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Dear Kev,

I can't find a student house to live in next year. With your awesome modly powers, could you please get me one?

Also, how should I take revenge on my housemate who always leaves his damn bike in the hallway for the rest of us to fall over? I nearly broke my ankle tripping over it AGAIN this morning :mad:



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Dear K


is it just me, or does the tag doesn't work when the http address has a "space" in it (after posting, the board converts the space to a "%20"). What gives?








That's Pira's smile :LOL:


as you're not allowed space characters in urls (not a board thing a uri spec thing) the way spaces are represented is as %20 which is correct.


post up examples for help identifying the problem

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dear Kev


Has Bertha developed a case of amnesia? It never remembers me anymore :'( Also, I keep getting logged out when I'm idle, is this a new thing or is it just me?


i think you just suffered a temporary bug, should be cool now


Dear Kev

Happy new year


thanks :)




This new server thread is really confusing people



thanks, i've changed the title

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Dear Kev,


I seem to have the same problem as Futurellama. Also, it won't let me change the skin, it keeps changing back to the old one, and it's getting pretty annoying.


Do you just change it on a normal page or in your settings? Because if you have a different one set in default then it'll change back.

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