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Woah, i haven't been on here for a fair while :eek:, but anyway...


For activities week at school, i just decided to do Band Skills with my mate. So on the second day some people in the year below us were at the piano, and then someone started playing Muse (Exogenesis: Part 3) :awesome:. I actually stopped playing my bass, stood up, turned round and screamed "THATS MUSE :awesome:!!" They all stopped and stared at me, so i awkwardly turned back round to my bass with my friend laughing quietly :p.


And I chased someone who lives down my street last week 'cus they said Muse sucked.... they took it back after the long chase across the road and halfway through the field :LOL:.

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Theres a tv programme on now called collateral damage. :D


And on Friday at school, I was in science and we did resistance :D Then in maths, we were doing symmetry and we had to find pictures, and when we typed in symmetry on google images, the OoS art work came up. The noise I made was hilarious :D

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Woah, i haven't been on here for a fair while :eek:, but anyway...


For activities week at school, i just decided to do Band Skills with my mate. So on the second day some people in the year below us were at the piano, and then someone started playing Muse (Exogenesis: Part 3) :awesome:. I actually stopped playing my bass, stood up, turned round and screamed "THATS MUSE :awesome:!!" They all stopped and stared at me, so i awkwardly turned back round to my bass with my friend laughing quietly :p.


And I chased someone who lives down my street last week 'cus they said Muse sucked.... they took it back after the long chase across the road and halfway through the field :LOL:.


Ah yes, this reminds me of the time one of my friends was showing some of the ringtones she had. One of them was SMBH, and my eyes lit up. I went to give her a high five, and I give hard high fives, but that one got her real bad... I guess I was a little too proud of her :) Her hand stung for quite a while, and it even tingled down her wrist... I said I was sorry. Poor girl didn't see it comin'.

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I was driving with a friend and we were listening to my ipod. I asked her what she wanted to listen too and she said she like Muse (because she knew I loved them). So I went to TiRO and when she heard his falsetto at the very end, she wanted me to rewind it so she could listen to it again. She said that she loves his screams and that nobody beats him! :LOL: I was very happy. :happy:

THEN! I saw a license plate that said MUSE! I got so excited when I saw it.

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I was driving with a friend and we were listening to my ipod. I asked her what she wanted to listen too and she said she like Muse (because she knew I loved them). So I went to TiRO and when she heard his falsetto at the very end, she wanted me to rewind it so she could listen to it again. She said that she loves his screams and that nobody beats him! :LOL: I was very happy. :happy:

THEN! I saw a license plate that said MUSE! I got so excited when I saw it.


You know these are not coincidences.... and it's true, Bellamy has a unique falsetto. You can tell it's him from others.

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I had an interview at Exeter college to apply for an Art foundation Diploma on Monday, and the interviewer saw a drawing I had of Matt in my portfolio then told me that he used to teach Matt and Dom for photography! :eek::awesome: I also got a place at Exeter college literally like, 15 minutes into the interview! I was so shocked as he hadn't seen any proper coursework yet, just mainly drawings I do in my spare time. :LOL:


There was also a Falcon brought into school yesterday to help deter the Seagulls away from the roof of the art and technology departments, and her name was Zeta. :happy:

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I had an interview at Exeter college to apply for an Art foundation Diploma on Monday, and the interviewer saw a drawing I had of Matt in my portfolio then told me that he used to teach Matt and Dom for photography! :eek::awesome: I also got a place at Exeter college literally like, 15 minutes into the interview! I was so shocked as he hadn't seen any proper coursework yet, just mainly drawings I do in my spare time. :LOL:


There was also a Falcon brought into school yesterday to help deter the Seagulls away from the roof of the art and technology departments, and her name was Zeta. :happy:


Insane! That would have made my jaw drop!

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I was looking on hateonaband.tumblr.com, and I found this gem:








the most load of bollocks i have ever clapped my ears on, i actually can’t stand them, the music, the lead singer ALL OF THEM


they are a bunch of musos >.< they can’t sing. yrebgjfdhbgfj. go die muse. go die."


Yeah, because I'm going to listen to someone who can't give a good reason besides "they can't sing", which is obviously wrong.

Now that I think about it, that entire blog is the same way.


