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the new stage is obviously designed so those further away (most of the audience at a stadium) can get the full effect. the GC area looks a bit awkward, like you would be very much to one side. i wish pip would hurry up and post :LOL: so we can hear all about it.

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you're right. the person didn't point out how part of those 100 pages were pointless comments on unconfirmed setlists and how the band has become ___ or ___ and ___ too (fill in the blanks). massive fail on the poster's part, i agree. who cares they were at the gig, it's the THREAD that matters, not the gig or how the band played :LOL:


so you would just jump into a conversation outside saying "you're all talking shit, I was there, this is how it was" without knowing any of the previous discussion. Maybe not the 200 pages which went before, but if they'd looked at maybe a couple of pages immediately before their post, they'd see that the beef was with the setlist, not the show as a whole

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Well not exactly many times... Just once. The suit was soooo cheesy:LOL:.

Thought it was funny that "der Bund", Berne's most renowned newspaper, talked about the show lacking a humorous / ironic feeling:



Weeeeell I would have thought that a glittery suit and ridiculous glasses should have been humorous enough for them... :stunned:


Don't have time for a thourough review, but the gig was very good. I personally preferred Hallenstadion last November because it was dark from the beginning; that adds atmosphere. But this show definitely had a very 'new' feeling to it (band seemed quite nervous before), which was great. And of course, having been a protestor helped the excitement of it:D.

Btw talked to a few people that had never seen Muse live before and thought they weren't good judging from youtube-vids. They were absolutely thrilled. So Muse have not lost all of their touch as a live band, even though a lot of old-school fans seem to think so (I btw never thought so and have been a fan from about 2003):happy:.

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The person didn't bother to read 100 pages, but could still make the assumption that those 100 pages was just people saying the gig was awful?


I read it as I went along and it's been pages and pages of people getting on their high horses because Muse didn't play songs from fan poll, lots of over the top drama, "that's it for Muse for me" "I'm going to sell my tickets" kind of thing! The grumbling was happening even before people knew about the songs not being played: "Dull setlist", "tacky stage" "lazy Muse" etc. And the grumbling has been going on for weeks before the gigs ever happened about the fact that they might choose to play Citizen Erased and Bliss, "what a copout" kind of thing, even though the fans had voted for them. That wasn't good enough either!


Just same old basically! It's not the expression of criticism that makes it such a car crash, it's the way people deliver it.

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Anti-Fascist evening stroll at the Stade de Suisse! Really? All lies, of course. The 70 masked, armed with torches and banners, protesters who boarded just before half past eight clock stage at the Stade de Suisse, and call for resistance, are Bernese extras, who were recruited at short notice on Monday for this deposit. They should agree on what is to come. A little later, her Bernese open namely Muse show, and thus their tour of the biggest stadiums in the world with the protest song "Uprising" (German: Insurrection).


An uprising in the corporate temple? The million-dollar showbiz? lets go before a band with a guitarist in the silver suit and a double neck guitar? Fairly unpunk. And still more worse than a joke.


That a band like Muse has even occurred in such a place, in such a framework has something subversive. After all, create the three Britons, with music, which is German for the Swiss daily program radios to brachial and bulky and crazy, to attract the 35,000 fans. Not bad for a band without a countable hit, not bad for a band that has been in 15 years, no compromise.


Stage like a house


And so are on singer, guitarist and songwriter Matthew Bellamy, bassist Chris Wolstenholme and drummer Dominic Howard, no less than a blinking and steaming monster stage. A six-family of Westside architect Daniel Libeskind, it could be this monster with sharp angles and falling lines, which was carted in at just under 40 semi-tractors and his development during a week-absorbed 140 workers.


Too dense populated this stage, however. Only a part-time employees supported the trio at times. Otherwise: no wind, no background singers, no second, and third guitar player out there. Here, too, Muse foutieren therefore standard industry practices. But perhaps additional Musizierpersonal to 35,000 times the hearing would have led overthrow. Amazing what you can do for a crash three and a half men with the help of something much technology. On this nearly two-hour concert this evening scratches but often the pain threshold.


