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I'd be interested in one if it weren't so heavily branded and had the original Emex headstock :facepalm:


Those are the two things that bug me most. Doesn't really seem necessary to have the brand name and TM down the side.


The headstock isn't my ideal, but I don't mind it reeally

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Those are the two things that bug me most. Doesn't really seem necessary to have the brand name and TM down the side.


The headstock isn't my ideal, but I don't mind it reeally


I dunno why, but I kinda like the branding down the side, and the headstock looks quirky! (awesome quirky)

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Only 5 more minutes left for one more of my friends to wish me a happy birthday... he still hasnt. :(fucking larry


Wait wait wait. Are you saying 439 people have wished you happy birthday on Facebook?


Or are you just counting important people

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and the 001



and the maple board one


i was also considering bringing the rust relic in for a rewire.


i'd only bring the body though, so you wouldn't be able to play it...but still...it has traces of max bartholomew mojo :pope:


Got something to post in here a bit later...


new manson?

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i was also considering bringing the rust relic in for a rewire.


i'd only bring the body though, so you wouldn't be able to play it...but still...it has traces of max bartholomew mojo :pope:




new manson?


:eek: I can touch it?


And no, it's the acoustic ;)

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:eek: I can touch it?


And no, it's the acoustic ;)


Yes, if you promise to leave some MFC on it for me to take home



Oh and some hi res:






i didn't know where to get a case for it, so i just took one of my strat cases and cut a few chunks out of it so this would fit :facepalm: styrofoam everywhere

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I don't have a screwdriver =(


Nah I'll get the pics soon. That review said that a lot of care seems to have gone into the wiring, but we'll see you think.


I just hope I don't find those damn alpha mini pots in there. The ones in the emex were alpha mini pots, and the tone pot broke for no reason. just started making this weird clicking noise one day and didn't let me own my tone anymore :mad:

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Yeah. I've been scared to leave them out ever since there was a leak in the ceiling a while back (can't trust those ceilings)


I imagine the room you keep them all in looks like that place from end of raiders of the lost ark.


Grats on the geetar though, satin black and ali combo is niiiiice.

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