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The concert was absolutely fantastic! I couldn't have spent my money on anything better! I will never ever regret coming to Dublin, though Poland is quite far away! I loved the gig and I love the city! Love You Ireland! You people are awesome! :D:D:D


Oh what an exciting trip you had for an amazing gig! :happy:

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Glad you're making use of it! Tis a nice pic ;)


You'd be better asking in the oldies thread in banter coz I won't remember every name either! I've posted the pic I took of them in there so just quote it and ask :)


That thread is in banter by the way and it's the one they invited you to post in!;)

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Just spent ages/hours with this thread watching all the videos and looking at the pictures :LOL: Like a whole extra gig, brilliant stuff.


I was at the Vat House but not hanging round with anyone, was sat in the 'Snug' / inner hole bit next to the door with my fiancée and dad, moaning about the rain :LOL:

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Just spent ages/hours with this thread watching all the videos and looking at the pictures :LOL: Like a whole extra gig, brilliant stuff.


I was at the Vat House but not hanging round with anyone, was sat in the 'Snug' / inner hole bit next to the door with my fiancée and dad, moaning about the rain :LOL:


What time were you in there?:)


Did you see any of us?


This is myself, Nikki and Dan (absolutely wrecked after the gig then three hours sleep on that sofa at the airport before flying home!:eek::LOL:).






This is the group of 'oldies' we spent a few hours with:)



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On the Train heading back to Cork there was a lot of discussion and I must say Suspicion about this. We were all wondering if anyone else had noticed. My daughter also thought he was only strumming chords whilst simultaneously the Plug In Baby riff was playing... I'd like a closer look at that.. or perhaps I would rather not know. Several fellow passengers had vague disquiet about the vocals too....


The question was answered here:


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I changed privacy. You can check if it works... :$


I've just checked them out and they worked perfectly. I agree with your opinion of the gig. It was the best concert I have ever been at, and I've been going to concerts since 1982 :happy: I'm just a bit down now cos there's no more Muse concerts to look forward to for me and the next album is years away :'(:'(

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We all got home from Dublin a few hours ago. Tired but very happy. My first visit to Dublin, what a lovely city. Did the bus tour, river Liffey boat trip and saw the Book of Kells. Thanks to all the kind and friendly people we met. Also meeting up sometimes by chance with a few Musers, Pip, Fallout Boy, Heartofsaturdaynight, Mattsmrs, Dying Athetist and others.

The gig was one of the best I've been to. Kath and I had great seats, the others also.

The towers and visuals were incredible, but I felt that the gig only really came alive once the boys were on the ground. I think that there was more interaction with the crowd than ever before. Hearing a much more polished version of the songs since Teignmouth.

As for the setlist, I do understand that the visuals do have to tie in with the songs, so there is not going to be much scope for playing some older/rarer songs. But we did get Unintended, so there is hope. And it is a shame that we can't have both Feeling Good and Cave together, so at least both sides of the playlist debate will be happy. The reaction by the crowd to FG can't be denighed, they love it:stunned:. I do too I guess, but I can understand peoples reaction when they hear it instead of Cave. I've tried to explain both views to others and been called a spoilt European for my troubles. I guess because we have access to wonderful live music in most cities here. But I just feel that beacuse we actually go out of our way to make the effort to see bands like Muse and others, we can compare the setlist and length of gigs with some authority. I'm sure that as the tour goes on into next year, all the teething problems will be ironed out, maybe a few setlist changes, and I hope that everyone will be happy.

I've met some wonderful people through seeing Muse, and I know that I will meet some more. Each time Muse play, I feel that I'm part of a wonderful experience, something that I rarely feel with any other band.

Thankyou to everyone that's put up photo's and video's, I want to watch it all over again

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The towers and visuals were incredible, but I felt that the gig only really came alive once the boys were on the ground. I think that there was more interaction with the crowd than ever before. Hearing a much more polished version of the songs since Teignmouth.


Yes I agree with this! I thought they looked rather bored to begin with on the towers but when they came down everything went mental! The crowd interaction was such a lovely turnaround, maybe it was because the crowd were singing so loudly to every song!

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Pip did you record KoC? I'd love to see that :p (I know you're uploading them in order, but the wait is killing me :p)


Some and some;)


Got all of MWAH then I think the first and last bits of Knights, haven't checked yet but am pretty sure that's what I've got :)

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