I had an interview at Exeter college to apply for an Art foundation Diploma on Monday, and the interviewer saw a drawing I had of Matt in my portfolio then told me that he used to teach Matt and Dom for photography! :eek::awesome: I also got a place at Exeter college literally like, 15 minutes into the interview! I was so shocked as he hadn't seen any proper coursework yet, just mainly drawings I do in my spare time. :LOL:

That is amazing.

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Here's my long random Musing from today!


Because our school's turning into an academy we have a new head teacher, he started yesterday and he was really mean and strict! He came into my technology class today to look around, I had my Muse coursework on the desk. He walked over and said "wow this is outstanding! Come sit with me over here and tell me about it!" I was terrified! :LOL: so I walked over with my Muse folder, as soon as I sat down he pointed to the Muse logo on the front and said "I met the drummer when I was on holiday. He gives me free tickets every time they tour in the UK!"

My face was :eek::awesome: I replied "Seriously?!" he said "yeah! He calls me and asks if I want tickets! You know what, come down to my office in a little while, I want to have another chat with you!"

He left after that! I love my new head teacher now! My tech teacher and everyone else in my class thought he was going to call Dom so that he could talk to me, or see if he could get me some tickets! I got all excited 'cause I thought he was going to call Dom :chuckle:

So later on I go to his office, show him my course work again. Then he picked up the phone! I was thinking 'CALL DOM! CALL DOM PLEASE!!' he didn't call Dom :'( he phoned my Mum to congratulate me on my Musey coursework :noey: he should've phoned Dom! But when he did phone my mum he said "her wonderful Muse coursework has made my very first day!" :'( I need to get on the head teachers good side then he may get me tickets :ninja::LOL:

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Here's my long random Musing from today!


Because our school's turning into an academy we have a new head teacher, he started yesterday and he was really mean and strict! He came into my technology class today to look around, I had my Muse coursework on the desk. He walked over and said "wow this is outstanding! Come sit with me over here and tell me about it!" I was terrified! :LOL: so I walked over with my Muse folder, as soon as I sat down he pointed to the Muse logo on the front and said "I met the drummer when I was on holiday. He gives me free tickets every time they tour in the UK!"

My face was :eek::awesome: I replied "Seriously?!" he said "yeah! He calls me and asks if I want tickets! You know what, come down to my office in a little while, I want to have another chat with you!"

He left after that! I love my new head teacher now! My tech teacher and everyone else in my class thought he was going to call Dom so that he could talk to me, or see if he could get me some tickets! I got all excited 'cause I thought he was going to call Dom :chuckle:

So later on I go to his office, show him my course work again. Then he picked up the phone! I was thinking 'CALL DOM! CALL DOM PLEASE!!' he didn't call Dom :'( he phoned my Mum to congratulate me on my Musey coursework :noey: he should've phoned Dom! But when he did phone my mum he said "her wonderful Muse coursework has made my very first day!" :'( I need to get on the head teachers good side then he may get me tickets :ninja::LOL:


Wow that is cool :D Maybe you should do more musey artwork and he'll come for you again and you would be like ' I wish i could get tickets to a Muse gig...:supersad::LOL:

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Here's my long random Musing from today!


Because our school's turning into an academy we have a new head teacher, he started yesterday and he was really mean and strict! He came into my technology class today to look around, I had my Muse coursework on the desk. He walked over and said "wow this is outstanding! Come sit with me over here and tell me about it!" I was terrified! :LOL: so I walked over with my Muse folder, as soon as I sat down he pointed to the Muse logo on the front and said "I met the drummer when I was on holiday. He gives me free tickets every time they tour in the UK!"

My face was :eek::awesome: I replied "Seriously?!" he said "yeah! He calls me and asks if I want tickets! You know what, come down to my office in a little while, I want to have another chat with you!"

He left after that! I love my new head teacher now! My tech teacher and everyone else in my class thought he was going to call Dom so that he could talk to me, or see if he could get me some tickets! I got all excited 'cause I thought he was going to call Dom :chuckle:

So later on I go to his office, show him my course work again. Then he picked up the phone! I was thinking 'CALL DOM! CALL DOM PLEASE!!' he didn't call Dom :'( he phoned my Mum to congratulate me on my Musey coursework :noey: he should've phoned Dom! But when he did phone my mum he said "her wonderful Muse coursework has made my very first day!" :'( I need to get on the head teachers good side then he may get me tickets :ninja::LOL:


:eek: And just when I thought your Muse-ings couldn't get any better... That's seriously amazing!

