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well the burst was stripped for the second time in a week today. the bastard.


the first time i finished it the back colour was too light, so after a few clear coats had already gone on, i sprayed a darker red. it still wasnt what i wanted, but i carried on. during flatting, it would sand through the dark and onto the light, and any attempt to cover it up looked bloody awful, so i ended up stripping it. i also stripped the top because i was never really happy with it.


so i resprayed the back and got it to where i wanted it to be in the first place. then did the burst again yesterday. again, i got it to where i wanted it to be and was really happy with it. so today i go to put some clear coats on it, and after the first coat, notice a little blob of something. water or a blob of clear thats somehow fallen out of the gun, i dont know. so i waited a minute for the clear id sprayed just to flash off, and went to gently wipe the blob so make it flatter (knowing i wouldnt be able to sand it because there was only one coat of clear over all the colour), and what do you know, it just goes and takes all the colour out right down to the wood.


and its in the transition of the burst, so theres no covering that up. so off came the burst for the second time. hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to recreate what i had today.

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