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It really bugs me that Dom openly stated "the fans will be pissed if we don't play CE" and then they habitually ignore the setlist poll songs for the stadium gigs.


Both Rock Im Park/Rock Am Ring had great sets and then suddenly it turns to shit again? I don't get it.

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you guys are pissing me off. accept matt's choice and if you don't like it, sell your ticket to people who will appreciate it. don't go to the gig and then say "well the setlist was boring."



wembley will be my first, i couldn't care less what they play, as long as they go, lively > slower > lively.


Fucking lol.


Jog on.

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I love you man!

These are exactly my thoughts:)

I will be happy with whatever they play just to be there (as my first stadium Muse gig will be in Manchester) and will enjoy every second of it :D

I must say I am very surprised that people are SOOOOOOOOOOOO negative about the recent setlists - nobody forces them to buy a ticket and go to a gig.:stunned:


Unfortunately we buy tickets before we know the setlist :LOL:

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I love you man!

These are exactly my thoughts:)

I will be happy with whatever they play just to be there (as my first stadium Muse gig will be in Manchester) and will enjoy every second of it :D

I must say I am very surprised that people are SOOOOOOOOOOOO negative about the recent setlists - nobody forces them to buy a ticket and go to a gig.:stunned:


You just don't get it.


Going to one gig... yes... you go and you want to hear the singles and the new songs. But, when you've been to gigs from various tours, you don't want to just be seeing the same old sets.

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so you complain about corporate shows... and then you claim to be a consumer (instead of a fan)? :LOL:


make up your mind lol!




the ones who complain are not those at the gigs :p


Right, and that makes it even more strange ... :stunned:

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It really bugs me that Dom openly stated "the fans will be pissed if we don't play CE" and then they habitually ignore the setlist poll songs for the stadium gigs.


Both Rock Im Park/Rock Am Ring had great sets and then suddenly it turns to shit again? I don't get it.



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the ones who complain are not those at the gigs :p


Erm nope there were a fair few who complained about the setlist who went to stade de suisse. And they complained about the same stuff as the people viewing it on the thread.


And now I've said that, can we keep on topic about this gig and not the general tour. Use this thread... http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=74554

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You do realise as consumers and the group of people Muse rely on more than anything else we have a right to complain over the quality of service right?

Well not really. Not for me anyway, it's all about the music. And if a band chooses to go into a particular direction musically that their original fans don't like then that's their perogative. But I agree with all setlist points though. It's boring.

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guys, can we please keep the standard back and forth, circular setlist arguments confined to the other thread. There's really no need to keep repeating the same old arguments in here.


(and by this I don't mean the random comments about tonight's setlist, lack of poll songs etc. but this whole "sell your tickets" vs "we're consumers filing a complaint" argument has just been done so manytimes before and is irrelevent to this thread)

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We buy the tickets in advance... If you're seeing muse the first time then course, you will be happy with whatever they play - I know I wouldnt care less because I'd be too excited. However for the fans who have seen them multiple times and have followed the band for years, its a shame to see what they are doing at present.


Yes, you are right, but don't you think that maybe you just expect too much?

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It really bugs me that Dom openly stated "the fans will be pissed if we don't play CE" and then they habitually ignore the setlist poll songs for the stadium gigs.


Both Rock Im Park/Rock Am Ring had great sets and then suddenly it turns to shit again? I don't get it.


stadium stage production. supermassive complicated herniated subliminated detonated alienated suffocated


ok...i'll stop :$

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they must be laughing so hard at us...they have to be aware of the fact that the fans get pissed off if they play all the setlist poll winners like CE, Bliss and MK at festivals and refuse to play them to their own fanbase.

I really can´t find words for this...


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Don't know about the gig itself, but let's face the truth - the setlist was shit. No point in making excuses.


To you perhaps - I'd be stoked if that was what I got to hear in Paris on Saturday.


I didn't get to hear Stockholm Syndrome (my all time favourite song) at the Melbourne BDO - and yet I went home happy. Why?? _Because I just saw the greatest show on Earth_.

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did they really play house of the rising sun somewhere??

They did the riff before TIRO tonight and at Rock im Park. At RiP the crowd started singing along, so the guys continued to play it through the first verse, not sure if that happened tonight. Matt never sang, it was basically him playing it and then Dom doing a bit of the drumming toward the end.

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You just don't get it.


Going to one gig... yes... you go and you want to hear the singles and the new songs. But, when you've been to gigs from various tours, you don't want to just be seeing the same old sets.


Yes, fair enough, I get that, from your point of view it might be disappointing, but still each gig is different, right? I don't know maybe I'm just not that demanding ;)

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