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I was looking on hateonaband.tumblr.com, and I found this gem:








the most load of bollocks i have ever clapped my ears on, i actually can’t stand them, the music, the lead singer ALL OF THEM


they are a bunch of musos >.< they can’t sing. yrebgjfdhbgfj. go die muse. go die."


Yeah, because I'm going to listen to someone who can't give a good reason besides "they can't sing", which is obviously wrong.

Now that I think about it, that entire blog is the same way.



That is amazing.

Musos tend to be quite talented, so I don't get how that's supposed to be an insult... yea people who have no reasons are quite pathetic. I don't love every band in the world, but there is no sense hating on them

Here's my long random Musing from today!


Because our school's turning into an academy we have a new head teacher, he started yesterday and he was really mean and strict! He came into my technology class today to look around, I had my Muse coursework on the desk. He walked over and said "wow this is outstanding! Come sit with me over here and tell me about it!" I was terrified! :LOL: so I walked over with my Muse folder, as soon as I sat down he pointed to the Muse logo on the front and said "I met the drummer when I was on holiday. He gives me free tickets every time they tour in the UK!"

My face was :eek::awesome: I replied "Seriously?!" he said "yeah! He calls me and asks if I want tickets! You know what, come down to my office in a little while, I want to have another chat with you!"

He left after that! I love my new head teacher now! My tech teacher and everyone else in my class thought he was going to call Dom so that he could talk to me, or see if he could get me some tickets! I got all excited 'cause I thought he was going to call Dom :chuckle:

So later on I go to his office, show him my course work again. Then he picked up the phone! I was thinking 'CALL DOM! CALL DOM PLEASE!!' he didn't call Dom :'( he phoned my Mum to congratulate me on my Musey coursework :noey: he should've phoned Dom! But when he did phone my mum he said "her wonderful Muse coursework has made my very first day!" :'( I need to get on the head teachers good side then he may get me tickets :ninja::LOL:

WHAT THE FUCK?! This sounds like something that belongs in the Muse Dreams thread, not here! How is this dude so special that Dom calls him? Are they long lost cousins or something?

Wow that is cool :D Maybe you should do more musey artwork and he'll come for you again and you would be like ' I wish i could get tickets to a Muse gig...:supersad::LOL:


NO don't do that! Whinging and pity and crap don't work, they make you look pathetic.

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Here's my long random Musing from today!


Because our school's turning into an academy we have a new head teacher, he started yesterday and he was really mean and strict! He came into my technology class today to look around, I had my Muse coursework on the desk. He walked over and said "wow this is outstanding! Come sit with me over here and tell me about it!" I was terrified! :LOL: so I walked over with my Muse folder, as soon as I sat down he pointed to the Muse logo on the front and said "I met the drummer when I was on holiday. He gives me free tickets every time they tour in the UK!"

My face was :eek::awesome: I replied "Seriously?!" he said "yeah! He calls me and asks if I want tickets! You know what, come down to my office in a little while, I want to have another chat with you!"

He left after that! I love my new head teacher now! My tech teacher and everyone else in my class thought he was going to call Dom so that he could talk to me, or see if he could get me some tickets! I got all excited 'cause I thought he was going to call Dom :chuckle:

So later on I go to his office, show him my course work again. Then he picked up the phone! I was thinking 'CALL DOM! CALL DOM PLEASE!!' he didn't call Dom :'( he phoned my Mum to congratulate me on my Musey coursework :noey: he should've phoned Dom! But when he did phone my mum he said "her wonderful Muse coursework has made my very first day!" :'( I need to get on the head teachers good side then he may get me tickets :ninja::LOL:


GUH!! :eek:


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Wow that is cool :D Maybe you should do more musey artwork and he'll come for you again and you would be like ' I wish i could get tickets to a Muse gig...:supersad::LOL:


:LOL: my year 10 cousework is going to be a Muse board game for Origin Of Symmetry's 10th anniversary! :D


:eek: And just when I thought your Muse-ings couldn't get any better... That's seriously amazing!


