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Everything posted by Cider

  1. I've actually tried these before. The wound strings are exactly the same as the Regular Slinky's. The 3 plain strings feel the same, but the string ends have more wraps(?) so they can supposedly take more abuse. Not coated though, so they rust pretty fast I changed the red guitar's strings last week and the 3 plain strings are already getting sticky. Also: How are you supposed to use the 3-way toggle? I notice that if I push it too quickly it'll make a pretty noticeable sound when playing, so I have to grab the switch and move it gently. It's a new Switchcraft switch, so I don't think the switch is the problem? Both guitars seem to do this too
  2. Anyone ever tried the coated Ernie Ball's? I'm getting pretty tired of the 3 unwound strings keep getting corroded so quickly Alternatively, does anyone carry 10 -13 - 17 packs? I need to change them way more quickly than the 3 wound strings
  3. Woah, who's that seller that we should avoid? I'm thinking of getting a couple packs of EB 10's and single 60's strings. I do like the 4th and 5th strings in regular size better than in a 10-52 set
  4. I *think* the neck is built with an angle. When I leave it on a flat surface, it's flat. The neck pocket itself is flat, too. But when I put the neck into the neck pocket, there's an upward-ish angle? Idk if that makes any sense ;_;
  5. I use 60/40 rosin core or whatever it is? Seems to flow really well for me. You should get that iron i posted, James. The first i had was some cheap Chinese stuff. The silicone on the iron MELTED before it was hot enough to heat up the pot This Weller one heats up really fast and the grip is so comfy Also bad news. Boyfriend likes the black cort more than red. fine, i guess we'll turn his into a Matt Black Maybe it's better this way, since i won't try to steal his guitar maybe he knows
  6. Aw, that's a no for me then Red guitar is so nice but the bridge is just off, lol. I'll end up making my boyfriend get one anyway though.
  7. Button really needs to go. The bridge makes me uncomfortable also lol. Jaicen or musecaster, is it possible to replace a TOM with a hardtail?
  8. Theoretically speaking, how impossible is it to replace the TOM bridge and tailpiece with a hardtail bridge? Operation Cider convinces boyfriend to keep black Cort temporarily so she could mess with the red one is in full force
  9. I got the cheapest Dmiotech possible, and it does everything from resistance, capacitance to continuity Soldering was a pain in the ass for the first month or so, but after ~8 ruined pots I can safely say that I know how to solder now Do you have a good solder? I use this Weller one http://smile.amazon.com/Weller-WPS18MP-High-Performance-Soldering-Iron/dp/B0013U9R1E/?ie=UTF8&qid=1463161356&sr=8-7&keywords=weller+solder+iron and it's literally the best thing ever. ~30 seconds to heat up, it tells you when it's ready, and built-in light
  10. Get one. 15 bucks and it will save you so much time in the future trying to guess stuff like this. Also to figure out which of your new pot is the volume vs tone, etc
  11. Here https://bareknucklepickups.co.uk/main/downloads/schematics/general/humbuckers/2_hum__1vol__1tone__3way.pdf Ignore the green & white taped together. Your black & bare goes to ground, and your white is the red in the diagram.
  12. Haha, sorry for getting off topic. It's just been super stressful dealing with him I'll order the Gotoh switches from guitarelectronics.com and have a go at it soon. I just had an idea though: what if I put the sustainiac in, use the cavity of the kill button for the batter & that switch to activate the sustainiac. Squeeze the main board in the main cavity. Would that work?
  13. God, my strings would still sound good after a week, they just get sticky and feel rusty as hell i can't do slides, so i have to change them
  14. Honestly this guy is so moronic and insane i just want my poor guitar back. He sent me about 6 walls of text telling me I'm a scammer, liar, yada yada. That he couldn't believe a smart straight up guy like him would be scammed by woman. Reverb guy i spoke to actually said that he couldn't read all of the messages himself because half of it was unnecessary and the other half irrelevant. By "doesn't work" he means the switchcraft switch isn't rock hard in the middle position, the volume pots are both "faulty" (no they're not they're fucking 10% audio taper so they have a volume swell around 6). Oh and this idiot with this new amp I *made* him (for 400 because he was getting a new guitar lol) buy cranked it to max ga and then claimed that my guitar had grounding issues. Honestly if he was any less of an asshole, I would have patiently explained guitar electronics to him and that I handpicked the parts to my liking, and they're all high quality parts that may behave differently from his Epiphone's because he never had a Gibby before. But nope. I don't like getting berated, so now I better get that guitar back in one piece, or else
  15. Oh, thanks for that! I didn't really think of accidentally flipping it. On/off/on it is then. I kind of want to get two black toggle switches so the entire guitar is blacked out. Got one of those Allparts Mighty Mite switches and it was really hard to push so I just put a Switchcraft in the Cort, but if I'm gonna have 2 switches... where can I find black Gotoh switches in America? Speaking of switches. The moron that bought the blue guitar never touched an expensive guitar with a switchcraft switch, so he complained that I sold him a guitar with a faulty switch because the middle position was "wiggly" (read: you didn't need to break your finger to flip the switch) and asked for a $250 "partial refund" . Like, you want new Bareknuckles with that stiff Chinese switch to your liking, too, good sir ? Asking him to return my guitar and he's saying he won't until I refund all this money. That's not how internet shopping works, you moron
  16. So I'm gonna revive the string discussion a few days ago: My body chemicals corrode strings really quickly :/ Rotosound and Dunlop last less than a week and D'Addario just sound dull. EB is the only brand I keep coming back to
  17. I mean, is there a guitar that doesn't look awkward on someone 6 ft 4? (hating cause I'm 5'1" )
  18. I couldn't find it for some reasons. If I push my button out right now to measure the hole, can I put it back in later or is it out foreverrrr? Maybe I should trade my boyfriend the black one for a red one
  19. Hm, maybe try one of these deep nuts, eh_D? Also when you're free do you want to measure the dimension of the hole pretty please http://www.ebay.com/itm/Switchcraft-Deep-Nut-For-Toggle-Switches-Nickel-/151579188284?hash=item234ad2dc3c:g:C7cAAOSwBahU05k6 I kinda want a kill switch too, but just ON/OFF. Anyone knows how to do it?
  20. Woah, thanks a lot! What about 2 way toggle on-off? Do ya'll think it'll be too small for the hole? And thanks, I'm pretty proud of the red Gibson sold the blue to some unknown buyer on reverb, he's trying to extort money for some "grounding issues" that was never there before thank God for reverb customer support though
  21. Oh oh can i see? How hard was it to push the kill button out? I really want to do it to mine too now if it's that easy
  22. I suppose you could try pushing it out and putting a kill switch there instead. It's $150 bucks more expensive than the black one though and boyfriend doesn't like flashy things
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