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I gotta admit, everyone did seem ridiculously tall... :erm: I could see, but many heads got in the way :LOL:


Oh, you were on the complete opposite side to me :chuckle: I was two people from the barrier in front of Matt, and was there from Powderfinger until the end of Muse. At least you could see the big screen, I was slightly annoyed I couldn't :noey:


I didn't really look at the screen at all, I was focussed on the boys!!

And I was pissed off that I stood on the wrong side, I just didn't think about it until it was too late.


Goddamn that was the best gig.

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I didn't really look at the screen at all, I was focussed on the boys!!

And I was pissed off that I stood on the wrong side, I just didn't think about it until it was too late.


Goddamn that was the best gig.


It was absolutely immense, I'm glad I had such a good first gig experience :happy: I thought the moshpit would be too much for me because I'm claustrophobic, but that didn't bother me the whole day! :happy:


I didn't realise until they were setting up the stage for Muse that I was DIRECTLY in front of Matt, and that I realised that I couldn't see The Mars Volta at all :( then again, I was paying more attention to the people setting up Muse's stage anyway :chuckle:

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It was absolutely immense, I'm glad I had such a good first gig experience :happy: I thought the moshpit would be too much for me because I'm claustrophobic, but that didn't bother me the whole day! :happy:


I didn't realise until they were setting up the stage for Muse that I was DIRECTLY in front of Matt, and that I realised that I couldn't see The Mars Volta at all :( then again, I was paying more attention to the people setting up Muse's stage anyway :chuckle:


I wanted to be in front of Matt, but never mind, next time! :)


I should go to bed.


Awesome that it was such a cool gig for your first one! It was my first Muse gig. :)

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I wanted to be in front of Matt, but never mind, next time! :)


I should go to bed.


Awesome that it was such a cool gig for your first one! It was my first Muse gig. :)


And I wanted to be in front of Chris! :chuckle:

Thanks :happy: and yay for first Muse gigs :awesome:! I remember I missed the Muse gigs by a few days when they came here in 2007 :supersad:


I should go to bed too, I serve no purpose being awake :chuckle: farewell! :happy:

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Haha, Gold Coast got Feeling Good instead of New Born.


I actually quite like Feeling Good but I can imagine the outrage when people found out the had it instead of New Born :chuckle: I wonder if they used the lasers on another song then?

Edit: Also, its pretty crazy when you think about it that Feeling Good is a cover, but they've played it quite a lot over the years!


Really liked Muse at Big Day Out, although it wasn't as magical as the first time I saw them. Pretty predictable setlist also.


Had a really good time meeting and seeing The Horrors though, who were the band I was most looking forward to. I saw them leaving Real Groovy and discretely followed them back to their hotel (yay for stalking) and jumped into a lift with Faris, the frontman. [/img]


Then we saw The Horrors there and chatted for about an hour. Nice guys. Excuse the, ahem, rather interesting photos. Put it down to a mixture of vodka and second-hand high.

Oh, and their show at Big Day Out the next day was amazing too for those who didn't see it :happy:


They played barely anything from Showbiz, and were quite safe with the selection from The Resistance. Unnatural Selection was immense though!


:LOL: were you in the lift like '... oh hey, aren't you that guy from that band? The uh... Horrors or something?', trying to be all casual?


While I was at the Big Day Out, I was two people from the barrier in front of Matt, I kept wondering if there were any of you lot near to me :LOL: don't know why, I wouldn't have recognised any of you if you slapped me in the face :chuckle:


I kept looking around for Michelle in her Moa t-shirt, and at one point I saw a guy I thought for some reason might be Richard, but it wasn't. And yes, he was ginger :facepalm::LOL: For some reason I keep thinking you're ginger Rich!



Everyone around me seemed pretty impressed with his awesome harmonica skills. I know I was.


Me too! During it I shouted 'go Chris!' :LOL: I was so impressed.