I thought he was coming over to tell me tgat i'd done my coursework wrong! He was so mean the day before! He expelled someone for eating a polo and excluded 4 people on his very first day!


WHAT THE FUCK?! This sounds like something that belongs in the Muse Dreams thread, not here! How is this dude so special that Dom calls him? Are they long lost cousins or something?


I dont know, i think they're just friends because they met on holiday. Next time he talks to me i'll find out more info! :D


GUH!! :eek:



Haha! I think he's already married! He's 38 as well ;)

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Haha! I think he's already married! He's 38 as well ;)



Oh.. :facepalm::chuckle:




Musing: I heard TiRO on the radio yesterday for my first time and I totally just.. AH DIED!! :awesome:

But then afterwards (while the song was still playing :rolleyes: ) my mom, sister, and I got into a huge fight and.. I just yeah, hate the fighting that happens everyday :noey:

My stupid mom had to turn the radio down so she could talk on the fuckin' phone :mad:

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I have been at camp all week with geography class, and we decided to have a day where we had to pronounce our R's as W's. And, we went fishing and every time we caught a fish, there was a shout of "PWOPA FISH". :chuckle:


My mam just said: "Matt Bellamy has bushy hair" and "The drummer always wears surfing costumes" :D

Before I was watching Zane Lowe's Top 50 Rock and Roll stars, Plug in Baby was on, and at the end it went:



Plug in Baby



???? :facepalm:

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:LOL: my year 10 cousework is going to be a Muse board game for Origin Of Symmetry's 10th anniversary! :D


I dont know, i think they're just friends because they met on holiday. Next time he talks to me i'll find out more info! :D


Please do; I'm simply curious.

I have been at camp all week with geography class, and we decided to have a day where we had to pronounce our R's as W's. And, we went fishing and every time we caught a fish, there was a shout of "PWOPA FISH". :chuckle:


My mam just said: "Matt Bellamy has bushy hair" and "The drummer always wears surfing costumes" :D

Before I was watching Zane Lowe's Top 50 Rock and Roll stars, Plug in Baby was on, and at the end it went:



Plug in Baby



???? :facepalm:


That's cute! And cool for you!

BOARD SHORTS ARE THE BEST! I love love love them! They're so comfy and look awesome and expressional (I know that's not a word)

And to Zane's list... :facepalm: Although I'm pretty sure Zane would know that's wrong too.

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Here's my long random Musing from today!


Because our school's turning into an academy we have a new head teacher, he started yesterday and he was really mean and strict! He came into my technology class today to look around, I had my Muse coursework on the desk. He walked over and said "wow this is outstanding! Come sit with me over here and tell me about it!" I was terrified! :LOL: so I walked over with my Muse folder, as soon as I sat down he pointed to the Muse logo on the front and said "I met the drummer when I was on holiday. He gives me free tickets every time they tour in the UK!"

My face was :eek::awesome: I replied "Seriously?!" he said "yeah! He calls me and asks if I want tickets! You know what, come down to my office in a little while, I want to have another chat with you!"

He left after that! I love my new head teacher now! My tech teacher and everyone else in my class thought he was going to call Dom so that he could talk to me, or see if he could get me some tickets! I got all excited 'cause I thought he was going to call Dom :chuckle:

So later on I go to his office, show him my course work again. Then he picked up the phone! I was thinking 'CALL DOM! CALL DOM PLEASE!!' he didn't call Dom :'( he phoned my Mum to congratulate me on my Musey coursework :noey: he should've phoned Dom! But when he did phone my mum he said "her wonderful Muse coursework has made my very first day!" :'( I need to get on the head teachers good side then he may get me tickets :ninja::LOL:


I wish my headteacher was like that :'(

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This isn't a random musing but I need help! I want to design a Musey t-shirt but I don't know what to put on it! Does anyone have any ideas? :happy:

This is all I have



sorry about off topic :supersad:


I think that's fine :) But if you are doubting yourself, I think combining all the album artworks into one picture would be quite nice :D (sorry if it's been done before)


EDIT: Sorry about double post!! :)

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