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This was actually posted by Si Bennett,

who's creating the live visuals.

He could also be working on the video, it's not necessarily live visuals, as those wouldn't explain why he needed to RENDER RENDER RENDER in a rush the other day

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He could also be working on the video, it's not necessarily live visuals, as those wouldn't explain why he needed to RENDER RENDER RENDER in a rush the other day


Yeah, that's true.


I also thought that this might be a screenshot

from the lyric video, it was an answer on Twitter by Tom.



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Still new to the beards, so bear with me!


A few thoughts after compulsively reading the last 50 or so pages...

1. To echo everyone else, I cannot wait for the release of Psycho. Love that they incorporated the 0305030 riff. But what I love most, as some have said, is the tone of Matt's guitar - it sounds just as brash, audacious and immense as it does live. Can't wait.


2. From what I've read, the IG Tremolo Riff video hasn't been discussed much which I think that's a shame, because to me that's the coolest piece of music they've teased on IG. I LOVE all the classical influences Matt incorporates and this just had such a dynamic classical/Muse feel to it. I know it's pretty simple, but I just love it. What do you guys think about this one?


3. If I had to pick one live riff that I wish would be incorporated into a song it would be the Vuilstamen riff - that one is just so effing sick. I highly doubt it'll ever happen but damn would that be awesome.

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Still new to the beards, so bear with me!


A few thoughts after compulsively reading the last 50 or so pages...

1. To echo everyone else, I cannot wait for the release of Psycho. Love that they incorporated the 0305030 riff. But what I love most, as some have said, is the tone of Matt's guitar - it sounds just as brash, audacious and immense as it does live. Can't wait.


2. From what I've read, the IG Tremolo Riff video hasn't been discussed because the Psycho tease came out so soon after. I think that's a shame, because to me that's the coolest piece of music they've teased on IG. I LOVE all the classical influences Matt incorporates and this just had such a dynamic classical/Muse feel to it. What do you guys think about this one?


3. If I had to pick one live riff that I wish would be incorporated into a song it would be the Vuilstamen riff - that one is just so effing sick. I highly doubt it'll ever happen but damn would that be awesome.


When you say Tremolo Riff you mean the one from 4 days ago? because that one has been discussed in this thread. I think the apple conference discussion pushed it back quite abit though

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Would be stupid considering 2/3rds of the band + Tom, presumably were all in LA yesterday, and they want this thing out ASAP.


Not necessarily stupid, Just because Matt's back now doesn't mean that the rest don't plan too soon.


Who has said ASAP btw? All I've heard is tight deadline, but we actual have no reference to what is a "tight deadline" for them

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Not necessarily stupid, Just because Matt's back now doesn't mean that the rest don't plan too soon.


Who has said ASAP btw? All I've heard is tight deadline, but we actual have no reference to what is a "tight deadline" for them


Matt said asap himself on his twitter, and said he hopes to have it out this week.

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Has anyone heard whether that radio announcer who said Psycho is coming out on Thursday has mentioned it again? Can't think of the station, was mentioned a few days ago.


I still call bullshit on this. I doubt that the station would be told they were going to premiere the song if the song's not finished yet. Plus the song's content etc etc.

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