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Guest bshuker

Rofl, it'd help if they learned to play their own song properly! :LOL:


Couldn't get the guitars any more present without getting a lot of fizz tbh


Any guesses on equipment?


Oh ya the cool bit in the song with 3 part harmony tapping was me, they were too FAIL

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Guest bshuker
I was kicked out of my last band for being too talented. Right now i'm working on a space ballet. It's going to be like a regular ballet, but instead of a regular orchestra i'm going to use synths, drum machines and the space age equivalent of a cannon.




I kicked everyone out of my band for being too shit

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Rofl, it'd help if they learned to play their own song properly! :LOL:


Couldn't get the guitars any more present without getting a lot of fizz tbh


Any guesses on equipment?


Oh ya the cool bit in the song with 3 part harmony tapping was me, they were too FAIL


im guessing dfh for drums and pod for guitars, but dodgy laptop speakers mean its not much more than a guess!

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lolololol WE HAS WINNAR, and for vocals?


hehe can tell the pod a pretty long way off :D i think its the cab modelling that is distinctive.


anyway, the mic is going to be much harder to pinpoint.. after all, i dont know how much you EQ'd it.. it sounds quite full of high frequency content with respect to the lows and low mids, but maybe thats from EQ :p


im guessing though, that you used a dynamic as if you take into consideration his singing style, a large diaphragm condenser would be a pretty big headache on anything but a very experienced singer. so im going to say something like a shure sm57/8, though it sounds liek its had a fair bit of excitation on it or hi EQ.. suppose you could get away with a LDC if you ran the signal pretty low or padded... or had some hardXcore compression before your converters


although the proximity effect isnt present on this vocal track (i thought for this style the singers practically eat the mic?) im still guessing its a dynamic. the backing vocals are very well placed. i also quite like the reverb on the vocal bus, though i think it could be a touch lower in places.

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Guest bshuker

lololololo, indeed it has, was the Big Bottom model, Treadplate cab, the usual basically, only single track per side (I usually quad track rhythm guitars on metal but they just weren't tight enough players for that lol)

Still not managed to get a convincing sound with Impulses and the Pod, don't know why really. Must be doing it wrong or something...


Ya very true :p you did good though! There was no EQ on the vocals, only compression and the verb. His voice was just quite lacking in low end tbh.


Totally agree about LDC with these vocals, never works, i actually got him to do it with the mic on the stand and away from it a little bit to avoid the proximity issue. May have caused the weakness in the low end. Hmmzzzz lololol


Backing vocals again were 58 copy, just on a boom stand above a small group of them lololol. Put it through the same bus as the Drum verb to try keep the same room sort of sound.


But ya, UBER FAIL way of recording tbf.

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lololololo, indeed it has, was the Big Bottom model, Treadplate cab, the usual basically, only single track per side (I usually quad track rhythm guitars on metal but they just weren't tight enough players for that lol)

Still not managed to get a convincing sound with Impulses and the Pod, don't know why really. Must be doing it wrong or something...


Ya very true :p you did good though! There was no EQ on the vocals, only compression and the verb. His voice was just quite lacking in low end tbh.


Totally agree about LDC with these vocals, never works, i actually got him to do it with the mic on the stand and away from it a little bit to avoid the proximity issue. May have caused the weakness in the low end. Hmmzzzz lololol


Backing vocals again were 58 copy, just on a boom stand above a small group of them lololol. Put it through the same bus as the Drum verb to try keep the same room sort of sound.


But ya, UBER FAIL way of recording tbf.


busing the backing vocals with the drum verb is a pretty good idea actually.. though i dont ever use reverb on my drums except snare. might have to look into it, though i dont have any good reverbs.

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Guest bshuker

Aye, is pretty neat little trick, it doesn't work perfectly with DFHS because the majority of the Ambience I use from the Room Mics off of it, so what I tend to do is run a Bus with a hefty bit of Snare the Toms and a tiny bit of the Room Mic to get my Verb (tbf I'm a huge fan of 80s Mixes which are doused in Reverb so it's probably that influence on me), but ya, doesn't need an overly good verb plug, just one that can do a medium size hall type verb with a relatively short decay on it. D-Verb works a treat on PT. I can't remember what there is on Cubase but I'm sure theres one that'll do it.


Was trying something out in that metal mix aswell with a Sound Field plug to try and make one of the overdubbed guitars come through in the back of a 3D sound space, it worked alrightishhhhh, better when it was isolated, problem was it's shoved in a very thick bit of the song.


Not sure what it's called but it's the thing where the reverb/delay/eq are all set with some funny algorithm that tricks your brain into thinking the sound is behind you (kinda like the virtual surround sound systems). Bit of fun lolz

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yeah, thats something i dont know much about, stuff like how you know its infront or behind or above/below. i always thought it might have been something to do with the frequency response changing because of your earlobe getting in the way in different ways, but i dunno.


loosely related: iirc, wearing a hat with a brim on puts a notch in your hearing at 2khz, so dont mix with sunhats on like this silly man did! lol



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Guest bshuker

Some crazy stuff like that! Tbh I just got the plugin and moved the little dot back behind the mans head and tweaked some of the settings a bit until it made me feel freaked out that it was behind me haha. One thing about that stuff is that you really do have to be bang in the middle of your speakers line at like 45degrees or whatever it is otherwise the effect just doesn't work.



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pretty much, hah


oh what you said about positioning something until it freaked you out reminded me of something that happened when i tracked some vocals one time..


i have a squeaky floor. we did a last take of the line we were tracking and i left the transport on record for a long time before where we actually needed to record at. we get the take done and then my mate goes downstairs. im now alone in my room, so i solo the vocal track and put on my headphones and hit play. i think i got distracted by something at this point, but because there was such a long pre-roll on the take i didnt bother stopping it, since nothing was playing


about a minute later when im doing whatever i got distracted by (maybe eating a chocolate bar or something, i dunno) i hear the floor squeak very loudly, directly behind me.. it scared the crap out of me! turns out he stepped on the squeaky bit of the floor before he started singing, but it took me a while to remember i had the track playing :LOL:


was pretty spooked for about 30 seconds before the voice magically appeared in my headphones :p

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Ok since we casually stepped over my post over a week ago.. here it is again. :p



Hey all heres a link to my bands myspace. we just recorded a collection of songs and i thought i'd share it with you. please add us too :)http://www.myspace.com/yourattentionpleaseband

its kinda like.. power pop/punk/rock... but we always struggle to categorize it cause our songs orbit lots of genres.

call it a modern day OMD :LOL:


catchy stuff basically.


ps i play keyboards in it

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