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Bollocks to poverty


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Just a reminder to keep to yourself any speculation regarding what Chris is drinking. Thanks! :)


Well surely it's not much speculation as we can see what it is. I'd say seeing the bottle and judging Chris for it is what people should keep to themselves...unless that's what you meant already and I'm just rambling off again

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Well surely it's not much speculation as we can see what it is. I'd say seeing the bottle and judging Chris for it is what people should keep to themselves...unless that's what you meant already and I'm just rambling off again


Not that there was a problem so far in this thread, but I know how people are and if you have the words "beer" "drink" and/or "Chris" all in one sentence, beef can quickly ensue.


Just nipping it in the bud, that's all. ;)


/modly duty

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Not that there was a problem so far in this thread, but I know how people are and if you have the words "beer" "drink" and/or "Chris" all in one sentence, beef can quickly ensue.


Just nipping it in the bud, that's all. ;)


/modly duty


I liek lemonade :nerd:


But yeah, in that photo...kinda looks like the corner to the left hand side of the main stage, where the guest/VIP entrance was..but then the posters are different to what I remembered

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Well initially looking at the photo I thought "very cool" but looking at the facebook page, how is going shopping or doing something you love saying "bollocks to poverty"?:erm: I need this explaining to me.


You can do things a bit differently with Bollocks to Poverty. You don’t need to put on coffee mornings or cake sales, you can do what you love doing. Whatever you’re into you can support people fighting their way out of poverty. Shake a tin at your mates and they might chuck you a pound, but throw them a party and they’ll feel inspired to do much more.


Whether you put on a gig, jump out of a plane, pester your MP or volunteer at a festival, say Bollocks to Poverty and do it with ActionAid.


I think their point is to be creative in your fund-raising by incorporating it into something you enjoy doing, thereby making it more fun, and making it more likely that you'll have good results?

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I think their point is to be creative in your fund-raising by incorporating it into something you enjoy doing, thereby making it more fun, and making it more likely that you'll have good results?


Hmm I suppose going shopping is a bit of a red herring. Taking part in an activity which is, in itself, a stark reminder of the void between the haves and the have nots doesn't seem to me to be the best way to say "bollocks to poverty" but there you go.

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