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wtf is sexy plane? hear it everywhere but never seemed to catch meaning. plz tell me!


I'm sorry, I suck at explaining, maybe someone else can help, please?


Duuux? You said you'd write a sexy plane explanation in the group, so I could link to it whenever someone asks. I can has noa?


I thought it was Jimmy Kane: Sex in Pain: Sexy Plane :erm:

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Its for the acrobatic people that they had Wembley 2 years ago. Matt said they would be back for these stadium gigs


Except this time it will be an UFO with probably an alien hanging from it trying to kidnap Matt.

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i bloody hope not, it will be 2007 all over again


Acrobats for FAWY would be an instant win


I dunno, I like Blackout live, it was awesome at Wembley.


It's the only song I can think of that'd work with the 'Heliospheres'. Maybe with Unintended? They played that at the rehearsals.


FAWY is a long shot.

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