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Is Shatter larger than the DL1?


I think the bottom might be a little wider, but otherwise, not really.


And also, the DL-1 is the same shape as the MB-1 from what I can tell.


Fan of the cracked mirror :eek:


Yeah, that's my favorite guitar spec wise. Probably has the best feeling neck of the lot as well.




"suspicious"? What could you be doing with all these mansons that could be malicious?


That's the word Jim used, but it was probably more like


"I wonder how many guitars James has actually bought from us. I've lost track :facepalm: "






Hey Impulse


I've done a bit of research on the AB165, and I found


You have a semi fixed bias system with the bias balance set up.

It's like fixed bias with some adjustment. You can get close but it will end up hot or cold ( depending on the tubes/ bias resistor relationship ) in the end.

IMO, the bias balance circuit CBS's is a response to mis-matched tubes.


Figure that's the main issue with mine. If I had to guess, it's that balance circuit and some out of spec parts. I'm going to ask my tech to mod it to a proper adjustable bias.

Edited by james90
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I think the bottom might be a little wider, but otherwise, not really.


And also, the DL-1 is the same shape as the MB-1 from what I can tell.




Yeah, that's my favorite guitar spec wise. Probably has the best feeling neck of the lot as well.






That's the word Jim used, but it was probably more like


"I wonder how many guitars James has actually bought from us. I've lost track :facepalm: "



This is going to sound like a weird question, but I think you've said that the sunburst is the best one. What is the worst one?


Not exactly meaning that it's bad or terrible in anyway, but there has to be one that is the least enchanting of the lot.

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This is going to sound like a weird question, but I think you've said that the sunburst is the best one. What is the worst one?


Not exactly meaning that it's bad or terrible in anyway, but there has to be one that is the least enchanting of the lot.


Excluding the MA-2, probably the light up tele. There's nothing wrong with it and it's a great guitar, but I don't think all the fancy add-ons suit the shape particularly well. Still looks amazing though.


Oh and Alex, if you were ever considering one of the MA series guitars (I think you were a while back when that musicradar review was posted?) they really are amazing for the price. The MA-1 would cost someone in the US a little under £800 I think (no VAT)


How's the super strat coming along?

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The thing is, I'm not actually sure if the transformers are original...only reason I'm suspicious is because the PT looks a bit different than others I've seen, and one of the bell covers on the OT is a bit shiny compared to the other.


But the solder joints where they're connected look untouched, so that's probably better at telling whether they're stock or not.


I imagine the problem is either from the maintenance the previous owner did on it or an old part which could've drifted. Other problem I mentioned was the bias... one socket is reading around the average 30mA, and the other is reading close to 100mA


and as of now... I don't know which ones count, but I'm not sure if I should say.


Between 8 and 11


I've also got a custom being built (which is the first true custom I've got from them believe it or not - the rest were already built) which should be done sometime soon.


You probably have the largest collection of Manson's in the states. I'm going to sell the Fender this month if you're still interested. It's a great gigging guitar, certainly not a collectors piece. The new Suhr will be ready soon so I got t get cracking on the gear reduction, besides I'm running out of space in my house.


That's sounds like a serious issue with the bias. Get it into your tech before it self destructs and fries the rest of the amp. Blackfaces do like to be pushed too far out of spec. I have a good friend who has grenaded more Supers and Twins than should be legal.



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You probably have the largest collection of Manson's in the states. I'm going to sell the Fender this month if you're still interested. It's a great gigging guitar, certainly not a collectors piece. The new Suhr will be ready soon so I got t get cracking on the gear reduction, besides I'm running out of space in my house.


That's sounds like a serious issue with the bias. Get it into your tech before it self destructs and fries the rest of the amp. Blackfaces do like to be pushed too far out of spec. I have a good friend who has grenaded more Supers and Twins than should be legal.




