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I would say I'm obsessed with Muse. But I use my obsession more as an escape from my home life. Like it is my own world. I was reading a book about verbal abuse (which is what I deal with at home) and the effect it has on kids. One of the things was obsession. That made me think..hmmmmmm.

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I have only two Muser friends, but they're far from addicted as much as I am, so they don't understand why I like to talk to them about the band. And said friends are day-goes, and I'm a boarder, so I can't talk to them during 'after-hours'. I never really get to play my music out loud at boarding or at home, because I've been riduculed for it plenty of times :unsure: .

When I went to see Muse in Brisbane last year, I wasn't allowed to go by myself and my Dad was far from willing to go because I played some of the not so awesome songs out loud (my sister even offered him a torch, fold-up chair and the Queensland Country Life for him to read while he sits up the back of the mosh pit, which I will admit is a little funny). After he went to the gig though, he doesn't think they're so bad now, but I still use my iPod to listen to Muse.

The only place I can fully express my love for the band is here, unfortunately.

It's not a 'OMG I LOVE MUSE!!!!1!' addiction, but more of a very strong appreciation. I can't stand the sloppy love songs and trashy excuses of 'music' on the radio these days :noey: . Matt always writes his songs with a difference, and he doesn't use ridiculous cliches like everybody else does (seriously, how many times have you heard words like reconcile or absolution in a song?), and it's definitly more than love songs he writes. MK Ultra is about what was, and still is happening today, and Uprising was inspired by riots happening near his at-the-time house.

The actual music is on a completely different level.

How people cannot understand the :awesome:ness of Muse is beyond me... :noey:


End of rant. I apologise for it's length, but I feel much better now.

YKYATMW you accidentally write an essay.

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I tried so hard and I'm still trying to make my best friend a muser(she's the muser friend I refered to in a quote b4) and I think she's kinda like them but I can't share my obsession not even with her!Coz she doesn't love them like I do and she doesn't like the songs that are considered to be the "hardcore musers' songs" such us lke Microcuts...But I know that some of you can really understand me and I'm happy and proud of it:D:happy:


When I refer to Muse and especialy to Matt like "God" I don't mean he's a god like a religion.I say it instead of saying "he's gorgeous/very handsome/talented/super etc.It's not on "God status" or something is just how I can express my admiration for them;)


YKYATMW you share your secret admiration for someone so talented with ppl all over the world that you don't even know and you won't meet them,even thought thats the subject that you are ashamed about because ppl with who you have a special relationship make laugh of you for your obsession :)

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I have an obsessive personality, is all. This is my 3rd "obsession" :chuckle: Baby, I was born this way.


What are the other 2?



This happened almost 2 years ago, but YKYATMW: Your class has about 10 minutes to make a power point about any topic at all and you make yours about Muse (almost all the info from memory mind you) and present it to the class.

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Hmmm, my sibligns do agree that he has a beautiful/sexy voice, and that Muse have talent. but if the topic of Resistance comes out it's almost as if they never said that because "the whole album is fucking shit just as Muse has become". :stunned: It wasnt' THAT bad. My parents don't think they're amazing, they mostly just make fun of me and such, but they think Muse isn't super talented or anything. I'm glad they don't hate them with a passion, I suppose.


But, of course, when I change my last name, I'm just kidding. I don't mean to give the impression that I'm some lunatic who fantasizes of being married to a man who is, in fact, about to get married. (but I guess I give off that vibe.) I have, a few times, refered to Muse/Bellamy as "God" but I don't mean it. I'm an atheist, and I don't consider him to be a god no matter how devilishly handsome or talented. I accept other peoples obsessions, whether it be fucking Green Day or Fallout Boy or even The Biebs. Fair, it does not seem, for me to be considered obsessed, and for my love for a band to not be acceptable. I am just acknowledging and praising the talent that has been bestowed upon be with 5 albums, 2 live discs and DVDs. Excuse me for coming out of my shell-for once in my life- and sharing my love. If it makes you happy, society, I will crawl back into my cave and never speak of this band again. For I am obsessed. (Kay, that's the end now)


YKYATMW...this thread is making me speak in a manner in which I have never spoken before. So much thought compiled into one beautiful rant that it sounds like I've lost my fucking marblesPOTATOESOh look guys, she's back. ;)

(I have a real one, though.) YKYATMW I got really excited and started jumping around because I won Hullabaloo on tumblr. Who knew people actually win these contests.?


