the board btw :)

Ps. your pic doesn't show up


Also, where did you end up meeting them at the Toronto gig? Did you wait around after the show by the buses? Or is that a pic from The Edge? Either way, really awesome :happy:

It's light outside so I'm going to guess the edge


Nice to know we aren't the only ones coming down from this area though, huh?

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I've finally made it to the Forums! From Toronto, heading to the show in Columbus. Anybody else from this neck of the woods going?


oh and if it helps, I have this picture of me with some friends.


<img src=http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs047.snc3/13460_1176966798852_1668570406_31105087_550886_n.jpg>

Welcome to the boards! Great to see some more fellow Canadians making the trip down to these shows; there's quite the group of us so far.


I think you're in a couple of my pics from the Edge!

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normally each year my s.o. heads to Cedar Point to ride the coasters for a day. this year they are heading to King's Island! so that is TWO roundtrips to Cincy this year (I know, different thread)


We live closer to Kings Island, but its been a few years since we've been there. We havent been there since Cedar Fair bought it, Id like to go back down and see what has changed. Im from the Sandusky area and love going up to the lake. (and worked at CP one summer when I was in college:LOL:) Your sig with the earplug link just reminded me I need to order some for Rachael before October. :)

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Your sig with the earplug link just reminded me I need to order some for Rachael before October. :)


oh yes, please make sure you order the right ones. muser paemchen just recently told me, she LOVES the Alpines for Quality of sound + the protection she gets from 'em. when she lost her pair, she tried a different brand / type ... but had to go right back to the Alpines. she gets the "party plug" set but I really like having different levels to choose from (ie, family gathering versus full blown Muse gig :LOL:)


and don't forget the kids ... they need even more hearing protection than adults. plugs AND headphones are the best.

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It's light outside so I'm going to guess the edge


Nice to know we aren't the only ones coming down from this area though, huh?


yeah I know, I was half asleep when I wrote that and saw the pic ,of course it was at The Edge, like they would be dressed the same after the show :rolleyes::LOL:

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