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OMG!!finally muse will come to malaysia..i hope this time there'll be no more stupid excuses fm msian gov(ever heard rumors that muse planned to come to msia earlier this year but the gov insisted that they were blackmetal so they cant get thru)<<stupid eh?


anyway i'm new here but i've been a muse fan since a couple of years ago..

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standing it is, then. thanks for helping me reach a decision. I'll prolly go there bright and early. 11 or so. tho i might end up being the only one there...which is gonna make me look stupid but hey, that ain't gonna hurt my image any, since i have none to speak of in the first place.


but there might be some hardcore punks (i don't mean that by genre, i call most kids punks anyway, like my dad does) who might already be campin there brighter and earlier. possibly even before the former. like i said, punks.


and i don't remember the restaurant looking like that...i feel like removing that dome like a tupperware cover. and that monk concert looks fascinating...

the stadium negara restaurant that you keep mention is right in front of my office building...

i think it's only open at night...

it's kind of old school retaurant setting...looks like they never renovate it since 1960s

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hey long time no see- i mean hear- no talk- or type. or it could be msg. or chat. but no, no not chat. yeah.


congrats Debs on gettin your ticket!!!

:eek:WOW MUSE ARE COMING TO :stunned: Kuala Lumpur.- bleah..lagi no chance

Stadium Negara = Wembley Arena that big?

should i go to scary Fort Canning or Stadium Negara which is a zillion light years away..

which show do u guys think is gonna be better than the other?


WA MAU TIKIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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what i find even more amazing than the fact they even had m'sia on their radar at all and made good on their landing on it, tho, is the fact that the organizers have finally gotten through the thick heads of those who run our Immigration Dept. that's truly a feat, if i ever saw one.


cool eh they actually thought about Msia!

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cool eh they actually thought about Msia!


they were probably thinking of me~:p


Well, the star claims it's at stadium negara.. but half the bloggers i googled says it's in stadium merdeka, so it can be pretty much anywhere isn't it?


i don't really trust the star to get their facts straight:supertong

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Stadium Negara = Wembley Arena that big?

should i go to scary Fort Canning or Stadium Negara which is a zillion light years away..

which show do u guys think is gonna be better than the other?


stadium negara.. just because i hope that's gonna be a huge rockin show.


then again, maybe muse just wanna come to malaysia for some conspiracy theories idea for their next album u know :eek:

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tickets are bought with galaxy.com.my, and they have a privilege card.. the thing is, registration is per invitation only, and their button to apply for the privilege card (G-Icon Club) is pretty much non-functional.


:rolleyes: i'm not too sure it's deliberate, but whatever..



anyway, i did some work and found out a link to register for a card anyway, and here it is =




well, u get a 5% discount for the first 2 tix, so u can use the money to buy popcorn instead or sth :LOL:


anyway, use the link judiciously.. i hope the card comes to my email fast~ i'm not exactly bloating with money right now:(

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hello! so uhh, i was just thinking right. surely, Muse isnt gonna play every single song off all 5 of their albums..


so what songs do you reaaally really want Muse to play live, that they hardly play live anymore? mine are


1. Sing For Absolution

2. Falling Away With You (they've never played this live before. damn it)

3. Glorious

4. Futurism

5. Dead Star

6. In Your (freakin) World.

7. Muscle Museuumm!

8. Shrinking Universe


yep, that's all i've got so far. what's yours?

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I'm hoping against all hope that they'll play Unintended but I might as well wish for it to snow here in M'sia.


Don't really have anything specific in mind. Anything they play will sound good to me, since I've never heard any of em live with my very own ears. If they play Unintended, though, it'd sound beyond good. It'd sound absolutely D-I-V-I-N-E.


But then again, I guess seeing a white xmas here this year would be more probable.

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I'm hoping against all hope that they'll play Unintended but I might as well wish for it to snow here in M'sia.