I can't quote everyone... oh what have I started here? :chuckle: I hope you guys know I wasn't pointing any fingers, and I know Sofia, your an atheist, so it was pretty obvious you couldn't be 'accused' :chuckle: I understand that music is an escape, and for me, I become interested in the musicians perspectives and such... not personal lives! I understand many other people are too, but some people do take it too far to me, which is sort of worshiping them. Again, I hope noone here is doing that, but respect and admiration is fair and healthy. I'm just going to rant again, so I'll stop, because I think you all know where I'm going. And I'm pretty sure it's evident that I'm one of the "lesser obsessed" musers on this thread, just as a factual (not accusatory) thing. Pretty sure that's more to do with having a wide array of bands I love just as much, so the love needs to be distributed round :)

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What are the other 2?



This happened almost 2 years ago, but YKYATMW: Your class has about 10 minutes to make a power point about any topic at all and you make yours about Muse (almost all the info from memory mind you) and present it to the class.

:facepalm: I'm ashamed of it. :p

I can't quote everyone... oh what have I started here? :chuckle: I hope you guys know I wasn't pointing any fingers, and I know Sofia, your an atheist, so it was pretty obvious you couldn't be 'accused' :chuckle: I understand that music is an escape, and for me, I become interested in the musicians perspectives and such... not personal lives! I understand many other people are too, but some people do take it too far to me, which is sort of worshiping them. Again, I hope noone here is doing that, but respect and admiration is fair and healthy. I'm just going to rant again, so I'll stop, because I think you all know where I'm going. And I'm pretty sure it's evident that I'm one of the "lesser obsessed" musers on this thread, just as a factual (not accusatory) thing. Pretty sure that's more to do with having a wide array of bands I love just as much, so the love needs to be distributed round :)

Oh my, my last post just seemed so angry! I wasn't mad at you or thinking you're accusatory in any way, I was mostly mad at everyone else (and no one on this beautiful board) about how I'm not allowed to be obsessed. :D

I definitely have an obsessive personality too xD Once I get into something, I'm totally hooked. It's kind of pathetic :chuckle:

:chuckle: yeah, It's like I can't ever get enough. I like it, and then I love it, and then I'm obsessed with it, and then people are half-joking about getting me counciling. Whoops. :LOL:

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YKYATMW you and your friend do this to some random survey :LOL:



she's the closest thing i have to a muser friend in real life :happy:


funny thing is, the survey was to prove how much smarter teenagers are than adults and me and my friend just screwed it up :LOL:

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Does your teacher like Muse too? That's pretty awesome either way :) And just a little funny :chuckle: [\quote]


He has never said he liked them but I think his gf saw them at Glastonbury last year...lucky woman! It is I was really pwoud that he had taken notice over the past 2 years how much I love Muse :D the rest of the class had a chuckle about it and agreed :LOL:

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YKYATMW you make a Matt Bellamy gnome in art class :D we had to make them facebook profiles so here's matt's http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002513660960 :p I still need to add more info....don't know what to add...if you have any suggestions tell me :D

Also, this is being marked (the fb page too) so I can't be friends with non-gnomes until after Tuesday (which is the last day of school :awesome:)


My friend made one of Dom http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002512398607&sk=wall :D

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YKYATMW you make a Matt Bellamy gnome in art class :D we had to make them facebook profiles so here's matt's http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002513660960 :p I still need to add more info....don't know what to add...if you have any suggestions tell me :D

Also, this is being marked (the fb page too) so I can't be friends with non-gnomes until after Tuesday (which is the last day of school :awesome:)


My friend made one of Dom http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002512398607&sk=wall :D


this is great :) so accurate...

