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I'd leave after Starlight and come away from that happy tbf. UD, GL, Feely G and TIRO would be bummers but everything else I'd be right on. I think it'd be physically impossible for me to be unhappy with a set that has Invin on it, unless Matt delegated the guitar-work to someone else so he could lie down on the floor.

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If muse were to call it quits tomorrow with absolutely no regard for commercial hits, final show for the fans.


Sunburn (06 version)


Muscle Museum


(What's He Building In There)

New Born


Plug in Baby

Citizen Erased

(Dracula Mountain)

Apocalypse Please

Falling Away With You

Sing For Absolution

Stockholm Syndrome

(Dance of the Knights)

Knights of Cydonia

Map of the Problematique


City of Delusion

(We Are The Universe)


MK Ultra

Unnatural Selection

Exo 1/2/3

(Unsustainable intro)









The Globalist


Spiral Static


Dead Star

Crying Shame




Take a Bow

Edited by Alexander DeLarge
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Bomb Intro + Supremacy

Citizen Erased

Sing for Absolution



Butterflies & Hurricanes

Ruled By Secrecy

United States of Eurasia

New Born



Eternally Missed



No Exit (Blondie cover)

Rudebox (Robbie Williams cover)

Protect Ya Neck (Wu Tang Clan cover)


Take a Bow

Plug In Baby

Knights of Cydonia (without Harmonica)

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1. Psycho

2. MK Ultra

3. New Born

4. The Small Print

5. Supermassive Black Hole

6. Neutron Star Collision

7. Muscle Museum

8. Bliss

9. Unnatural Selection

10. Hoodoo

11. Apocalypse Please

12. Animals

13. Hyper Music

14. Dead Star

15. Assassin

16. Citizen Erased

17. Megalomania


18. Butterflies And Hurricanes

19. Plug In Baby

20. Reapers


21. Supremacy

22. Stockholm Syndrome + Riffs

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Sticking to their latest amazing 15 song set lists :LOL:

Picking 2 from each album and 1 bside/ non album song


Dead Star

Map of the Problematique

The Handler


Citizen Erased

Space Dementia


Muscle Museum

MK Ultra


Unnatural Selection

Stockholm Syndrome


The Globalist


Take A Bow

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Sticking to their latest amazing 15 song set lists :LOL:

Picking 2 from each album and 1 bside/ non album song


Dead Star

Map of the Problematique

The Handler


Citizen Erased

Space Dementia


Muscle Museum

MK Ultra


Unnatural Selection

Stockholm Syndrome


The Globalist


Take A Bow


Toss Psycho/Reapers/Dead Inside in there and that's what Psycho tour should have been.

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Aside from Showbiz, I wouldn't say that's better than any of the Psycho Tour gigs tbh. Well, the UK shows at least.


The Psycho Tour was good but if the usual staples were dropped, it could have been legendary. No need for Starlight/Madness (I guess that was only a thing here)/Supermassive Black Hole/Uprising/TiRO/Knights of Cydonia


Imagine how good those shows would have been with more room being freed up without the "gotta play the hits" mentality. It'd be nice to get away from those songs during fan events considering every single one of those songs has been played hundreds of times/every single night since 2003-2012.

Edited by Alexander DeLarge
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How I'd want a 15 Song Club gig.


Dead Star

Micro Cuts

The Small Print


MK Ultra

Citizen Erased

Ruled By Secrecy


City of Delusion


Muscle Museum



Hyperchondriac Music


Stockholm Syndrome

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15 song club;


1. Psycho

2. Map of the Problematique

3. Bliss

4. Muscle Museum

5. Futurism

6. Dead Star

7. Time is Running Out

8. Assassin (ext.)

9. Butterflies & Hurricanes

10. New Born

12. The Small Print

13. Hyper Music

14. Stockholm Syndrome + Riffs

15. Showbiz



Final no cares about casuals gig;


*Whats He Building In There*

1. New Born

2. Psycho

3. Uno

4. Dead Star

5. Interlude + Hysteria

6. Muscle Museum

7. Citizen Erased

8. United States of Eurasia

9. Butterflies & Hurricanes

10. Sunburn

11. Munich Jam

12. Assassin (ext.)

13. Map of the Problematique

14. Bliss

15. Time is Running Out

16. Micro Cuts

17. Reapers

18. Stockholm Syndrome + Riffs

19. Megalomania


20. Knights of Cydonia + Space Dementia Outro

21. Hyper Music

22. MK Ultra

23. Take a Bow

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Go on then, my bash at some kind of fairly reasonable farewell gig (provided Matt did some Rocky 4 style training for it):


Knights Of Cydonia



Supermassive Black Hole

Map Of The Problematique


Dead Star

Micro Cuts

Citizen Erased


Space Dementia

Plug In Baby




Time Is Running Out


New Born



Sing For Absolution

Muscle Museum

Butterflies & Hurricanes (I've never tried this as a closer before iirc, think it'd work though)


Hyper Chondriac Music


Stockholm Syndrome

Take A Bow


Might seem like obvious/standard choices for the most part, but a farewell gig should be more of an overall reflection of your career than a Zepp-esque rarity-fest. Would've liked to add a couple more piano songs but 26 was pushing it.