Speaking of good positions to stand in during the gig, did you guys go to the 2007 Muse gig? I thought the venue for that was absolutely ace. Not too big that you couldn't see anything, and very comfortable for standing in the stands. I was in the stands and they were so close to the stage! Excellent choice of venue :yesey:

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Yeah I went in 2007. I wasn't quite as impressed...I was right up near the stage and it was insanely hot. A few people fainted! And Dom at the end said "you guys are wicked in this hot-ass place." :LOL: I guess it's to be expected when you're so tightly crammed in though.


I kept looking around for Michelle in her Moa t-shirt, and at one point I saw a guy I thought for some reason might be Richard, but it wasn't. And yes, he was ginger :facepalm::LOL: For some reason I keep thinking you're ginger Rich!



Unnatural Selection was immense though!

God, I know. I'm not a huge fan of the studio version, but it was phenomenal.

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I think I have found my sister and myself in a pic her partner took from the stands, he wasn't a huge Muse fan so buggered off to the bar with his mates while I made sure my sister got a decent spot for her first live Muse experience.


I've pointed an arrow at what I'm pretty sure is me :LOL: I think we moved a tiny bit closer after the pic was taken at 8:26pm


Full size image here if you want to have a look for yourself




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I actually quite like Feeling Good but I can imagine the outrage when people found out the had it instead of New Born :chuckle: I wonder if they used the lasers on another song then?


They got lasers for Undisclosed Desires I think.


Just looking over the comments of my videos, seems that a lot of people enjoyed them and someone posted a comment claiming to be the person who got Chris's harmonica, lucky bastard :eek: or they are just talking shit.

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Yeah I went in 2007. I wasn't quite as impressed...I was right up near the stage and it was insanely hot. A few people fainted! And Dom at the end said "you guys are wicked in this hot-ass place." :LOL: I guess it's to be expected when you're so tightly crammed in though.


I was in the stands so I guess it wasn't so bad for us. I think I do remember it being very hot though.


someone posted a comment claiming to be the person who got Chris's harmonica, lucky bastard :eek: or they are just talking shit.


:eek: clone your own Chris!



was I the only one who thought that? :$

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Ooh, you've put me in a bit of a pickle. I want to see that, but I don't want spoilery.


Well it doesn't spoil any of the plot or anything, just one of the surprise bits of the movie. It won't ruin the film for you but will just take away the surprise of a certain section. You can probably already tell the nature of the section from the freeze frame on the proposal vid :LOL:

Edit: And the video title, which I totally did not notice before.

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Yeah, amazing.


How nervous would he have been walking in there with her?


I know eh. It would be really full of anticipation. Especially because not only do you have to get the dance right with limited practice, but then you have to worry about her actually saying yes as well :LOL: They did such a great job though. Even the high fives he gets at the start from people is copied from the movie.

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I watched that too. I was happy that Glee and Robert Downey Jr. won! And I loved Ricky Gervais introducing Mel Gibson by saying "I like a drink as much as the next guy...unless the next guy's Mel Gibson." :LOL:


My day's been not so great - it turns out I can't do a Masters thesis without having done a dissertation as part of a Postgrad Diploma. So I have to do a dissertation in first semester and then start my Masters in July. It really wouldn't have been hard to tell me that last year.

Edited by _Ed_
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I watched that too. I was happy that Glee and Robert Downey Jr. won! And I loved Ricky Gervais introducing Mel Gibson by saying "I like a drink as much as the next guy...unless the next guy's Mel Gibson." :LOL:


My day's been not so great - it turns out I can't do a Masters thesis without having done a dissertation as part of a Postgrad Diploma. So I have to do a dissertation in first semester and then start my Masters in July. It really wouldn't have been hard to tell me that last year.


Can you explain your animation idea? I'd love to hear what it's like.


I wanted Joseph Gordon-Levitt to win instead of Robert Downey Jr. But Ricky Gervais was a great host, and that joke was one of the best :LOL:


Oh that sucks. I hate it when things like that happen!

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