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YKYATMW you make a Matt Bellamy gnome in art class :D we had to make them facebook profiles so here's matt's http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002513660960 :p I still need to add more info....don't know what to add...if you have any suggestions tell me :D

Also, this is being marked (the fb page too) so I can't be friends with non-gnomes until after Tuesday (which is the last day of school :awesome:)


My friend made one of Dom http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002512398607&sk=wall :D


:LOL::LOL: Great Bellagnome profile!

You should add Zetas of course,and bananas and guitar raping:p

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YKYATMW you make a Matt Bellamy gnome in art class :D we had to make them facebook profiles so here's matt's http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002513660960 :p I still need to add more info....don't know what to add...if you have any suggestions tell me :D

Also, this is being marked (the fb page too) so I can't be friends with non-gnomes until after Tuesday (which is the last day of school :awesome:)


My friend made one of Dom http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002512398607&sk=wall :D


Oh, those are adorable!! :awesome:

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:eek: That's so awesome! Did you email him about the soccer games?


Yeah, I jokingly suggested that they have some in Rotherham, his hometown, which I live near. He emailed back asking how Rotherham was these days :awesome: I replied, but he never replied again :( oh well, I can now die happy (well, I just need to meet/talk to Dom and then I'll be at peace :p)

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It's been a while... I've been so busy lately, and I shouldn't really be on here right now even! Oh well, I need a break :)


:facepalm: I'm ashamed of it. :p


Oh my, my last post just seemed so angry! I wasn't mad at you or thinking you're accusatory in any way, I was mostly mad at everyone else (and no one on this beautiful board) about how I'm not allowed to be obsessed. :D

Alright, you're totally allowed to be angry -- I gotchya; I just wanted to make sure that wasn't being directed at me when I didn't mean to stir anything up.

YKYATMW you and your friend do this to some random survey :LOL:



she's the closest thing i have to a muser friend in real life :happy:


funny thing is, the survey was to prove how much smarter teenagers are than adults and me and my friend just screwed it up :LOL:

:chuckle: at the survey. Whoops.... "you've blown it!" (quoting Dom... couldn't resist, I love the way he says it)

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(I didn't want to delete any smileys, so sorry for the double post)



Does your teacher like Muse too? That's pretty awesome either way :) And just a little funny :chuckle: [\quote]


He has never said he liked them but I think his gf saw them at Glastonbury last year...lucky woman! It is I was really pwoud that he had taken notice over the past 2 years how much I love Muse :D the rest of the class had a chuckle about it and agreed :LOL:

Ah I see :)

By the way, your sig about citizens erased.com... where is that quote from?

YKYATMW you make a Matt Bellamy gnome in art class :D we had to make them facebook profiles so here's matt's http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002513660960 :p I still need to add more info....don't know what to add...if you have any suggestions tell me :D

Also, this is being marked (the fb page too) so I can't be friends with non-gnomes until after Tuesday (which is the last day of school :awesome:)


My friend made one of Dom http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002512398607&sk=wall :D

Cute gnomes! Well done on the interests and such!

YKYATMW you celebrate your graduation by blasting Muse while driving out of the parking lot and not caring who sees you and your sisters and cousin headbanging (which was a lot!) going out in style. :cool::\mm/:

It's your day! That's the time to do whatever and just have a good time!

Yeah, I jokingly suggested that they have some in Rotherham, his hometown, which I live near. He emailed back asking how Rotherham was these days :awesome: I replied, but he never replied again :( oh well, I can now die happy (well, I just need to meet/talk to Dom and then I'll be at peace :p)

I'm assuming you met/talked to/was replied to by Matt? Or are you just interested in those two?

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@Lupus it's from Manchester LCCC last year, Matt introduced it by saying "so I think where gonna change our website from muse.mu to citizenerased.com :D just because citizen erased had the most votes on the poll I think. Sorry for not quoting not got the hang of it dully via my iPod.

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