Edit: Actually, maybe swap Unintended for FAWY. Always liked the idea of them finally playing it at their final show, fitting as well.

Edited by Jobby
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Go on then, my bash at some kind of fairly reasonable farewell gig (provided Matt did some Rocky 4 style training for it):



Might seem like obvious/standard choices for the most part, but a farewell gig should be more of an overall reflection of your career than a Zepp-esque rarity-fest. Would've liked to add a couple more piano songs but 26 was pushing it.


Not sure 1 song off Drones and none off T2L is really "a reflection of their career" especially without either Madness or Dead Inside. Whether we like it or not, an all encompassing farewell gig should acnoledge their poppy side.


Would love to see that setlist though - the run from Knights to Space Dementia is awesome.

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Not sure 1 song off Drones and none off T2L is really "a reflection of their career" especially without either Madness or Dead Inside. Whether we like it or not, an all encompassing farewell gig should acnoledge their poppy side.


Meh, you can't get everything, and T2L and Drones arguably hold the least demand/need for representation. Madness is a fair shout but I'd say Resistance, Supermassive, Uprising, TIRO and Starlight cover enough of the pop on their own.


Maybe swap The Handler in for Fury and put it between MC and CE? Fury is a more important nod to the hardcores and the reputation of their b-sides for me though.

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I guess you could squeeze Unsustainable in as encore opener and Liquid State somewhere else without putting any extra pressure on Matt's voice, and maybe Animals before PIB, if you want to push it.

Edited by Zepp
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My attempt at a farewell stadium gig using all the albums with hardcore fan favourites as well as biggest commercial hits.



New Born



Supermassive Black Hole

Map of the Problematique

The Handler


Micro Cuts

Dead Star

Muscle Museum

Citizen Erased

Ruled By Secrecy

United States of Eurasia

Feeling Good


Dead Inside


Butterflies and Hurricanes


Time is Running Out


Stockholm Syndrome

Take a Bow




Plug in Baby



City of Delusion


Knights of Cydonia



Obviously the length is very unrealistic - maybe two gigs at Wembley with sensible rotation could bring it down to two 25 nighters.


Also the run from Feeling Good to Starlight is a write-off, but I couldn't find a better way to get in all those hits without ruining the flow of other sections.

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15 down a club:

1. Knights of Cydonia

2. Hysteria

3. Reapers

4. Psycho

5. Agitated

6. Assassin

7. Fury

8. The Groove

9. Muscle Museum

10. Supermassive Black Hole

11. Map of the Problematique + Township Rebellion riff

12. Futurism

13. Dead Star

14. Stockholm Syndrome + riff + riff + riff + riff + riff

15. Showbiz

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2x Bye Bye Stadium Gigs



Supermassive Black Hole

Map of the Problematique

Dead Inside / Panic Station


Interlude + Hysteria


Citizen Erased / Butterflies & Hurricanes

United States of Eurasia / Feeling Good

Sunburn / Space Dementia

New Born

Hyper Music / Dead Star

Micro Cuts / Muscle Museum

The Handler / MK Ultra



Time is Running Out


Stockholm Syndrome



Assassin (ext.)

Knights of Cydonia



Plug in Baby

Take a Bow

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I think it says something about how we feel about Muse when a "goodbye gig" is such a common theme on here. Not that we're telling them to stop, but I think we kinda feel like they've said what they have to say, and at this point it's just about staying relevant.


My goodbye gig:


What's He Building In There*

Dead Star

New Born


Sunburn (guitar)

Supermassive Black Hole

Map Of The Problematique

Citizen Erased

Ruled By Secrecy


Space Dementia








Time Is Running Out


Stockholm Syndrome

Take A Bow




Butterflies & Hurricanes


Muscle Museum

Plug In Baby

Knights of Cydonia




*There's a good chance I'd shed a tear if they opened their last gig with that

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Just came up with an idea that could be pretty cool imo. Why not combine this fan request club gig that they know people are clamouring for with a charity gig?


- Use a vote system, top 20 songs make up the set

- Minimum donation for a vote could be £2 or something (just to avoid people spamming with 1p votes)

- Top 100 donors (cumulative) are guaranteed a ticket for free and maybe a meet and greet beforehand

- Rest of the tickets (probs around 1200 or sutin, so still plenty left) go on board-exclusive sale for idk, like, £20-30?


Hypothetical set (using a combo of my poll results from last year and some of the commonly seen songs on the vk comment vote) could be:


***What's He Building?***

Dead Star

The Small Print


MK Ultra


City Of Delusion


Butterflies & Hurricanes

Citizen Erased

Space Dementia




Interlude + Hysteria

Time Is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome



Sing For Absolution

Muscle Museum

Knights Of Cydonia

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