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MOTP (with barrier people!) SMBH. I wondered why the huge cheer for SMBH.....then of course I clicked!:rolleyes:








USOE plus some appreciation for Feeling Good :D







I've added all my clips to my DUBLIN PLAYLIST and still have lots more to add.


Fantastic videos!

I see that Failing Good got the same sort of general reaction from the crowd in Dublin as it did in Sheffield. :(

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I hope so too! I now appear to have a cold! :stunned::rolleyes:


Also I'm surprised how crowded the golden circle looks from that view as to us it looked like there was hardly anyone in there :/


Me too! :LOL: Def no more queuing from now on :noey:


Snap with the video love, Pip. Super stuff!


Snap with the cold, too - my throat feels like it's got a cactus in it :(


I also wondered about the circle - it didn't seem half that full on the night :LOL:

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Snap with the video love, Pip. Super stuff!


Snap with the cold, too - my throat feels like it's got a cactus in it :(


I also wondered about the circle - it didn't seem half that full on the night :LOL:


Thank you! Sorry you feel rough too!:(

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Oooh errr.


Sweat and all. :eek:


Pip doesn't get my love until Dom and Chris's jam goes up. After that she can lock me in a cupboard.


I've just watched it on my 'puter and I have to say it is a bloody great recording!:D:D


Will upload now but it's one of my biggest files so far (includes the end of Unintended, the jam and UD) so will take a while.

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Fantastic videos!

I see that Failing Good got the same sort of general reaction from the crowd in Dublin as it did in Sheffield. :(


All I heard was a boo from one person, probably someone on here. From other accounts, the reaction to Feeling Good has been good.

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All I heard was a boo from one person, probably someone on here. From other accounts, the reaction to Feeling Good has been good.


That's what I meant. Wouldn't expect everyone to be booing like the hardcore of Feeling Good haters, but it still seems to get a much bigger cheer than some other, better songs.

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All I heard was a boo from one person, probably someone on here. From other accounts, the reaction to Feeling Good has been good.


The 'booo' in my video is MEEEEEEEE!:p


Woot! I hope your cupboard is big also.



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All I heard was a boo from one person, probably someone on here. From other accounts, the reaction to Feeling Good has been good.


I loved Feeling Good! I brought 2 friends with me who had never been to a Muse concert before - they only knew a few songs but they both sang along to that one.


BTW - they kinda liked Muse before the concert - they both went out yesterday and bought up EVERY Muse album that they could find - they are massive fans after the concert, It was BRILLIANT!!!! (as usual..):LOL:

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:LOL: thought it might be you Pip...


You've heard the reactions caught on my nishe video when olly spot the megaphone :LOL: We are all very bad musers :p


Oh yes! I laughed so much when I watched/heard that clip!:LOL::LOL::LOL:


Could have been worse though, at least you didn't decapitate him!:LOL::LOL:

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Could have been worse though, at least you didn't decapitate him!:LOL::LOL:


True but that's only because I have tickets for 2 more shows and I don't want them to go to waste and I think bellamy has been tipped off because he is now hiding at the top of his tower when he plays it...


London is gonna be fun Sheffield + Dublin crew together = poor O2 :chuckle:

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