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Why the fuck have U2 chosen Jay Z to support them in their NZ show? Do they choose completely incongruous support acts just to say to everyone, "Hey, look our diverse our musical taste is!" More diverse than their own musical range, I suppose.


But honestly, how many U2 fans like Jay Z? And vice versa? Since the tickets are quite cheap, I wouldn't be surprised if heaps of people got tickets just to see Jay Z and then fucked off. I'd get some satisfaction if that happened and the stadium emptied out a bit.

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S'what I'd do! But really I don't think it's that weird of a combination, Jay is known for having one of the most amazing stadium shows and I think if you get a lesser act for a show like that they can get a bit lost in such a huge setting. Remember U2 had Kanye opening last time they were here, so that must have gone well enough for them to do something similar.

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Whereabouts in NZ?


My family all lives on the North Island (Hamilton, Tauranga, and Waihi), but I'm considering doing the Kiwi Experience with an American mate of mine. Is that too touristy, or do other Kiwis do it too? It's been over a decade since I actually lived down there, and it will be another decade before I do again since I have to do uni in the states. :indiff::rolleyes:

Edited by Davinq
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Yeah it threw me as well!


*sigh* This is not the best way to start a shift at work. My first show to work on is titled 'Extreme Male Beauty'. Now, I know it's wrong to judge something by its title, but I just get the feeling this might not be my cup of tea.

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