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Yea, it's been a while since I've been on here... I couldn't take it any longer



Oh good, somebody gets the reference! Haha!

YKYATMW your friend sends you a text about playing call of duty and when he abbreviates it as cod, you read it as city of delusion

Psh, what ELSE would it say? I mean, who abbreviates Call of Duty? :LOL: I love typing in sarcasm.

YKYATMW you have to physically restrain yourself from dancing to TIRO on the bus (or basically any Muse song!) and potentially scaring other kids/ eternally embarassing yourself. :$

Too late for me! Well, public transit that is :$:p



Your bring out the old PS2... go on G1 Jockey 4, rear a grey horse, you named Dead Star, (whos a jumper) race it and then you win the race while the song Dead Star is playing.

Now you know the cheat to win :p This is proof that Muse is psychologically beneficial, because they send out good, lucky vibes even electronically :chuckle:

actually, my brothers would probably tell you guys...


YKYATMW first thing your teacher says when he walks into the classroom is "oh, hey, sofia! I heard your husband is gonna be playing at Reading&Leeds!"

Pass on the thanks to your bro :p

And really? How do your teachers know about this stuff!?

I'm just wondering, how much do you have to know Muse to be considered a "muser"?

my friend has, i think, 24 songs by Muse so far and she's seen lots of funny Muse videos...and a few live videos, she spends lots of time looking up pics of Matt, and she now wants to buy a Muse shirt....She asked me if she'd be considered a Muser but I'm not really sure :rolleyes: she calls herself a "noob muser" :chuckle:

I know this whole post is kinda stupid but would she be considered a pwoper muser? if so, I've successfully converted someone :D

You know how often you see my name on this thread, and I still think I'm a newbie muser! But sometimes I'd like to think I'm pretty close... lets just say I think you just know in a way. And all in perspective... some would call me a muser already, and some would say I know absolutely nothing.

I thought I was a Muser after seeing them once, having one shirt, knowing all the songs, and watching most of the videos. But I came on here and was like :stunned: what the hell is TiRO? and PiB? Tha fuck does that mean? YOU GUYS DONT LIKE THE RESISTANCE? what is WRONG with you?

but they straightened me out. :LOL:


YKYATMW you totally FREAK OUT when you find out Matt has a twitter!

It was 5am and my spidey senses were tingling....I picked up my ipod and I just felt like a surge of something, i guess it's hard to explain. I had a whole bunch of messages and a few texts from Muser friends and that's when I realized it :eek: MATT. GOT. A. TWITTER. I couldn't sleep after that....It's like I FELT him get one. Crazy stuff, right there.


Wait, I didn't know hating TR was in the definition of a muser? Well, if that's what you have to do to be a muser, I suppose I'll never be one. It's not my all time fav album, but I'm not gonna change my taste to fit some definition. I'm gonna be a dedicated fan in my own right, and I don't have to be a muser to be that.


Yea, I think I must have sensed something too... because I conveniently went to the Muse Wiki and saw it on the side bar there, when I haven't had the need to visit it for about a week.


Hah! YKYATMW you think over a week passing by without going to the MuseWiki is an unusually long time :chuckle:

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have you guys seen this?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Wolstenholme :LOL::LOL:



i sorta had a friend like that, she was slightly obsessed. now she's over them :(

i sometimes talk to her about Muse though



i was on my way to first period when i found out :awesome:


i have musey senses, i usually know when they're on the radio. i'll just randomly get the urge to turn on the radio and they'll be on or i'll be watching music videos on tv and they'll be on too




weird, me and my sister did something like this yesterday

someone left the tv on after watching The Tourist and we hear Starlight and run to the room and start bouncing and clapping along all over the place :chuckle:

there happened to be a trampoline in the room as well and i almost fell off it from all the excitement :$




when you feel relieved just being on here

i'm currently on a homework break



My mum watched The Tourist and said Starlight was in the credits or something! It's a shame my sister and I weren't there, we had to be at school :indiff:

I also just listened to Time Is Running Out on On Demand and right after, Map of The Problematique was playing to a trailer of The Tourist. My sister and I were like :awesome:

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Oh good, somebody gets the reference! Haha!

wait, what reference?

sorry i'm clueless :unsure:


My mum watched The Tourist and said Starlight was in the credits or something! It's a shame my sister and I weren't there, we had to be at school :indiff:

I also just listened to Time Is Running Out on On Demand and right after, Map of The Problematique was playing to a trailer of The Tourist. My sister and I were like :awesome:

i remember when i had On Demand, like years ago, the only Muse song i saw on there was Knights, but the HAARP version :awesome:


YKYATMW: Yesterday, since the clouds were so FLUFFEH, I was looking for the butterflies :awesome:

I love the picture for Butterflies and Hurricanes :happy:

:eek: yesterday the clouds in the sky were fluffy too

i also happened to be looking for butterflies :chuckle:

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My mum watched The Tourist and said Starlight was in the credits or something! It's a shame my sister and I weren't there, we had to be at school :indiff:

I also just listened to Time Is Running Out on On Demand and right after, Map of The Problematique was playing to a trailer of The Tourist. My sister and I were like :awesome:

Everyone suddenly love the Tourist... wonder why :chuckle:

wait, what reference?

sorry i'm clueless :unsure:

It was a very vague reference to when Dom was commenting on a fan sending him in a picture of his head on a loaf of bread. He says the fan mail just keeps getting weirder, and weirder, and weirder (ok, so if I wanted to be specific, I shoulda put it three times haha!)

when you go MENTAL when Chris, Dom, and Matt all tweet at the same time :eek::awesome:


Damn! I missed it by about an hour!