Haha probably. Only other "collections" I know of are John Paul Jones' and Matt Bellamy's


And that's cool - once you're ready, send me a PM and maybe we can sort something out. I'll probably replace the EMGs with passives though.


Is there much information about these? google mainly shows those new '62 hot rod strats... I know it has a floyd (which one exactly?) and is made of basswood, but otherwise, I'm not familiar with it.


It's already on its way to the tech. I imagine it won't require too much work, but I won't know until next week sometime. Apparently the bias mod is fairly simple though.


What's he done to those amps? I've never really blown anything up like that to be honest. I think the closest I've come to frying an amp was with my prized super lead...The previous owner kept it in storage for over 20 years, and like an idiot, I wanted to play it anyway with those old dried out caps. And to make things worse, someone did some work on it before and it was only running on 3 power tubes.


Even though I've had it restored and it's back in top shape, it probably only gets cranked up every few months...bit of a shame

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Haha probably. Only other "collections" I know of are John Paul Jones' and Matt Bellamy's


And that's cool - once you're ready, send me a PM and maybe we can sort something out. I'll probably replace the EMGs with passives though.


Is there much information about these? google mainly shows those new '62 hot rod strats... I know it has a floyd (which one exactly?) and is made of basswood, but otherwise, I'm not familiar with it.


It's already on its way to the tech. I imagine it won't require too much work, but I won't know until next week sometime. Apparently the bias mod is fairly simple though.


What's he done to those amps? I've never really blown anything up like that to be honest. I think the closest I've come to frying an amp was with my prized super lead...The previous owner kept it in storage for over 20 years, and like an idiot, I wanted to play it anyway with those old dried out caps. And to make things worse, someone did some work on it before and it was only running on 3 power tubes.


Even though I've had it restored and it's back in top shape, it probably only gets cranked up every few months...bit of a shame


He plays four hour shows with them fully dimed, facing backwards towards the walls. He actually has two or three because one will blow and then hell switch to the next. My favorite part is that he's so good that he still sounds amazing through an old cyber twin, which he uses for gigs where his usual volume would get him fired.


I'll send you everything that I have on the Strat. It's a pretty interesting model, lots of oddities, which made it perfect for me. I love stuff that's not quite normal.



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He plays four hour shows with them fully dimed, facing backwards towards the walls. He actually has two or three because one will blow and then hell switch to the next. My favorite part is that he's so good that he still sounds amazing through an old cyber twin, which he uses for gigs where his usual volume would get him fired.


I'll send you everything that I have on the Strat. It's a pretty interesting model, lots of oddities, which made it perfect for me. I love stuff that's not quite normal.




That's interesting. With the old Marshalls I have, I usually run them flat out (usually through an attenuator) but I've never had any of them blow up.


I do recall this Marshall combo I used to have which I severely damaged with my epic power chords. It was a modern one with the stacked circuit boards and ventilation issues, and it just sort of self destructed after I had it on too long at high volume. Never worked the same, even after I got it 'repaired'


Didn't something happen to your bassman a while back?


As for the strat, that sounds good. I know you said it's made out of "good" basswood, but how different is the sound compared to alder?


I've got an older peavey wolfgang which is basswood, and it's a pretty nice sounding guitar. Doesn't seem to be of the best quality though... I dropped it earlier and the bottom strap button is now inside the guitar :facepalm:

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Basswood is like a softer version of alder. It has more midrange content but less high end sparkle. It works great with a maple top or a hard bridge. The EMG's work well on this guitar because they add some sparkle. The set that is in it is a very cool combination. SA/SA/89R, which is an 85 and an SA under a single humbucking housing, the R means that the single coil is on the neck side of the pup. There's not a lot of them around, I had three or four of them from my endorsement. I will send the original DiMarzio pups to the new owner but I recommend keeping the EMG's in it. I have the 89R in my PRS bridge slot as well. It's a great pup for live playing, it cuts through the mix like a chainsaw and has a lot of midrange, unlike the 81 that everyone seems to think defines all EMG humbuckers.


