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Everything posted by Cider

  1. I can PM you the links if you want to. I've been staking out ebay So apparently the machinehead buttons for the Cort and Gotoh tuners have different fits for the shafts. Meaning that if I buy ones for the Cort, I'll be stuck with those tuners forever. :facepalm::facepalm: Anyone free enough to take the buttons off from their Cort tuners and measure/ take pictures of the shaft for me? I'm wondering if they're the same size as Schaller or Grover shafts - there has to be some standard they're copied from, right?
  2. I've been looking at pictures and stuff, might go for the alum buttons actually. Damn it, I'm so indecisive. I see some chrome 381 HAPs on ebay for $70, or you can get the black ones from an Australian seller? ^^" Looks like the Cort tuners have 2 pins (like Fender tuners?) whereas Gotoh's would require drilling for the screws. I need to find a new tech
  3. james, thank you for the explanation! I'll be home next week, will try the staggered Cort ones out first and if I don't like it I'll order the HAP Stocking and sidious, yep, I definitely was mistaken. Apologies to you both. It's been a long trip. I'm not a big fan of the giant Cort logo myself, tbh
  4. James90, what's the advantage of HAP vs ordinary staggered posts? Are the ones on the Cort adjustable as well? I'll make an order someone next week for tuners, probably. Sidious911, congratulations!! She's beautiful. Your fretboard looks pretty dark as well ^^ I'm so anxious for mine. I'm on my second leg of holiday travel but I kind of just want to cancel Christmas so i could go home and play with mine ^^°
  5. Asked roommate to sign for it and let a note for fedex to call him, they didn't. Ended up not delivering it . I had to call fedex to ask them to hold it for me since they wouldn't let me sign up for delivery manager ;__; it's almost like the guitar Gods are testing my patience with this guitar. I'm at the airport now waiting for my (delayed) flight to JFK. *sighs* The aluminum knobs, James. I remember you were buying them? If not, my bad. I just saw some pictures of a blacked out MBC1 that someone on here posted and OHMYGAWD I want it. I guess I'll really shell out for the toys. Looking at tuners right now. What's the difference between HAP and HAPM? Tbh I didn't really care about the price difference between the 381 and 510 tuners, just that the 381 had the knob thingy whereas it looked like the 510 would require a quarter to open. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though! Hm, so would you estimate the wait time be several weeks or several months?
  6. So I finally have an update on the guitar! It gets here tomorrow, damn it. I get out of my Macro final at 12:30 and have someone picking me up at 1 to catch my 3pm flight. Fedex usually comes around 12:00 I might be able to catch him but I wouldn't keep my hopes up Wanna let me play your fancy guitars while I'm in town Either way, I'm pretty psyched to finally have it. I get home early January, then I can set it up and all (yay me for using my Gibson as setup practice ) I just ordered the Gotoh bridge in black on ebay, thinking of changing the tuners as well now that I have my birthday money. Is something like this good enough as replacement tuners, or do I actually need the HAPM ones? These *should* have staggered posts like the Cort ones http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Gotoh-SG381-MGT-6-In-Line-Locking-Mini-Tuning-Keys-16-1-BLACK-/331186800456?hash=item4d1c458748:g:TGoAAOSwQItT710o I really want the black aluminum buttons too. Did you get yours yet, james90? How long does Manson take to ship things? Black custom machineheads are also nice but the fact that they cost more than tuners x~x
  7. I haven't bought from neither dealer before (either the G&L nor the Cort). I only started to learn in June of this year, so I didn't know how things worked. I honestly believe the Cort dealer to be telling the truth though - I told him that I've only brought it to my tech to setup and didn't do it myself, and he told me I should get a new tech because he's been trying to adjust the neck and the truss rod was really really tight + the 4 screws were stripped with the holes widened. My guess is that the tech might've overtighten the truss rod since I kept needing adjustments? Either that or I just bought a guitar that didn't have good QC, which brings us back to my original question regarding the QC at that Cort factory, since both the MBC-1 and ASAT seem to be built at the same Indonesian factory Dealer did say my guitar should have shipped today and he'll give me the tracking once his Cort rep sends it to him, so that's a plus ^^ He did ask for the darkest fretboard for me too ^^
  8. :confused::confused: That's what my boyfriend said too. I feel dumb But the dealer said he tried twisting the truss rod and the neck didn't move, so he's going go let the guitar adjust to the climate. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case because I've had that guitar since August and had to re-setup it every 4 weeks or so Then again, I still got rid of a guitar I didn't want anymore and getting the MBC-1, so there's that Good thing I have my Les Paul to tie me over for now Thanks james90 and musecaster for the mod recommendations I haven't heard when the guitar would get here, but I'll let you guys know when I order the mods! Not that the guitar getting here next week matters much since I still have to study for my macro & open macro finals next week and leave right after the second final is over
  9. basically stripped screws, widened screw holes and a dead straight neck. I actually feel super bad for them because I had no idea. I'm happy I'm getting a new guitar and all, but I'd feel horrible if they got a bad trade-in :/ I had a tech guy do all the guitar's setup. He gets really good yelp reviews, but honestly I'm not sure anymore :/ Either it was the tech or the guitar just being crappy itself, which worries me because it was made at Cort's Indonesia factory. Really hope the MBC1 has better QC. Oh and they sold out of their MBC1 stock, so the dealer has to order it directly from Cort for me. He said he requested the darkest fingerboard possible, we'll see. One drawback is it'll probably get here after I leave town, so I don't get to play with it before my birthday Now that I have more time to gather stuff for upgrades, let's start scheming this thing First question: the knobs on this guitar, do they have 6mm or 1/4 shafts? I might want to black everything out before school starts again, so what's a good replacement bridge?
