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Everything posted by conforming-on-a-monday

  1. Probably one of these: http://i.imgur.com/tYDs2zp.png http://i.imgur.com/Wn2jXzI.png http://i.imgur.com/XUxEeM6.png http://www.musewiki.org/images/MSF1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zoMjVUx.jpg http://i.imgur.com/U8hUpoj.jpg what can I say? I enjoy them with the light show lining up perfectly now also want to use that site to make one though...
  2. I tried posting a reply to this yesterday but images means its yet to have been approved. The author is from Durham, which i'm pretty sure is in the UK. I actually read Out of this World first as I begged my parents to get it for me for christmas last year, and had bought Inside The Muscle Museum after, and I was way more impressed with the quality (especially considering Mark Beaumont is a first hand source). Also the images are amazing in that one. I got Inside The Muscle Museum for 99 cents online used anyways so it wasn't a huge loss. I'm not buying Manic Depression as I found it on youtube, but I haven't started it yet. I watched another one on crackle, called Muse: Under Review. It was pretty good, but there was no mention of Tom at all which was kind of weird considering he's been with the band for forever.
  3. Not sure if anyone else has read this book at all, but I had to personally put it down as soon as the author, Ben Myers, was introducing Dom. He wrote "Dominic James Howard was born in Stockport, Lancashire on July 12, 1977." and continued to go on some spiel about the summer of Queen. Unless I'm mistaken Dom's birthday is December 7th? Either this author didn't try at all with his sources, or Dom is very good at lying about his birthday. Thoughts?
  4. Bass covers of various songs, ignore the stupid faces I make while I play...I know my face looks terrible...not sure how great the quality is, as I uploaded these at the end of last month. Hysteria: Muscle Museum: MK Ultra: Psycho: I know they're not the best, but I worked most of them out by ear (besides bits of Hysteria and Muscle Museum that I got from the official tab book, you can see where I'm reading part of Muscle Museum). i'm also pretty sure i fucked the descending bass line in Psycho for a few parts, but oh well
  5. My brother was playing some Need for Speed something or other on his Xbox 360 (I don't remember the exact game title) and called me in because they had a trailer for the new movie that was coming out based on the game (for whatever reason) and Butterflies and Hurricanes was the background music. I was glad that he recognized it was Muse considering he doesn't listen to them much, but kind of mad that they left out the piano solo. Still, Butterflies and Hurricanes is in the trailer. Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb3hyRg3ym4
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