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Its not as bad a clusterfuck as T2L was at any rate. At least these songs are all vaguely in the same genre, regardless of style.


Vaguely, yes xb But meh, I can easily live with that. Still hoping for a great album

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Bet they'll be removing the files from the servers after this. If there was any chance of the album leaking a couple weeks early, it's gone now.


Don't think they'll remove anything. They'll probably just rename the zip to something dumb like Ee71291jFKLASF9.zip or whatever.

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I've just re-watched that "making of" video, and man alive some of the songs we don't have yet sound fucking menacing. Defector will be swanky as hell.


The only complaint I have about what we've heard of Defector is that the riff has that silly stop start ascending then descending thing. I like a riff that carries on going and going at the same pace. Much better to get your mosh on to. The solo bit is pretty cool though and the vocals sound like they're pretty strong, even though the bit we've heard was just Queen ripoff multi track faff!

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Okay, I'm sure others will disagree but for me Drones is flowing really well as an album at the moment. Just listened to Dead Inside - Drill Sergeant - Psycho - Mercy and it's all working pretty nicely. Definitely not jarring like T2L did.

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