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All solid suggestions. Perhaps horses. I can picture it now - hundreds of men in fancy suits heading into the Sydney CBD aboard their noble steeds.


Right, I've been cooped up in the uni lab long enough. I'm off for a walk, then the pub. But I'll probably keep thinking about this conundrum all night.

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Hey, Moas, could you try to answer something for me? I came across this graph while doing research for uni. It's not essential to my thesis to know the answer, but it's got me flummoxed.

What could 'other' mean? :erm:


The only real possibility I can think of is kayaking, but that's a pretty big chunk for Sydney. Almost as many people as walk/cycle! Surely not that many kayak.



Boat? (as in, ferry)

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the videos really hit home today. in a way i feel like i should be there as i have all this insurance experience going to waste. i really want to know my old work in the CBD is okay.


just makes me feel sick. doesn't seem real but these are all the places i walked past everyday to work. and it really reminds me just how far away i am from home and just how close this was to killing people had this happened during the day.


new zealand has always got to prepare for an earthquake, i think this will be a big wakeup call for people to prepare. oren and i had we still lived in christchurch probably would have had no food in the house!

Edited by JoBear
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It's really been a bad day for New Zealand :( now the North Island needs to prepare for their earthquake if history is anything to say, Wellington is meant to have a huge earthquake and that's about 150 years overdue...
We last had a big earthquake in 1855.


It's the reason Wellington's actually a city because before that there wasn't enough flat land around the hills/cliffs/islands - the Te Aro flat, Lyall Bay and Kilbernie were all swamps/underwater.



I'm most worried about my cousin's house getting looted. It's huge and old and people have broken in a gazillion times over the years - and they've had to leave it because it's structurally unsound, being, y'know, made of bricks and concrete close to 200 years old. It's so sad, though. They worked so hard to afford that place and then restored it painstakingly over about 30 years. Ultimately, it is just a dwelling, though. Better bricks than bodies.

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My friend got married last year at this church




When we went they were renovating and restoring it slowly. They're Coptic Christians so it's the only one in Christchurch as it's a very small minority religion (being most Egyptians are Muslims).



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