  10. Guitar did arrive at the dealer, but he's claiming there's something wrong with the 4 screws in the back and wants me to pay more for the trade Oh well, I'd rather do that than lose $100 shipping the guitar back and forth, plus I want the Cort pretty badly now Yeah, about those Staples Center show. I'm kind of mad at Muse, sorta. See, my last final is on the 18th and I didn't want to go down to LA right away, so I got ticket for Oakland and made NYC plans with the boyfriend. Bought our tickets and booked the rooms. Then they added the 19th show, which happens to be on my birthday :twitchy: On guitar knobs, these look a bit like the custom Manson ones, don't they? If that's the case I might pull the plug once the guitar gets here http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00X77S90Q?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=A1THAZDOWP300U
  11. It's for my birthday :party: Usually I would just stay home but I guess being able to drink is worth some sort of celebration :rolleyes: Please tell me I'm not gonna freeze to death Thanks for the suggestion on the strapblock thingies, I might try them out. I mostly just sit in bed practicing but whenever I stand up I get all paranoid. Room definitely not big enough for any swinging/ jumping around tho :facemelt:
  12. Woah, thank you so much for the heads up. I really appreciate it. I'll probably try the long screws and try to be super extra careful My trade-in evaporated over the weekend but it showed up again on Fedex's tracking, still supposedly on vehicle for delivery today though. The suspense is killing me In any case, the Cort needs to get here before next Thursday cause I leave for NYC right after my last final. Come to think of it, I probably won't have much time with the guitar at all :$
  13. I'm assuming this doesn't come with straplocks, so do I want chrome or black Shcaller on it? I'm thinking black might look nice
  14. Very nice! I thought about doing that, then I went nah, I'm all about immediate gratification plus I was kind of sick of the old guitar I was just happy to get rid of it ^^° i thought it wasn't bad, then I got my LP studio that weighs 7.8lbs and all of a sudden 8.3lbs of swamp ash was too much. I'm so excited for the mbc1 one though. Basswood should be light as a feather <3 plus I've asked the dealer to please put in a note to send me one with the darkest fretboard he has on hand and he said he would ^^
  15. The earliest is by the end of next week. Gotta wait for my trade to get to them first. After they inspect it and stuff they would send me the guitar.
  16. @james: Thank you for the pic! The finish looks really nice. It's pretty scratch-resistant, right? I hope mine will have a dark neck. One of these days I hope to get a nice Manson with an ebony neck Speaking of which, I dropped my trade-in off earlier! I'm getting an MBC-1 everyone :3
  17. Hm so I found a dealer who would trade my ASAT + some cash for an MBC-1. Ya'll make this almost impossible to pass Before I send them my guitar (tomorrow), can I please see yours? Quick question on the nut also: is that graphite? Did you guys try to put heavier strings on it - any filing necessary?
  18. Thanks for posting this. It's a shame I only saw this now. I bought one Oakland GA ticket for myself during pre-sale since none of my friends wanted to go with me :/ (show is during finals week though). Now I'm doubting my decision, I'm super short and I feel like I will be crushed going alone. Any idea where I could sell the ticket to buy a seat? :/
  19. Thanks for the answer James. Out of Matt's signature guitar, I'm most interested in the DR-1 for now, but I probably won't be able to get it given the whole waitlist I keep looking at Youtube videos of the MBC1 and the more I do, the more I want it. Quick question - aside from the Manson case, what other hardcases would fit it? I know Hiscox makes cases for Manson but I have no clue which case would actually fit (general Strat/ Tele case, for example?) @jonbrown: I don't live close to a GC (the closest one is an hour bus ride, give or take ). May I ask how much you paid for it? I could have used the 15% off GC coupon on Black Friday which brought the price down to 509, but I didn't really want it that much then (I do now) @Jaicen: I'm actually after the beautiful body shape of the MA/MB guitars too. I'm pretty short even for a girl, so perhaps the e series would look strange on me but thank you for the suggestion!
  20. Hey guys, thank you for the answers. You all make me feel better about Cort now Good to know that their QC is top-notch. Now the question is do I get a Cort or save up (for several years ) for an actual Manson For those who are based in the US, how did you get your Manson guitars? Through Imperial Vintage, or directly with Manson? I'd love to hear your experience. (if not in this thread then please direct me somewhere else ) I'm drooling over this (old) listing Imperial Vintage had. What's the difference between the MA and MB series anyway, they look sorta similar (again, I'm really sorry for not knowing anything)
  21. Hi Jack, thank you for the response! That's actually a very good point. The only reason I was considering a Manson at all is because I know the build quality would be good, whereas I might have to deal with sharp fret ends/ bad neck if I opt for the cheaper Cort. I know QC issues are prevalent in some American made guitars, therefore I'm not sure if I'm expecting too much to want the MBC-1 to be perfectly playable right out of the box? I'd love to hear people's experiences with the Corts and how much adjustments they needed to make before they could play with their guitars
  22. Hi everyone, I'm a new member here! I've been a Muse fan for a while, but I've only started to meddle with guitars recently. I really like how the Cort MBC-1 looks, and I'm debating whether I should get it from Amazon. My only guitar is a G&L ASAT Special, and while it's a good guitar, it doesn't do Muse songs quite well. It's made in Indonesia and to be completely honest, I've had quite a few problems with it with regards to poor QC. I'd love to get the Cort, but I'm half wondering if I should just save up for a Manson from Imperial Vintage Guitars (I'm based in the US). I'd love to hear from MBC-1 owners regarding the build quality of their guitars. Thank you so much everyone.
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