My Bassman had two of the wires from the pilot light short out and damage the Xformer leads. Guy Hedrick sorted it out and saved the original tranny.



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ooommmmmmppphhh the maple neck is way nicer than the rosewood with that colour. And it might just be the picture but are both ur pups black?


Also same patch cables as me, not to mention 3 of the same pedals and a soon to be addition (flashback) :p


Yeah, both of them are black! It was a last minute change for me to get the black ones, but i'm pretty happy i did!


:awesome: what amp are you using?




roland cube 30 at the moment, not exactly my dream amp :LOL:

i'll most likely be getting a Vox AC30VR soon, should be sweeeeeeeet.

PICS.... http://www.flickr.com/photos/ah08512/sets/72157628298528041/with/6828067191/

just added a few more to here!

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Yeah, both of them are black! It was a last minute change for me to get the black ones, but i'm pretty happy i did!


Cool, I didnt know they did black mbk3 neck pups. The pic where you holding the MA up by the strap to photo the back, whats the red cushion in the case?


Edit- just realised its to cushion it against the side of the case. I only ask because i got 3 bits of black foam thats wedged in there :(

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shit, that got here quickly...all the way from japan:








Nearly got blinded by the finish when I unboxed it.


Seems a bit nicer than the other one. I haven't given it a good play since I wanted to set it up properly first, but I won't be able to for a few days. I removed the old strings to set it up, not knowing that I was out of new strings :facepalm:

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shit, that got here quickly...all the way from japan:








Nearly got blinded by the finish when I unboxed it.


Seems a bit nicer than the other one. I haven't given it a good play since I wanted to set it up properly first, but I won't be able to for a few days. I removed the old strings to set it up, not knowing that I was out of new strings :facepalm:


No longer am I jealous about your gear, I'm just angry and confused. :(

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62 reissue? Fiesta Red is an awesome color. The best stock Strat I ever owned was Fiesta Red. I still miss it.




What model?


It's a MIJ (or CIJ actually - it's a late 90's I think) '62 reissue with the USA custom shop texas special pickups.


Just waiting to get my strings so I can actually play it...might go out in an hour to get some actually. Only gave it a few strums so far.

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SO MUCH :awesome:


:awesome: I ended up getting strings for it, and it's all setup now and playing nice. Definitely a plays a bit better than the other one, but I guess it's just worn in. The other one looks practically new EXCEPT FOR THAT F@™¥ING CRACK IN THE NECK JOINT :mad: :'(


Nah, it's pretty nice - sounds noticeably darker and less strat like, but that's probably because I had to lower the pickups for it to intonate properly


Also, the shop I bought strings from just started carrying rotosounds....I was going to get a few, but since when do rotos cost almost $9 a pack? I'm sure I can get the same ones online for about $4


It was an Amer. Standard Deluxe. Great guitar.




Interesting, never knew those came in fiesta red.


Also, as I mentioned above, either it's just the pickups in these guitars (doubt it) or I've never noticed it with previous strats (probably), but do you find that you have to lower the pickups a good amount for them to intonate properly? (particularly the low E)


I've read about how the pickups can pull at the strings and throw off intonation, and lowering them definitely helped.


I know you're using EMGs and not the stock pickups though

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Guest Batman.
sharpie'd my Steiner because of:




and cuz i got bored during a study break






That is sexy as fuck. Won't it smudge/fade though? I tried to sharpie my fret dots black a while back but they were almost white again a few weeks later.

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Won't it smudge/fade though? I tried to sharpie my fret dots black a while back but they were almost white again a few weeks later.


Yeah, it will fade but it'll take some time. I did some testing on the back of the bass and it took some serious rubbing to get the sharpie off.

And a tip for fret dots: use acrylic model paint, and coat with a couple layers of satin/gloss finish designed for models. I did that to my fender at the beginning of the summer and they havent faded/chipped yet

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