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I've never actually eaten tamarillo. :erm:


So I suppose that makes my answer a no.


That transparency thing is great! But I've been a bit worried lately by government ministers having shares in things that relate to their portfolios. No more of those scandals, please.

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Truthfully :chuckle:


Otiraa, he pai tonu taaku :cool:



Man I'm so boreed. And have a lot of boring things that need doing. Stfu saturday.


Quiet you. :p


Skyping my grandparents in Hamilton right now. I miss New Zealand so much. :(


Don't do boring things!

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Know that feeling!


I have a random chest infection. It's not particularly enjoyable.

Aww sucky! Hope it clears up quickly!


Quiet you. :p


Skyping my grandparents in Hamilton right now. I miss New Zealand so much. :(


Don't do boring things!

Your grandparents know how to use skype? :awesome:


My granddad was born in 1911. He had one of those old school enormous box-on-legs upholstered radio sets in the corner of his lounge and I remember going down there in about 2005 (we lived in this massive house altogether til I was 16) and asking if he ever listened to it, to which he replied:


'No, that's my old radio.


So, pushing my luck, I said, 'Really?' because I was impressed by the distinction. And he nodded. Then pointed at the tv.


'That's my radio.'



I have to go and do my laundry at the laundromat, because we don't have a washing machine and I don't have any towels left. Then I need to go and buy more sheets. Then I need to think about getting a cheap bookshelf from like the warehouse. It's 4pm though, and I think I might just stay in bed all day and do all of that tomorrow.

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My granddad was born in 1911. He had one of those old school enormous box-on-legs upholstered radio sets in the corner of his lounge and I remember going down there in about 2005 (we lived in this massive house altogether til I was 16) and asking if he ever listened to it, to which he replied:


'No, that's my old radio.


So, pushing my luck, I said, 'Really?' because I was impressed by the distinction. And he nodded. Then pointed at the tv.


'That's my radio.'


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Aww sucky! Hope it clears up quickly!


Your grandparents know how to use skype? :awesome:


My granddad was born in 1911. He had one of those old school enormous box-on-legs upholstered radio sets in the corner of his lounge and I remember going down there in about 2005 (we lived in this massive house altogether til I was 16) and asking if he ever listened to it, to which he replied:


'No, that's my old radio.


So, pushing my luck, I said, 'Really?' because I was impressed by the distinction. And he nodded. Then pointed at the tv.


'That's my radio.'



I have to go and do my laundry at the laundromat, because we don't have a washing machine and I don't have any towels left. Then I need to go and buy more sheets. Then I need to think about getting a cheap bookshelf from like the warehouse. It's 4pm though, and I think I might just stay in bed all day and do all of that tomorrow.


The TV is his radio. :chuckle:


My GPs can never get the video to work, just the audio. Then my cousins stop by and show them how to fix it, and they forget again as soon as they're gone. Bless 'em. :happy:


Just think, by the time we reach that age we'll be like that with technology. "You have to tell the computer what? In my brain? How do I do that?"

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The TV is his radio. :chuckle:
Trufax. My granddad was the coolest man in the world.


My GPs can never get the video to work, just the audio. Then my cousins stop by and show them how to fix it, and they forget again as soon as they're gone. Bless 'em. :happy:


Just think, by the time we reach that age we'll be like that with technology. "You have to tell the computer what? In my brain? How do I do that?"

That's still so cool :happy:



So I went out, and instead of doing my laundry, I bought new clothes+towels+sheets. I'm the best grown up ever.

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Almost had to stay late at work this evening because I somehow became distracted by daft, obscure conspiracy theories.


Well, that and the fact that the Jonas Brothers represent all that's wrong with the world and I needed at least a five-minute break for every minute of the show I completed.


But yes, mostly the theories. The Paul McCartney is dead one is my favourite. :chuckle:

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I love how hard Shortland Street tries to look more up to date than it is. On the episode I did today at work (which was filmed at least a month ago), they had a close up on a box of Daffodil Day daffodils.


The new kid character on the show is called Phoenix. PHOENIX. Every time they mention his name I repeat it in incredulity. Its not a bad name, but so soap opera. Plus he's a Warner, and they're rich. He's destined to be a wealthy playboy.

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Ah yes, Phoenix. He doesn't wear shoes, apparently. Little tidbit of information there.


Judging from an episode I did a couple of weeks back, his sibling rivalry with that little twat Harry is something special.

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Ah yes, Phoenix. He doesn't wear shoes, apparently. Little tidbit of information there.


Judging from an episode I did a couple of weeks back, his sibling rivalry with that little twat Harry is something special.


They're trying so hard to make him like, rural. Its really shit.


Harry is a total twat. I should clarify that my mum insists on watching Shortland Street in the evening, which is why I have such a knowledge of its storylines :LOL: Harry looks like a rat too.

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