Don't really have anything specific in mind. Anything they play will sound good to me, since I've never heard any of em live with my very own ears. If they play Unintended, though, it'd sound beyond good. It'd sound absolutely D-I-V-I-N-E.


But then again, I guess seeing a white xmas here this year would be more probable.


LOL.. i assumed you'd want them to play Glorious, actually.

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ok just excuse me for a while since i've been away n didnt have a chance to check any info on d net i might b well behind time.. i noe its old news but i am FREAKING HAPPY that they're finally coming here... to those who r going to d spore gig, u guys r sooo lucky to get 2 see them twice! plisss anyone r the ticks start selling oready? cant wait to get my hands on 'em tho i noe d place is going to b very steamy..ill b going to stadium negara bright n early on the 25th for sure..

i wish that they will play space dementia, citizen erased , plug in baby, uno.. basically all their old stuffs ..plus hoodoo and assassin

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crazy_mary, i need to ask. i heard from a friend of mine who went to the LP concert earlier that the concert ticketing system here works in strange and mysterious ways. she said that early bird standing ticket buyers aren't given a discount, but a reserved place to stand near the stage (the first four rows or summat), and the ushers will know you're an early bird simply by looking at the registration number of your ticket (tix are all numbered...??) and if it falls within the early bird digits, then you're in. Which means that if you don't hold an early bird ticket, you don't get into the first four rows, no matter how early you start queueing.


now, i'm not sure that system only comes into play for popular concerts (and rest assured LP /is/ popular) because you sure as hell didn't mention that for the previous concerts you went to (Hoobastank and Incubus among others...didn't even know Incubus came, truth be told) and these are popular in their own right (tho probably not as much as LP), or for all concerts and you're just not aware. but you said you were right up front for the hoob concert and you didn't mention anything about being an early bird ticket holder and such...maybe you were. i dunno, were you?


or then again, maybe it depends on the venue. were any of the concert venues you went to held in any of the stadiums? cos i heard LP was in stadium merdeka...


...anyway i'm kinda confused right now. if you could shed some light on this matter, it'd be thoroughly appreciated.

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hey vspirit.. i guess ur friend is quite rite in one way. i do remember when i went to LP concert in stad merdeka, we (my friends and i) bought d early bird ticks to get to the place nearest to the stage (u had to b 18 n above to b at this part of d stad). it was d most expensive and there was no discount since u were like in an exclusive area of d concert. the ticks showed us the gate number and yes, they were numbered but we still had to line up like the rest of the people who paid for d same ticks. those who came early went in first. no such thing as following any numbers on ur ticks. stad merdeka is a very big stadium with a number of gates to enter.. they've divided the std to sections according to ur ticks, to get close to d stage u've got to have d early bird ticks n b more than 18..or b a stupid contest winner (unfair if u asked me..some of 'em were not even a fan)


As for the hoobastank concert we were at d front coz there was not a lot of people and they would rather sit than stand infront of the stage.. i bought d ticks at the last minute really, it was a free-standing event i think. we arrived at 6 but bukit kiara was still quite empty. there was a section rite in the middle and front of the stage reserved for some contest winners but other than that just d normal fans who bought their ticks. i didn't even have to line up.


and for incubus.. well, it was my worst concert really.. it was a free standing which only cost RM100.. so first come first serve..no early birds discount as usual :rolleyes: we were there by 12 and were behind this group of indonesians who were there from 9am i guess.. we were pushed to the back coz d crowd who came late (after 5 mind u..) kept pushing like maniacs.. :mad: i was rite in front of the stage when i finally entered d stad but had to get out coz i couldnt stand the pushing plus it was very hot.. unlike stad merdeka which is an open stad, bkt kiara was like a sauna.. i wonder how stad negara will b like...


