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It's not technically, but their's is being bulldozed or refurbished or something so I wouldn't be surprised if they convened there. Anyhoo, let us know how you get on. If it does turn out to be URN I may try time myself to drop in!


Ahhhh yeah I thought the place was crawling with students :LOL: Will do, I've never met a boardie before.

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Is that a tweed cable or....?



Impulse 101, if you're still lurking, here's what your old strat looks like now.






The EMGs were nice, but not exactly what I wanted. It now has two Fender CS texas special single coils and a Suhr DSH+ humbucker in the bridge (amazing pickup). Electronics are all new as well.


I also replaced the bridge saddles... I needed to replace those blocks in the original bridge as they were a bit worn down, but they were stuck...everything was a bit dirty anyway so I went ahead and replaced the saddles completely. I only got the generic ones from stewmac, but I kept the original bridge plate at least. String clamps on the nut are also new.


And now with the other strats...





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Not truly lurking, just didn't have much to say. I'm sitting here with a notebook and pencil working on a new project that will be the most work of anything I've ever done and biting my nails waiting to hear from the boys are Suhr about my Tele, which will need to be shipped by Wednesday. It will also have the DSH+ in the bridge, just like my first one.


The strat looks great, in fact I feel like I neglected it after all the attention that you've lavished on it. I really loved the EMG's in it, they cut through the mix in a live setting and I never had to worry about noise. I'm sure the DSH+ will be just as cutting and it splits really well. It's got a lot of mids but it still comes out as balanced, just smoother than most high output buckers.


I really like the steel dome knobs. I should have done that, gives it a Mark Knopfler Red Schecter look.




Oh Yeah, Those cables are tweed looking wraps. Fender's been making them for years.

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Yeah 'tis tweed, for the vintage tones.


Also which is the nice sunburst Strat in the middle there, is that the Japanese one? Yummy.


Yep, '62 reissue


Not truly lurking, just didn't have much to say. I'm sitting here with a notebook and pencil working on a new project that will be the most work of anything I've ever done and biting my nails waiting to hear from the boys are Suhr about my Tele, which will need to be shipped by Wednesday. It will also have the DSH+ in the bridge, just like my first one.


The strat looks great, in fact I feel like I neglected it after all the attention that you've lavished on it. I really loved the EMG's in it, they cut through the mix in a live setting and I never had to worry about noise. I'm sure the DSH+ will be just as cutting and it splits really well. It's got a lot of mids but it still comes out as balanced, just smoother than most high output buckers.


I really like the steel dome knobs. I should have done that, gives it a Mark Knopfler Red Schecter look.




Oh Yeah, Those cables are tweed looking wraps. Fender's been making them for years.


Yeah, the DSH+ is great. Balanced is definitely a good way to describe it. I don't have it hooked up to a push/pull, but for some reason, I get an out of phase sound in position 4 (bridge and middle). I don't think I wired anything up incorrectly, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting full output from the bridge pickup in position 5.

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Very very much. I don't use much delay, but when I do I just need it nice and simple, and the #1 delivers.


Also I adore how clean your room is, come and tidy mine for me. And bring your amp setup, its gorgeous.


good to know, was thinking about getting one a year or so ago, but never had the chance to try one out. And LOL thanks, I'm a little OCD :LOL:


I'll give five pounds and a mars bar to anyone who can guess what the bottom amp is.



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good to know, was thinking about getting one a year or so ago, but never had the chance to try one out. And LOL thanks, I'm a little OCD :LOL:


I'll give five pounds and a mars bar to anyone who can guess what the bottom amp is.




Is it even an amp?

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winner jamesninety :awesome:

$5 and a 3 Musketeers bar in the post.






It's so soft inside :supersad:


obviously using Unknown Pleasures and Kid A to cover up my mad muse collection/dragon dildos etc.

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Is that champ stock or modded?


stock, I have thought about modding it however, as there is a bit of hum that shows up slightly in the quiet parts of recording. Nothing that a bit of gate or careful track splicing can't fix.

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