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Everyone suddenly love the Tourist... wonder why :chuckle:


It was a very vague reference to when Dom was commenting on a fan sending him in a picture of his head on a loaf of bread. He says the fan mail just keeps getting weirder, and weirder, and weirder (ok, so if I wanted to be specific, I shoulda put it three times haha!)



Damn! I missed it by about an hour!

haha, i get it :chuckle:


i missed the Twitter "party" too :'(




When you sign up for text alerts from @muse @CTWolstenholme @Bellamy_Matt

i just got a text from @muse like 10 minutes ago :happy:

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Yea, it's been a while since I've been on here... I couldn't take it any

Pass on the thanks to your bro :p

And really? How do your teachers know about this stuff!?

Oooh, this is so complicated. My History teacher saw Muse is concert when he was in Seattle...I have no idea why, but I guess he was just invited, i mean he's not really a fan. My Enlgish and History teachers both jsut generally have good taste in music :LOL: My English teacher is like, the coolest teacher ever....She sometimes plays Muse during class :D And I bet they both are subscribed to Rolling Stone or something, or just surf the web...A LOT. Dunno how they know so much bout Matt&Kate.

When your bf looks scarily like Matt.

Am I shallow? I couldn't help it

I'd do the same. :p

I missed a tweet by all three of them??? shit now i wish i didnt go on that date.... what did the say?!?!?!?!?

:LOL: YKYATMW you regret going on a date because you missed some tweets.


YKYATMW your friend invites you to leave town during Spring Break and your first though it "but...but what if Matt tweets?" but once you get there, there's wifi and you're happy.

YKYATMW you can't help thinking that if you were at home when it happened, you would have known immediately. (really, I found out about 30 minutes later, at home, it would have been 30 seconds)

YKYATMW you just came into some money, and the first thing you're buying is a Muse Hoodie and the Reading&Leeds NME with Matt on the front. :)

YKYATMW your mom actually sits you down and has a serious talk about how obsessive you are. :$


Oh My Matt, I haven't been on here for at least 2 weeks. I had so much homework, and then I went with my friend...I missed this place! I used to be here all day every day :LOL: im a fucking addict. Well, It's spring break, so I'm back for now. :LOL:

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Oh My Matt, I haven't been on here for at least 2 weeks. I had so much homework, and then I went with my friend...I missed this place! I used to be here all day every day :LOL: im a fucking addict. Well, It's spring break, so I'm back for now. :LOL:


Oh my Matt? Really? :LOL:


Anyway... When you annoy your friend, who was a huge Muse fan even before you, with all your talking about Muse all the time.

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Oh my Matt? Really? :LOL:


Anyway... When you annoy your friend, who was a huge Muse fan even before you, with all your talking about Muse all the time.


Hey, this is the Obsessive Thread, isn't it!? :LOL: I said "Oh My Matt" once or twice, and ever since, my best friend has been saying it...and she's not even a muser..


I know what you mean....My brother was a Muser before me and he gets annoyed at my Muse referrences sometimes. My friends are always annoyed at me, I can see it in their eyes even though they don't say it.:LOL:

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Hey, this is the Obsessive Thread, isn't it!? :LOL: I said "Oh My Matt" once or twice, and ever since, my best friend has been saying it...and she's not even a muser..


I know what you mean....My brother was a Muser before me and he gets annoyed at my Muse referrences sometimes. My friends are always annoyed at me, I can see it in their eyes even though they don't say it.:LOL:


So that would be OMM. I'm gonna start saying that now. Not as an abbreviation, as a word. OMM!

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haha, i get it :chuckle:


i missed the Twitter "party" too :'(




When you sign up for text alerts from @muse @CTWolstenholme @Bellamy_Matt

i just got a text from @muse like 10 minutes ago :happy:

Oh yay, I made a joke! :LOL:

Yea, and looks like I missed the second mini party haha!

Oooh, this is so complicated. My History teacher saw Muse is concert when he was in Seattle...I have no idea why, but I guess he was just invited, i mean he's not really a fan. My Enlgish and History teachers both jsut generally have good taste in music :LOL: My English teacher is like, the coolest teacher ever....She sometimes plays Muse during class :D And I bet they both are subscribed to Rolling Stone or something, or just surf the web...A LOT. Dunno how they know so much bout Matt&Kate.


I'd do the same. :p


:LOL: YKYATMW you regret going on a date because you missed some tweets.


YKYATMW your friend invites you to leave town during Spring Break and your first though it "but...but what if Matt tweets?" but once you get there, there's wifi and you're happy.

YKYATMW you can't help thinking that if you were at home when it happened, you would have known immediately. (really, I found out about 30 minutes later, at home, it would have been 30 seconds)

YKYATMW you just came into some money, and the first thing you're buying is a Muse Hoodie and the Reading&Leeds NME with Matt on the front. :)

YKYATMW your mom actually sits you down and has a serious talk about how obsessive you are. :$


Oh My Matt, I haven't been on here for at least 2 weeks. I had so much homework, and then I went with my friend...I missed this place! I used to be here all day every day :LOL: im a fucking addict. Well, It's spring break, so I'm back for now. :LOL:

Wow... just wow :chuckle:

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