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woa, just got the BDO line-up, wasn't planning on going but: Kanye - Soundgarden - Kasabian - My Chemical Romance - The Living End... are all favourites of mine dammit


any other moafo's tempted?


Richard, someone in my neighbourhood draws combovers and hitler moustaches on every billboard with john keys face on it. it works rather well

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We're trying out new speech recognition software at work. I've had some really awesome and hilarious mistakes so far.


John Key - "junkie"

Metiria Turei - "material tirade"

Sir Geoffrey Palmer - "Sir Geoffrey Parma"

We'll be back in surplus within three years - "We'll be back in slippers within three years"

Hone Harawira - "Honey how we are"

Terry Serepisos - "Terry syrupy sauce" (my favourite)

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We're trying out new speech recognition software at work. I've had some really awesome and hilarious mistakes so far.


John Key - "junkie"

Metiria Turei - "material tirade"

Sir Geoffrey Palmer - "Sir Geoffrey Parma"

We'll be back in surplus within three years - "We'll be back in slippers within three years"

Hone Harawira - "Honey how we are"

Terry Serepisos - "Terry syrupy sauce" (my favourite)

Why didn't you tell me that Junkie one the other day? :LOL:

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Is anybody else rather irritated by this? I mean, it should just be towed right back to Liberia and sunk in the harbour of Monrovia. How is it that Liberia, one of the poorest countries in the world, can afford a container ship anyway? No matter how shitty it is. I bet the captain was pissed and coked up to his eyeballs.

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Hey guys.


I am undecided about BDO too. I'm quite keen on going to see Fleet Foxes and going to Laneway Festival at the moment which are also in January. I'll wait and see what the second announcement is like.


We're trying out new speech recognition software at work. I've had some really awesome and hilarious mistakes so far.


John Key - "junkie"

Metiria Turei - "material tirade"

Sir Geoffrey Palmer - "Sir Geoffrey Parma"

We'll be back in surplus within three years - "We'll be back in slippers within three years"

Hone Harawira - "Honey how we are"

Terry Serepisos - "Terry syrupy sauce" (my favourite)


Haha, that software is going to be more entertaining than useful! :LOL:




Is anybody else rather irritated by this? I mean, it should just be towed right back to Liberia and sunk in the harbour of Monrovia. How is it that Liberia, one of the poorest countries in the world, can afford a container ship anyway? No matter how shitty it is. I bet the captain was pissed and coked up to his eyeballs.


Yeah, that is an irritating sight. Poor little penguins getting oiled up and it looks like the beaches are going to be in a pretty nasty state soon :( Hope it doesn't do too much damage to the reef too! :stunned:

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Phil Goff honestly does nothing to make me like him more. Every time National introduces a policy that doesn't need much said about it, he always has something negative to say. How does that help at all?! Saying it's bad for New Zealanders with nothing to back it up other than a few general statements does not really say anything other than "I'm clinging at straws to make people dislike National".


Eugh. No wonder Labour are understandably going to get absolutely destroyed this election.

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Phil Goff honestly does nothing to make me like him more. Every time National introduces a policy that doesn't need much said about it, he always has something negative to say. How does that help at all?! Saying it's bad for New Zealanders with nothing to back it up other than a few general statements does not really say anything other than "I'm clinging at straws to make people dislike National".


Eugh. No wonder Labour are understandably going to get absolutely destroyed this election.

Labour really hasn't moved forward from last election where all they could do was attack National. There's just no credible alternative to Phil Goff so we just have a repeat of National fronted Bill English a la 2002.


This compulsory opt in of kiwisaver really fucks me off, waste of $550 million when National already totally fucked up kiwisaver anyway.

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