Strange Song bastards


Thus, although many a delicacy by the wayside, but not the baroque elegance of this strange song bastards. Relentlessly, the musesche sound cosmos of pomp, pathos and prog rock mills into the brain. Despite some sluggish moments at the beginning Muse have their clients when needed fix in the bag. Band classics such as "Starlight," "Time Is Running Out" or "Plug In Baby 'the audience bouncing and turning in 35,000 clapping lucky. Resistance is futile, ear plugs anyway. The demonstrators had no chance despite superior numbers.


Comments on that page:


After the concert, I'm even more MUSE fan than I already was before. Almost two hours apart, abandon yourself to the spectacle, music and text, that was exactly the what I needed. I'm the greatest desire to visit the concert again. What I still mega found that despite Strassencaos Bern and construction sites, the Sovereign managed to control the traffic. It is with the necessary calm and em:)


Was there and it was just terrific! Muse impress and are purely from a musical forth perhaps the best band in the world. Less than perfect sound and a singer who missed not a single sound, there live rare. Yesterday Muse, Rammstein next week, what more could you want! The musical heart beats faster and faster! = D


I thought it once was MUSE. But it was just the beginning so quietly that no aufkam.Dies mood changed only when it was dark and the light effects took their share. Disappointing was the online vote, which took place with 'Citizen Erased' a clear winner. So the band had, according to this newspaper that song again rehearse new - to put it then to not play. Conclusion: too expensive



Thanks Stephan Baumann. I could describe it any better. It was wonderful to see all the happy faces in the audience, which let yourself be inspired by the art of Muse. It's also nice that the band has not sold for years with the ever increasing success, but even still is - just on a bigger stage with more technical capabilities.


A real live concert, without disturbing dance and stage show that distract from the music. Here just the music took center stage. Away from mainstream radio pabulum, towards proper skirt.


It is indescribable, almost not to put into words what MUSE offers both live. Do you have to see live! Every time even crazier, more absorbing. You stand there with wondering eyes and mouth open. The only thing that one is left in this trance, it is carried away from the many einprasselnden on a mood, which are produced by music, light, and show, let. WOW!

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The branch of the stadium Rocks is a unique discipline in the Wall Came Down. This is about much more than the noble music scene. It is a demonstration of power, the value of a tape is measured in the number of tons of light material, which she drags around the world. In this competition the staging occupied the British group Muse, who was still admire to ten years ago as a modest, shy indie hope in the Fribourg Frison, now a top position.


The stage-building, they at the start of their guild arena tour with 49 semi-trailers (so that they are only 11 semi-trailer truck behind the Rolling Stones) to Bern has had to create projects, loose on the roof of the Stade de Suisse, warned in his futuristic and functional architecture of modern station buildings of medium-sized Swiss cities - with the difference that the muse-station mutated in the night of impressive flashing lights monument, which also ever used as a launching pad of a flying saucer.


The concert opener turns also to the policy group show of force: In a casting 60 hobby demonstrators were chosen, the rioting is now wrapped up on the stage may, with banners, suggesting the Rebellion, yet so dull is that in the end nothing but the pure gesture remains . "You and I must fight for our rights" is, as written about - phrases for everything and nothing. Whether behind it is a subversive idea, or merely a parody Subversive again, that's when this group is no longer identify as accurately. Similarly unclear was long time whether it muse with her latest record "The Resistance" is really been serious, has on what the band from the English Teignmouth the big gestures overstates the rock into a caricature, a sort queenesker Bohemian-Rhapsody-megalomania intimacy .


to close to the gigantism after, the muse during the performance at the Stade de Suisse indulge an ironic refraction seems unlikely. And the beauty is that it can not krummnehmen them once. The trio, which is reinforced with only one acting in the background auxiliary keyboardist, sounds like a monstrous rock big band, every note gleams in breathtaking bombast, every melody is inflated to the anthem, every guitar chord to the manifesto. And when the whole muscle man - culminating in the musical pretension, "United States of Eurasia" threat - losing its effect, dims muse down the production with the soulful adaptation of "Feeling Good" or the poppy "Undisclosed Desires" temporary, the latter at least offered to a small hydraulic roll spaceship - too modest if one is then not give it. But this is only the start to further atrocities. In "Starlight" Muse reach a massive turgid, as they were able to accomplish U2 not even in their most brilliant periods, and for the final out, the band is still not possible to hold a tooth. Muse 2010's have become megalomania, as it will be hard to beat. And even if there any sensuality hopelessly by the wayside, stadium rock has rarely made more fun.

