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There is no way they drop madness, even if it doesn't fit




The 2nd Law:

I feel like Explorers will be on rotation with something, Follow Me as well (maybe with Madness).


Supremacy, Survival and Animals could easily stay. If Chris ever sings on tour it will be Liquid State (unless rotation of Save Me is done with another song).


Panic Station is tricky. It could be a rotation, maybe in an encore or something.



Uprising and Resistance have a good chance of staying.


Undisclosed Desires could go on rotation. USOE could be rotation as well (unlikely).


Guiding Light may make regular returns as an encore track.


Unnatural Selection and maybe MK Ultra will make a return.


IBTY will be out (they rarely play it anyways) and it would a rotation song/special thing if it was played.


Symphony is probably going to be a encore thing. Between main set and such (like Isolated System was)



Take A Bow is unlikely to return.


Starlight is going to be a closer or something.


Supermassive Black Hole - it has been slowly been pushed down set lists over the tour and at one or two gigs it wasn't even played. This could end up (sadly) being on rotation or a closer of some kind.


MOTP - Rotation, they didn't play it much if I remember correctly.


Soliders Poem / Invincible - Out


Assassin / Exo / City of Delusion - Could make a return. Unlikely though


Hoodoo - Out


Knights - Very possible closer. Unless something from new album replaces it.


And tired of typing, maybe will do the rest later. :p

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The 2nd Law:

I feel like Explorers will be on rotation with something, Follow Me as well (maybe with Madness).


Supremacy, Survival and Animals could easily stay. If Chris ever sings on tour it will be Liquid State (unless rotation of Save Me is done with another song).


Panic Station is tricky. It could be a rotation, maybe in an encore or something.



Uprising and Resistance have a good chance of staying.


Undisclosed Desires could go on rotation. USOE could be rotation as well (unlikely).


Guiding Light may make regular returns as an encore track.


Unnatural Selection and maybe MK Ultra will make a return.


IBTY will be out (they rarely play it anyways) and it would a rotation song/special thing if it was played.


Symphony is probably going to be a encore thing. Between main set and such (like Isolated System was)



Take A Bow is unlikely to return.


Starlight is going to be a closer or something.


Supermassive Black Hole - it has been slowly been pushed down set lists over the tour and at one or two gigs it wasn't even played. This could end up (sadly) being on rotation or a closer of some kind.


MOTP - Rotation, they didn't play it much if I remember correctly.


Soliders Poem / Invincible - Out


Assassin / Exo / City of Delusion - Could make a return. Unlikely though


Hoodoo - Out


Knights - Very possible closer. Unless something from new album replaces it.


And tired of typing, maybe will do the rest later. :p



nah Explorers and Guiding light will be definitely out. They said they put those on the Rome DVD to show the "soft side" of the band and because the next album is going to be heavier. I'm expecting the setlist to be more from the heavy guitar based songs.

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nah Explorers and Guiding light will be definitely out. They said they put those on the Rome DVD to show the "soft side" of the band and because the next album is going to be heavier. I'm expecting the setlist to be more from the heavy guitar based songs.


I forgot that they did say this. Very possible you are correct. I'm hoping some Absolution and OOS stuff comes back (even if its the same stuff they always play i.e. New Born, Bliss, CE, MC, Hysteria, etc).

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So I was trying to be a smart ass and sent an email to them saying:


"Could I please have some details on the Sunday performance and how/when I’d be able to purchase tickets"


and then they quickly replied with:


"If you are referring to the 'Muse' concert we have no information of this taking place at the Ulster Hall and unaware of where this information has originated."


I think I kinda believe them now!

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From T2L I'm guessing Supremacy, Survival, Panic Station and Madness stay in heavy rotation. Potentially Follow Me.


I have the feeling Animals will be dropped because I don't think most of the crowd would recognize it. That said, it's thematically similar to that Drones so it may stay.

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How could you think we hadn't seen that already...


That thought of has it already been posted crossed my mind, but skimming back 10 pages to look for mention or discussion of artwork is enough effort for my liking, just because 1 person has seen something already...

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Why not do this again:

Supremacy: Staple (possibly encore opener)

Madness: Staple (probably same place as t2l tour)

Panic Station : Rotated

Survival: Staple (some sort of closer)

Follow Me: Rotated (maybe with panic station with ps being played more)

Animals: Rotated (kinda rare)

Explorers: Gone

Big Freeze: Still gone

Save Me: Gone

Liquid State: probably gone

Unsustainable: You guessed it

Isolated System: and again!

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