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Well said.

it's true.


niiiiiiiiiice liking the home recorded one! muchoes! Not many interesting unsigned bands around, you guys are mint. only one thing, the tone of the guitar is too murky at about 1:40 but i'm just nitpicking.

love the solo as well! it's something i'd do if i actually had any pedals hahaha


thanks man :) people dont generally like us haha you're one of the few. :p

yeah well in anycase we'll have recordings of all our songs as of july and i'll be mixing them at home.. but that song has severely changed for the best.. much more powerful now. (note: not heavy, just more 'inyourface'")

this is due to the fact that we have all gotten better at our instruments, and since that recording we have changed bassists. becaus the girl who recorded bass on that song was good but wasn't into the band that much.. she just wanted to play RHCP all the time..


anyways, I like your stuff man, it's quite similar to primus I find.. which is never a bad thing! :D Nice one for having two guitarists too!! I find it impossible really to play with another guitarist due to the fact that I have all my effects and generally the other guitarists dont have any so it's like "ugh ok well umm i'll make weird cool noises while you shred.. or something"

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gotta love the fact that you never do anything and spend your time criticizing others.. dickhead



what? im just helping you, next time record vocals with out hiss (if possible) and it might help the quality of the song. :rolleyes: ... didnt say your song sucks or anything :p














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what? im just helping you, next time record vocals with out hiss (if possible) and it might help the quality of the song. :rolleyes: ... didnt say your song sucks or anything :p







the reason there is a hiss is because I had to raise the volume of the recording afterwords, and I couldn't be arsed to rerecord because I did that and thought it sounded good. so instead I just raised the volume and that hiss appeared.. also adding compression helped a bit to remove it but I dont like abusing of compression..


and yeah I am open to critisism in the sense that you're saying it for me to help imrpove it, but not to open criticizm or whatever you call it where you just insult for the point of insulting.. put some reason into your pos instead of just saying "gotta love the hiss" because you've already come off as a right twat.














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the reason there is a hiss is because I had to raise the volume of the recording afterwords, and I couldn't be arsed to rerecord because I did that and thought it sounded good. so instead I just raised the volume and that hiss appeared.. also adding compression helped a bit to remove it but I dont like abusing of compression..


and yeah I am open to critisism in the sense that you're saying it for me to help imrpove it, but not to open criticizm or whatever you call it where you just insult for the point of insulting.. put some reason into your pos instead of just saying "gotta love the hiss" because you've already come off as a right twat.





:*( , quit your bitching , its a message board ;)

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this'll mean nothing to most of you, but still: would you do the me service of checking this out


http://www. myspace.com/snowblindtheband


and letting me know your thoughts, perhaps? thank you kindly. two other songs have yet to be posted, as i believe you say, but we're not much cop with computers. cheers, though.


also: any drummers in the manchester area: we're currently lacking a drummer and we need one. please get in touch. gigs, material, experience, and we're not complete fuckpots. ta.

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quite your childish behaviour, you're 18.... or are you?


if your in a band expect people to say "your band is shit, get off the stage" all i was implying in my frist post was "GET RID OF THE HISS BECAUSE IT SOUNDS LIKE SHIT" if you cant take it then stop playing music. because your going to come across alot of people who are not gonna like it. not because it sounds horrible, but because people are gonna bue straight out assholes.











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Hey, could someone post some nice feedback on my band? Production stuff preferably. It's on the page before this one.
It's good! The production is very accomplished, although the vocals could perhaps do with a little touching up. However, the song itself loses steam a little from when the vocals come in. Though, thinking about that, the long outro would probably work very well in an album context.


In other news, my band, Studio Tokyo! has finished its EP. You can listen to it here. Feedback is very muchly appreciated. The EP will be available soon for free download, or CD purchase (for £2) through our website.

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if your in a band expect people to say "your band is shit, get off the stage" all i was implying in my frist post was "GET RID OF THE HISS BECAUSE IT SOUNDS LIKE SHIT" if you cant take it then stop playing music. because your going to come across alot of people who are not gonna like it. not because it sounds horrible, but because people are gonna bue straight out assholes.












You could at least assist by suggesting ways to get rid of the hiss and stuff like that, telling him to do it, when he may not necessarily know isn't helpful in the slightest.

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New song ('Untitled' until I think of something rather crap to call it) up on http://www.myspace.com/the3rdstoreychemist


A couple more song should be enough for an EP I think.


Edit - Added another slightly random track that I did a while ago aswell.

That was so not what I expected. Well I don't know quite what I expected, but that wasn't it.


It's dreeeamy, you could lie with headphones on pretend you were somewhere else :happy:


/girliest post ever :stunned:

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That was so not what I expected. Well I don't know quite what I expected, but that wasn't it.


It's dreeeamy, you could lie with headphones on pretend you were somewhere else :happy:


/girliest post ever :stunned:

no I agree.. I love the first track! it sounds like you had some reverse delay going.. and the whammy seemed to have been used as well. but I'm probably completely wrong..

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http://www. myspace.com/snowblindtheband


also: any drummers in the manchester area: we're currently lacking a drummer and we need one. please get in touch. gigs, material, experience, and we're not complete fuckpots. ta.


i don't mean to be a mug, but any comments you could see your way clear to posting would be much appreciated. we're very grateful. thank you.

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i don't mean to be a mug, but any comments you could see your way clear to posting would be much appreciated. we're very grateful. thank you.
It's good. The production is nice and the music is very listenable.


I like Ernest too, the funk vibe you've got is awesome.

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It's good. The production is nice and the music is very listenable.


I like Ernest too, the funk vibe you've got is awesome.


thank you! oh, i listened to bits of that huge swathe of stuff yours, yellowsphere. haven't got through it all yet, but it was mighty good. i was quite startled, to be honest. i don't know: not often you hear something that fully-formed, i suppose, from an unsigned artist. and, you know, you're not in hock to anyone else up to your eyeballs, which is always a good thing. cheers.

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thank you! oh, i listened to bits of that huge swathe of stuff yours, yellowsphere. haven't got through it all yet, but it was mighty good. i was quite startled, to be honest. i don't know: not often you hear something that fully-formed, i suppose, from an unsigned artist. and, you know, you're not in hock to anyone else up to your eyeballs, which is always a good thing. cheers.
Thanks for your kind words. Please check out my band too: Link (the first four tracks are the EP)
any feedback would be greatly appreciated (as long as its positive :p )
The songwriting is good, but the drums are very overbearing. I think for the songs that you're writing the guitar should be big, massive and in your face. The tone is more or less perfect, but you're hearing it from the other side of the wall in which the amp is, except on the last track, where it all hangs together far better, except I would give the bass more influence.


Lots of potential, there just needs to be a little bit more work done on cleaning up the mix, in my opinion.


EDIT: the noisy bits towards the end of Sawface I like a lot

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we are not list


any feedback would be greatly appreciated (as long as its positive :p )


yes, yes! good stuff. to me, it sounded a little like my vitriol to start with. i mean, i see the sonic youth thing with the chimey guitars and edgy arrangement, but then it has this straight-up melodic vibe which reminded me of my vitriol. and nirvana, oddly by the second verse. digging the lush major key-ish mogwai interlude, and the my bloody valentine style noisenik stuff at the end is ace. all that pertains to 'quite interesting'. now i'd better go and listen to the rest, hadn't i? oh, and i like yr drummer.

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