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Well not exactly many times... Just once. The suit was soooo cheesy:LOL:.

Thought it was funny that "der Bund", Berne's most renowned newspaper, talked about the show lacking a humorous / ironic feeling:



Weeeeell I would have thought that a glittery suit and ridiculous glasses should have been humorous enough for them... :stunned:


Don't have time for a thourough review, but the gig was very good. I personally preferred Hallenstadion last November because it was dark from the beginning; that adds atmosphere. But this show definitely had a very 'new' feeling to it (band seemed quite nervous before), which was great. And of course, having been a protestor helped the excitement of it:D.

Btw talked to a few people that had never seen Muse live before and thought they weren't good judging from youtube-vids. They were absolutely thrilled. So Muse have not lost all of their touch as a live band, even though a lot of old-school fans seem to think so (I btw never thought so and have been a fan from about 2003):happy:.


Yeah I always think You tube videos don't capture fully what it's like. Did you meet the band before the gig then?

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I personally preferred Hallenstadion last November because it was dark from the beginning; that adds atmosphere.


You're right. Songs like Starlight seem like they were written just to be played in the dark.


Luckily, September sunsets in the UK happen around 19:30 so hopefully, at LCCC/Wembley, the whole gig should be at night (if I'm right in thinking it starts at about 8?)

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I read it as I went along and it's been pages and pages of people getting on their high horses because Muse didn't play songs from fan poll, lots of over the top drama, "that's it for Muse for me" "I'm going to sell my tickets" kind of thing! The grumbling was happening even before people knew about the songs not being played: "Dull setlist", "tacky stage" "lazy Muse" etc. And the grumbling has been going on for weeks before the gigs ever happened about the fact that they might choose to play Citizen Erased and Bliss, "what a copout" kind of thing, even though the fans had voted for them. That wasn't good enough either!


Just same old basically! It's not the expression of criticism that makes it such a car crash, it's the way people deliver it.


I'm holding fire on the stage because it may well look better in situ, but from the pictures, it looks pretty... bleh. I don't know what it is, but it just doesn't sit all that well. The non appearance of poll songs is inexcusable in my mind - if you ask for fan input and say you'll honour it, do it, don't go on to ignore it - as for the setlist in general... I'm hoping it evolves, but equally so, if it does, I'll feel sorry for people seeing them at this end of the tour as opposed to the end or late middle of it.

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I thought it once was MUSE. But it was just the beginning so quietly that no aufkam.Dies mood changed only when it was dark and the light effects took their share. Disappointing was the online vote, which took place with 'Citizen Erased' a clear winner. So the band had, according to this newspaper that song again rehearse new - to put it then to not play. Conclusion: too expensive


Hmmm... Could someone well versed in the language translate it better for us? This looks like it holds something of interest.

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Yeah I always think You tube videos don't capture fully what it's like. Did you meet the band before the gig then?


Unfortunately not personally, no... But we rehearsed the evening before and were within a few metres of them on the stage. Was a shame we didn't get to shake hands though:D


As you've probably read, we were treated pretty shit during the rehearsals the day before the concert (Deadstar wrote an account somewhere that I fully agree with). But yesterday was muuuuch better... They had apparently realised that we were real fans, not just desperate for a free ticket, and tried to make up for the day before. Just a little waiting this time, very good organisation, coffee and tea (and cokes and water) at our disposal, many thanks. Still, a thanks directly from Muse would of course have been great... But as I said, they seemed reeaallyy nervous the evening before to me, and the experience was gratifying enough in itself:happy:.

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