but anyways what i can say is that..it all depends on the ticks that ur gonna buy and how lucky u r..d LP concert was organised in a different way than d ones in bkt kiara since d stadium is big, and they divided it into sections. guess it'll b d same as muse in stad negara, coz d ticks prices r varied..i'm just gonna buy d one which will allow me to b nearest to the stage..and will b lining up early coz i noe d crowd in m'sia never follow any lines, they'll definitely push u to b to the front..but if u r early than u get to b infront of the lines and not allow anyone else to cut u.. i'm not expecting any early birds discounts either coz i find it weird that galaxy entertainment is responsible bringing muse here since they've only been bringing a lot of chinese acts from what i heard. even their website is in chinese..*sigh* i guess d only way for u to b sure is when u buy d ticks ask the seller which part of the stad u're gonna be at...r u still unsure whether u'r gonna get standing or seats ticks? perhaps we should get d same ticks so we can help each other out to get the best place at the concert.. coz that happened to d concerts that i've been to.. people who were in groups, they were kinda stand in like a 'wall' to make sure nobody cut their lines..:D hope this clears ur clowd a bit..

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how did you get those early bird tix, pray tell? did you get them just by going to the vendor and buying them early? i mean since you were clearly over 18 and all...so as long as you have that on your side and are early to go buy, you'd be guaranteed an early bird tix? or do you have to go through some other channel? who organized those concerts you went to anyway? cos the only other recent english concert organized by galaxy is INXS back in August...


and while you still have to queue up, it doesn't really matter even if you don't right? since you'd be guaranteed a special area? like, even if you're a latecomer, and you may not get to stand directly in front of the stage, you'd still be near it anyway (fourth row, maybe), right?

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for d LP ticks we bought 'em on a day before it went on sale to d public coz luckily my friend heard on d radio that they were having this special ticks 4 celcom customers..i remember there was a big buzz about LP coming down here since it was like d first time a huge rock act performing here. we had to go 2 HRC to buy em but i dunno about d rest of the people who went there. heard that u could still get dis so called early bird ticks if u just buy em from d ticks agent like usual. if i'm not mistaken Jojo's Entertainment n celcom were d organizers.


yeah i guess, it all depends on what ticks u r buying really. i remember some kids i noe had to buy d RM100 ticks and they were at d half way end of the std even tho they were lining up from early morning coz of d age rules. and if u paid 4 d RM88 ticks u were at d sitting area which was FAR from d stage..(my sis bought that one) i'm assuming muse concert will b d same, minus d age limit thing. d stad will probably b divided by sections n u just haf 2 make sure that ur buying d ticks dat will allow u to be closest 2 d stage. but for u to get right infront u'd still haf to que up..coz d area will b big. guess it will b different from hoobastank n incubus concert since both of 'em were free standing/ seating , one price ticks event. so u had to come early and 'pushed' to get to d front.

haf u been to any of local concerts? i noe that u've been to RHCP's in oz..was it different? i'm dying 2 noe when d ticks will be start selling..

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so.. if you get the 'early bird' tickets, means that there'll be saved standing places nearest to the stage? but what about the normal ticketters? knowing malaysians, we'd be pushing and pushing to get to the nearest anyway.


i hope there's no age limit for the muse concert. if there is, i'm surely gonna try climbing over the fence to the 18++ side, like what i did for LP. or... at least, what i tried to do in LP. heh.

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my first thought would be that the age limit thing is silly. but then thinking deeper on it, i guess they have their reasons.


i called galaxy prod. and dropped my name and contact anyway, cos they said if i do that, they'd get in touch with me once they have the details (which they don't have much of yet) and ask if i wanna reserve tix and how many a few days before they release it to public sale via vendors. not sure if they'd make good on their word tho, *shrug* cos this sounds almost too easy...unless they only take into account people who call really early and have a cap on how many they'll get in contact with. i have no idea at all, really. if i can't get an early bird standing tix, i'll just get a seated one elsewhere. not gonna worry myself over it.


i've never been to concerts here in msia before. i've only ever been to a few in Oz. i almost went to one back in my high school days cos a friend of mine wanted company but then I lost the ticket on the first day itself xxxxD. oops.

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