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Dear Kev,


while you are already going around on the boats and changing names, could you please give my boat the damn name Matt requested? I'm going nuts with anticipation and the bugger refuses to tell me what name he told you.



Miss T Iced Bun :indiff:

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My Dearest Kevin,


Will you please change my love boat name to somehting? I think no one posts in it because no one knows it is mine. Be creative thanks :happy:





done! it's very nerdy now. :$


Hi Kev...



I'm a bit confused...


saw a spitting image of you at a bus stop today, but then a van drove past that said LUBING on the side of it.


What's going on???:eek:


you have weird dreams brain. i'm glad it stopped there! :p

Dear Kev,


Have an awesome trip to Deutschland and give Donna a hug from me. :happy:


Miss T

Iced Bun Bum


thank you i will do both :D


Please don't, it's awesome as it is. :awesome:


noted :)


Dear Kev











That is all


haha, bless slashba



haha that's mental. a lot of rock in that mashup


Dear Kev,


I'm trying to find some iced buns for T but so far no luck.


which kind? greggs should do the classic kind, i think the kind she knows about... well they're going to need to be home made :-/

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Dear Kev


I realise this has nothing to do with muse but meh not everything is about them!


I feel a right meanie now after having ago at Tommy Stinson he then replied saying he's got the flu:( Random though how he came across the tweet as I don't follow him nor he I (as far as I'm aware) and I didn't "mention" him or # him :erm:


The world of twitter still confuses me.


Maybe it was because I mentioned the D word :shock:













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Kev, not being able to multi-quote whilst using the forums mobile and iPhone skins is rather annoying, can anything be done about this? :)

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Yeah I usually use the normal skin but sometimes it takes ages to load on my phone which is why I use the mobile skin, oh well I'll only multi-quote when at a pc :D

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Dear Kev,


I think the relationship between Ross and T is falling apart. T got very upset when Ross said he 'won't do T in the park' and she now wants to beat him up (again). Could you give them some advice?


Oh dear, what a shame. I think they need to compromise on where they choose to consummate their love. I can imagine for an estonian it is a high honour to use a park for such needs, as they must be far more romantic and luxurious than the huts/slums/grey eastern bloc buildings. Whereas for Ross it is actually a little trampy to use the park. I think they should aim for somewhere in between, like a garden.

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Oh dear, what a shame. I think they need to compromise on where they choose to consummate their love. I can imagine for an estonian it is a high honour to use a park for such needs, as they must be far more romantic and luxurious than the huts/slums/grey eastern bloc buildings. Whereas for Ross it is actually a little trampy to use the park. I think they should aim for somewhere in between, like a garden.


Dear Kev,


What an insight and such a wonderful suggestion! I have found a g(arden) spot I am sure they both will like. flowertower.jpg

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