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Cloning! CLONING


Yeah, I'd need at least 4 of them so I could breed them like esperfrodo does :vomit:


But if I send this off to hooglebug (the neck is going anyway as it's broken) wangcasters will be available to everyone.


BUT at the same time, I do want that '58...especially since I just sold my tokai LP

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  • 4 weeks later...

the anniversary one is on hold because its going to be really expensive in parts, so im going to do a couple of jnrs instead. one is going to be like this, only probably with a black dogear p90 and a non adjustable bridge like the others




and the other....i cant decide. it will be like one of these three. all are flat tops by the way





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the anniversary one is on hold because its going to be really expensive in parts, so im going to do a couple of jnrs instead. one is going to be like this, only probably with a black dogear p90 and a non adjustable bridge like the others




and the other....i cant decide. it will be like one of these three. all are flat tops by the way




These two would be the sex. Seriously.

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iv got the bodies cut out and the neck blanks ready. im going for the flame one. the flame top isnt playing very nice and one side has cupped a bit. im going to have to see if i can flat it down.


today i made use of the for some reason extra long fretboard blank for one of them, and made a headplate, tr cover and control cover for the flame one, all in lovely rosewood.

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theres not much to see really but here they both are. until paypal stops being a bastard all i can do is do the jnr as far as i can go - the jnr + needs to wait for a new top to be cut which i cant do until i get a new bandsaw blade which i cant do until paypal stops being a twat. also, i cant do anymore of james' guitars until paypal stops being a twat either.


the plastics and headplate of the jnr will be just black, maybe tortoise plate if its a tv finish - the jnr+ has rosewood bits - probably wont have a scratchplate




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what's the body wood on the top one? and nice looking fretboards


also i really like that last mock up without the flame. it has that same finish that's on that short scale tele style (and the one i want on that strat body)


let me know what happens with paypal - i'll probably give it 3 weeks from when i sent the payment, and if not, we'll sort something else out i guess

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, i think the standard 3 tone sunburst fender does now is a bit bland.


though it's still my favorite out of most of their finishes


hooglebug, do you have any of that madagascar rosewood left for mine? would love a nice looking board like that

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jnr just needs sanding and routing for pickup, drilling for bridge. the jnr+ will be bound tomorrow (if i have any binding) and then get the neck glued in. i knocked the neck to the floor today and two corners of the headstock plate got dented, so iv glued some little bits on. i swore. a bit.




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got the binding on and the neck glued in. neck shaping next




this is the backplate and headstock plate - they're made from off cuts of the fretboard (it was a long board) so they'll darken with a bit of sanding i imagine. annoyingly, i had to add the binding to the backplate because i drilled the holes for the pots with the wrong bit - one up from what i was going to use) and only noticed when i put the plate over it and could still see holes. bugger.



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hooglebug, any suggestions on matching up the hardware colors on this?


the bridge is going to be this brass one




do you think you can get raw nickel for the pickup cover and other bits? might look a bit better than chrome. (I know BKP does raw nickel, but I'm not sure about the control plate etc)

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