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Everything posted by Cider

  1. Hm, the internet says 40W adjustable should be more than enough. There's a helping hands tool that I can also use. I think I kind of found the stuff I need, except for one thing: wires (& maybe ground lugs). I know new pickups come with wires, but that itself isn't enough, right? What else do I get?
  2. Yeah, my "tech" with 5 stars Yelp review is incompetent as hell. Heck, he gave me back the old ASAT after 2 weeks for a "setup" with fingerprints and shit all over it. $90 and dude didn't bother cleaning the thing. 2 days later and a set screw fell out of the saddle bridge. One week and the input jack all fell. Alright, let's learn me how to solder! What tools do I need?
  3. I'll probably get a reamer and try to make the holes bigger. Honestly I would go to a tech, had the local tech not charge ridiculous money. $90 for a set up, $60 for a bridge pickup installation, are you kidding me ;__; Girl's gotta learn to solder now. Any videos/ guides you guys find to be helpful? Also i believe the kill button is just the big gray wire connected directly to the switch, Witz
  4. I see. Orange drop it is. Yeah, it felt like people who love the PIO caps so much are old "vintage" loving LP guys I did kind of strip the innards of the guitar out to measure the holes and stuff. If you're buying new pots, make sure to buy metric (8mm) shafts, or else it won't fit. CTS doesn't have push pull metric, damn it @Witz: took a bunch more pictures of the cavity today, let me know if you need more
  5. What are the good pots? CTS seems to be the standard in high-end guitars though, right? My LP has those, and from what I recall the difference between the MA-2 and MA-1 aside the pickup is the CTS pots on the MA-2. What kind of cap should I get for the Cort - Orange drop or paper in oil? Bare Knuckle seems to endorse PIO while Manson uses OD
  6. After you unscrew the 2 screws on the jack plate it should look like this Pull that that threaded part out far enough to fit the washer & hex nut. Put the plate back in, put washer on, then the hex nut.
  7. What do you guys think about the LINE 6 Firehawk FX? It's pretty much Firehawk vs HD500X for me, and for some reasons the Firehawk sounds simpler and easier to use.
  8. I don't see why not. You should mod it to your preference, not Matt's I'm getting a BKP Trilogy Suite neck on mine. Pretty stoked for that - I'll have much more use out of it than a sustainer right now
  9. Yeah, I do have gross greasy acidic sweats though, strings corrode super fast for me. I'm gonna strip the electronics down soon and install some CTS pots, Orange drop caps and good pickups. Fgured if I can't afford a Manson might as well pimp the Cort for now I do wish the neck was less heavily lacquered though
  10. Haha, I never do staccato, ever, so like heyjackk said, I would benefit more from a switch, being able to cut the signal off. Btw, the aluminum knobs are starting to corrode. Welp, time to anodize them I suppose
  11. aw get better Did you get the Axe FX? Someone tell me the difference between the kill switch on the MA's and the kill button on the Cort. I kind of hate the button, but idk how the kill switch works. Is it a 3 way toggle or what?
  12. Cool! Thank you Question, gear heads: How does one abuse a pickup enough for it to look like this? Bake it? (idk if it's the lighting but it looks seriously deformed to me)
  13. Hmm, what did Matt use before the MBK-2? The Nailbomb? I I couldn't really control the old Fuzz Factory so I sold it (looks like my Reverb buyer loves it). What else can I get for Bellarz fuzz that I can tame? Or should I just get one of those Line 6 HD like you guys? How do the presets work anyway - would that by itself be enough
  14. Just listened to the clip again with my good headphones. God, I can't get over how good this pickup is. Seems to me like you like old Muse with the MBK3 and new Muse MBK2 better? I really like the 3 with fuzz. Does the 2 not play as nice with fuzz and distortion?
  15. Wow, Jack, thank you so so much. That was great. I really appreciate the effort you put into this. You are right, the MBK3 does sound great distorted *__* I actually loved the clean parts on Invincible as well. Thanks a lot again!
  16. Woot! Thank you. I never used Soundcloud before - how fast did they take it down? Thanks! I was going to get a rectangle TKL or SKB myself but I couldn't pass up on this Hiscox. Gonna be doing lots of moving in the next few years so I'm glad I have a flight case for each of the guitars now (don't worry I'm going to bubble wrap and ship them ) Hm, I thought I saw a few posts saying the the MBK-2 and Nailbomb differ slightly, and the MBK-3 is totally different from other BKP pickups. The thing about clips from other people is that they don't play Bellarz songs I can't really tell I have not checked out the Lace Sensor. I finally replied to the neck pickups a few days ago on the Cort thread, my bad for the late reply. I honestly don't even know if I need a neck pickup - I use the bridge way more. What do you guys use your neck for? Jaicen, I see that BKP dealers sell the pickups with different post sizes and magnets. What do I want?
  17. Woo, thank you so much! I'd love to hear common riffs (PiB, MK Ultra, CE & the likes) clean & distorted so I could tell the difference. If you're free you should do the MBK-2 as well *puppy face* James has an MBK-3 he'll sell me (I hope), but idk if I should get a 2 as well.
  18. Yo guys, sorry for the slow follow-up. School's been driving me crazy. Anyway, I listened to some youtube stuff of the neck Little 59, JB Jr and Cool Rails, but couldn't decide which was my favorite. What are your opinions, if you own any of them? (Also, it looks like the Cool Rails is the Manson standard?)
  19. Thanks so much!! If you could kind of describe the difference between the 2 and 3 to me that would be great. Or maybe do the same songs with both perhaps Anyway, I got the Hiscox case today! Packaging was weird - the box was basically open (probably customs or whatever) but the case was intact. It's actually much lighter than my Gibson TKL case, and I like how secure the latches feel. And it closes all the way (nitpicking but there's a thinnn gap on the Gibson case - might be a problem with future temp change & moving). Still amazed with the price and shipping speed. Shipped Monday, got here Wednesday, paid $160 something for it all. Maybe I should buy an extra one for reserve
  20. Gotcha. The Avid Rack new is like $550 and comes with a perpetual license for ProTools, while the Line 6 POD UX1 is $150 comes with PODfarm or whatever. I'm assuming ProTools is more popular? Also, where's that MBK-3 clean sample Jack
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