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Everything posted by Cider

  1. Yay thanks so much. So, if I want a multi-pedal/ audio interface thing that I can plug into my computer & play, what should I get? Gonna move soon so I don't really want an amp & individual pedals are just expensive.
  2. So I ordered a Fender Hiscox case for the Cort off of ebay UK this weekend for about $160. It should get here tomorrow. Really hope it's an actual case, cause UPS tracking says that it's 1kg and for some reasons it takes 2 days to travel from England to here
  3. Tbh I wouldn't hold my breath. $220 is not a bad price. In fact, the Schecter guitars that come equipped with the Sustainiac start at $1000. $600 Cort with Bellarz authenticity + $220 > $1000 AX7 Schecter
  4. Well Maniac Music *makes* the Sustainiac, so it'd be hard to beat their price. Here's a list of dealers, maybe try calling around and see if someone closer to you can do the installation instead.
  5. Yeah but a rich unsuspecting kid with 2200 in cash is really easy target He can't ship it though because you need a credit card to sell with reverb, which then is tied to your FICO and SSN and everything.
  6. Tbh I think asking him for more detailed pictures at different angles would be enough, since he doesn't have the guitar Ask for one where you can she the guitar directly, and then follow up with "the body doesn't look like a telecaster to me. Do you have any information on this reissue Fender because I can't find any"
  7. Oh my god LAST PRICE DROP https://reverb.com/item/1593310-fender-reissue-74-mirror-chrome?device=android-app Should we report it or something? Or idk, message him and ask for more pictures?
  8. yep. I thought about it and I'd be much happier with a holo-flake MA like heyjackk's or black carbon MA like James' Also he broke one of the holo-flakes in Chicago last week or so
  9. That yamaha on reverb is fugly, James. Speaking of reverb, which of you is selling this Fender Reissue 74 Mirror / Chrome https://reverb.com/item/1593310-fender-reissue-74-mirror-chrome?device=android-app
  10. Now that I think about it, I actually really want a HH MBC-1. How labor intensive is it to cut the neck out and install a humbucker? (so I can guesstimate how much that would cost)
  11. I don't quite get left-handed guitarists. I'm ambidextrous so my left hand is just as good as my right, but I think it's a huge benefit to have good control of your left hand so you can riff fast and stuff. If you're already advantaged from the beginning then why make it harder for yourself and play (rarer & often times more expensive) lefty guitars?
  12. Another computer-related reference: get a new computer when you need one, not when manufacturers want you to buy one Perhaps the news is to have some Cort-branded sustainer as an option
  13. Eh, I mean, you love yours. Still money well spent, a new guitar with some extra options coming out doesn't make your current good guitar bad. Still hoping it's a new color
  14. Personally I hope it's a holo-flake. Not a fan of red tbh, but if that's the one then I'll get it too Maybe they'll just do a matt silver though
  15. You can never have enough MB guitars. I'm too poor for Manson but I full well intend to get all the Cort releases I hope it's one with double P90, but I wouldn't mind an XY pad either
  16. Those Yamaha's are gonna be hard to find. We are so spoiled with the flat radius though - I was at a music shop earlier and played around with a Modern Player Tele. Just couldn't deal with that curved fretboard :/ You guys got any sound samples of the MBK1/3/90's I could check out?
  17. Do you already have the guitar? If not you could buy it online, get it shipped there to install the sustainiac, then you only have to pay to ship it to you
  18. I mean, if you're crafty, you can try getting the the 90% kit. I'm not, and getting them to do it for you is only ~$50 + shipping more
  19. I don't know anything about the sustainiac but it looks like the standard option is push-pull http://www.sustainiac.com/controls.htm but you would sacrifice one of your knobs so I was wondering what if you just add another knob
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