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lol, kind

Welll.....I don't know anymore :p

It's just confusing. "I love Muse and P!ATD..." that is like saying "I love Metallica and Lady Gaga"

plus, please don't take this offensively XD but P!ATD is a no-no on my list.


And what exactly is wrong with loving Metallica and Lady Gaga?

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:supersad: I don't get why so many students hate their student teachers :noey: We are fun college students who are super excited to be teaching. I'm very fortunate in that most of my students seem to really like me (with a few notable exceptions, of course... but there's always a few :chuckle: )




My experiences didn't give them such a bad reputation, but I hear more and more from students complaining that they don't know about or aren't into the subject they're teaching. I can't comment on every single student teacher though... I mean, if teachers are supposedly better than ever, they had to start somewhere right? So frankly, I think being a student teacher just means you might need to put in a little more effort in to win over students at first, and it looks like you're doin' just fine :)

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When you want a lot of Musers on this thread to say, "Happy Birthday!!" :awesome:


I'm a bit late but Happy Birthday! (I love how this turned into a competition)

:LOL: Really though, wishing you an awesome day.


YKYATMW you smile like an idiot with every time Muse is written somewhere on the Grammy site. I can't wait for them to show America what real music sounds like!

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lol, kind

Welll.....I don't know anymore :p

It's just confusing. "I love Muse and P!ATD..." that is like saying "I love Metallica and Lady Gaga"

plus, please don't take this offensively XD but P!ATD is a no-no on my list.



:LOL: I understand what you mean. My music taste ranges from Muse to Panic! to a few other "unmentionable" bands. I have some guilty pleasures from the Fueled by Ramen record label on my iPod. But at least I don't have any rap or country (sorry to anyone who does like those genres)!


p.s.- Metallica and Lady Gaga are awesome!


sorry, off topic!


YKYATMW you watch a commercial for a recording of the Oxegyn Festival 2010 airing on Friday with Muse playing "Resistance" and the entire time, you stare at the TV all mesmerized and stuff.

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YKYATMW you're supposed to be drawing stuff that describes you for art class but instead, you just draw Muse related stuff :facepalm:

well, it DOES kinda describe me :rolleyes:


Well, actually, that really does describe you, so you did the exact thing that you were supposed to do in the first place. :yesey:

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I'm a bit late but Happy Birthday! (I love how this turned into a competition)

:LOL: Really though, wishing you an awesome day.


YKYATMW you smile like an idiot with every time Muse is written somewhere on the Grammy site. I can't wait for them to show America what real music sounds like!


Thank you very much :) It doesn't matter to me whther it's a late say or not, but thanks again :LOL:

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:LOL: I understand what you mean. My music taste ranges from Muse to Panic! to a few other "unmentionable" bands. I have some guilty pleasures from the Fueled by Ramen record label on my iPod. But at least I don't have any rap or country (sorry to anyone who does like those genres)!


p.s.- Metallica and Lady Gaga are awesome!


sorry, off topic!


YKYATMW you watch a commercial for a recording of the Oxegyn Festival 2010 airing on Friday with Muse playing "Resistance" and the entire time, you stare at the TV all mesmerized and stuff.


oh no i didn't mean that Metallica or Lady Gaga suck, I meant it's an odd combo!


I have different genres too. I i think i know what you mean by "unmentionable" bands...As in, we can't mention them on the forums right? :LOL: like swearing in church. I have songs by a few of those...hate the bands but some of them have good songs. I do have a few from Fueled by Ramen as well *cough,cough, paramore* giulty pleasure :D But ya i dont have rap or country either :p luckilly.

if i saw that commercial i'd die.


YKYATMW you're watching a movie and for about 10 seconds you think that Peter Facinelli is Matt. I'M SEEING THINGS... :facepalm:

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:supersad: I don't get why so many students hate their student teachers :noey: We are fun college students who are super excited to be teaching. I'm very fortunate in that most of my students seem to really like me (with a few notable exceptions, of course... but there's always a few :chuckle: )



i'm sorry :(


She was mad because I didn't want to go to school :(

But, I had my reasons to stay home though, so then she ripped them down, and I had to put it all back up where as it looks ugly because I forget how I had them before :indiff:


And Belldomrific!! :LOL:

I want to get 2 fishies and name one Dom and one Matt. But then, I would need to get a ChrisCrab... :stunned:

awww :(

at the fish/crab thing :LOL:


and Happy Birthday, if it's not too late :]


When, in the shower, you sing the ingredients on your shampoo to the tune of Exo-Politics... :$



YKYATMW you're sitting in the library doing your work by yourself, and you start singing along to Sunburn... and all the little 12 year olds look at you and wonder what the hell you're on :p

i usually find myself singing out loud to Muse when i'm shopping :chuckle:



When you knew they were going to play Muse songs on the Superbowl

and when you weren't really rooting for anyone, but you decided to go for the Steelers because they used Knights of Cydonia :awesome:

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YKYATMW you have to create a poster on the Infectious Process (how germs move between living beings) and you add a few Muse-related images in there. Basically, Dom has a bacteria that he transmits to Matt's bananas, which Matt eats, gets him sick, causes him to sneeze, and transmits the bacteria to a chicken.


When, in the shower, you sing the ingredients on your shampoo to the tune of Exo-Politics... :$



YKYATMW You find the idea of a four-piece band weird.


Yup, I'm listening to Queen (Death on Two Legs - best song ever!), and I thought that it was weird to have major piano and guitar lines at the same time... :facepalm:

er…Cross Pollination? :erm:

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YKYATMW You find the idea of a four-piece band weird.


Yup, I'm listening to Queen (Death on Two Legs - best song ever!), and I thought that it was weird to have major piano and guitar lines at the same time... :facepalm:


Yep, I started a band with a couple of my friends about a month ago and I was like: "We can't have four members!" Then one of my friends asked: "Because of Muse?" "Yeah..."




But I think overall it is better to have four members, because:

1: More instruments

2. Don't have to edit songs so much

3. Can play songs live without backing tracks or extra members

4. Repeat 1-3 :D

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YKYATMW someone asks you "what do you in free time?" and you begin the answer with "Well, I go to the Muse forum and..."


The one who asked you: :wtf::wtf:?!?

You: :facepalm: Shit...



BTW, is it "in free time" or "at free time"?


Haha! Its a lovely way to make use of your time!

Well, depends on how your saying it (context)... usually its during your free time, (what do you do during your free time?) but "in" is kinda the next best thing.

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