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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. You can so imagine that though, can't you!! :D:chuckle: I love hiim toooo!! :awesome:

    Lmao, well I have no pantss! D: Atleast you are well covered!!! Maaaaatt *sad eyes* I need more clothes, think you guys can lend me any moar?? *extremely sad eyes* :chuckle: Luv youu Matt! :(

    Yeah, exactlyy!

    We are the coolest Mofo's in tayooown!! :cool: Me with my hat and no pants, and you with you two layers of pants :awesome: Oh such aan image we carry off!! :eyebrows: Am I rightt?

  2. Yeeeah!! :D Love it!! <3


    Oooo God, yeah! :chuckle:

    It is just so funnyy! :D The third one is on Tv now, so I'm just watching! I only have Eleven and Twelve on DvD! :ohmy: Hee has yeahh, a lot better :)


    Yes!! ^ ^ My mum was telling me the other day about how Chris used to be a "raging alcoholic" which I did not know! :O

    Haha, I think everyone here does!!! :p I love them too! :)


    Uuurgh, some small kids must have no life to vote for Bieber >< he's not even male, he's just a kid!! Oh yeaaah! :facepalm: Well that's just crap theen!!!!! How stupid! :rolleyes:

  3. Itt's a he haha, and I did!! :D He's lovely! :happy:

    I run my school's radio show, I do a show a week :) some of the Musers from here ask to suggest songs for the show too haha, it's really good fun! Will help out with my future ideal career! :D

    You ever met up with anyone from over the internet? :happy:

  4. It is very much so :( I wish we didn't get homework!! :(

    Oh yeeeeyy!! Go you, Storm!!! :awesome: That's awesomee!!!

    Awww, thank you!! :happy::kiss: :kiss:

    What do you want for this Christmas hunnie?? :)

    Yes :( I have had loads to do too!!! But I have to balance it with my new band, and my piano grades, and my Music Coursework, but these bits I love!!! :D

  5. If they come and do a festival next year, I'm hoping they do the Leeds & Reading Festival, I will go to wherever they are! :)

    What about you? Know if they are coming anywhere near you soon?

  6. Yeah, with like everyone!! :D I'm looking forward to itt!! :happy:

    School, Radio, just the usuals really :p Taking my friend from Norway back to the airport too! Just work and Music really :p how about youu?

  7. Wooo!!! :D


    Plug in Baby :happy: it's really quite fun!! Also we did Use Somebody - Kings of Leon, Where the streets have no name - U2, Got me Going - the kinks :) Stuff like that.

    Done ;D I shall put it on for you!! :happy: Also, nice choice ;)

    Oooo, what's that?? :D

  8. Oh yeeeahh! :cool: Matt picking fights with anyone who so much as said a bad word about us :p nawww, love you Matt!! :awesome: <33

    Ahaha, I woulllld have, Matt's sexy red shirt, Dom's black leather Jacket, and the Pedro cowboy hat from KoC video!!!!!!! Pedro!!! :dance: WOO!! <3

    Nahhh, she's too rock and rool kinda, a cruddy track record! He is too nice!!! Not that I'm not happy with him being happy though :happy:

    Haha, run around with their clothes Lalalalalala :awesome::chuckle: (Not quite so ninja)

  9. :awesome::kiss:

    You have heard now then my dear!! :happy: His 5th!! Can you believe!!! :chuckle:

    Yesss! I have much homework to do, including essays!!! :rolleyes:

    I adore you tooo sweet!! :kiss::D

    I am feeling so very Christmassy this year!! I can't wait to get the time off and have a lovely timee!! It is getting so cold thoughh! I wish Winter wasn't so cold!! :(

    What have you been up to these recent dayys?? :happy:

  10. Ahhh, well at least it will be done and over with then! Then you can look forward to Chriiistmas!!! :awesome: I'm really feeling Christmassy this year! I don't know why, I just have a good feeling!! :happy:


    Not much has been happening recently, I joined a band though, we just are doing a couple of covers for a few school concerts!! It's really great fun! :) Also radio tomorrow! Wanna suggest a song? :D

    What have you been up to? :happy:

  11. Yeah yeah!!! :D:D Of course :cool: The coolest best friends in the WOORLDD! :awesome: Who also share their glasses with us ;) woo! Which clothes would you like from each member? Which one piece from each? :happy:

    Hahaha, you are most welcome my deear!! :awesome: I shall make an award especially for youu!! ;) Wooo! :ninja:

    I see him happily looking up laughhing throwing his kid round, I think he's ready to settle tbh :) sat beside him on a big grande :happy: awww! I wish I could mind him, awwww, so cuute! :D

    To remove their clothes? :eyebrows: xD Hahahah, brilliant!! We should just but them on us at the same time :D Woo! We are so soooo the coolest ninja's!! :ninja:

  12. Yeeeeeaaahh!!! :D That'd be awesome! :awesome: Wooo! Hope you get one!

    Haaha :p

    Wow!!! Lucky or whatt?? :D That is just so so amazing!!! :awesome:

    You do geography? :) I did geography, we only went on trips to the beach, we were supposed to go to Iceland, but parents wouldn't let me, cos it's too expensive, same for new york, and London >< all I can afford is £12 for Alton Towers xD Haha!! Oh deear!!

    Will you suggest a song for me to put on my school's radio?? :D xxxx

  13. Ooo, sounds interesting! :happy: You have time though, so no woorries! :) Aww hehe! I am going to study Popular Music Production (BSc) and at the moment, I do Musicc Technology, Art & Media :D

    Yeaaah! Exactly!! :D With parents it's not as great :/

    I am so excited!!!! :awesome:

    Haha, 24 hours of just sleep :cool: haha! If I had more time, I would master bass! Prepare for my Piano exams, and Revise like hell and do awesome in exams, if only!!! :(

    I am doing just fine thank you!! :happy:

    Have you been up to much today darlin'?? :)

  14. Heey! :happy:

    No problem chickk! :) Thank ya very much!!

    Good to hear! Ahhh yeah, how is your graphics coming along now?? :D Aww!! :(

    My day was fine thank you!! :happy: How about yours??

  15. Nahh, you can probably just see anyway! :)


    I watched it for Brad Pitt... and then he went and got shot didn't he!!! :LOL: Clooney was good though, was funny! Ahahah,

    Oooo, yess! i love those, I remember the Chinese guy in the bag in Eleven, I loved that! :p haha, so far fetched! I love those films :) Aaaaalways on Tv haha! Like Mr. & Mrs. Smith!! Which is also good to be honest! :D


    Woo! :awesome:

    Haha, exactly!! :p Hehe, I just love his sarcasm so much! He is just amazing!!! His headbanging kicks asss!!! Dom is so cuute! & Matt is just gorgeous!! :) Yeyyyy!


    I know!! :( We must all vote next time!!!! We must make sure, tell everybody! I'm sure that some people vote against Muse though :( It sucks!! They deserve so much! <3

  16. Yeesss! I loved that fez :') how cool was he rocking that mop too :cool: haha! :chuckle: That would look so crazy cool!! xD

    Believe me... you don't! :chuckle: It makes it worsee!!! D:

    Awww ^ ^ Wow, that's awesome! :awesome: hehe, woo!

    Omg!!!! :ohmy: That's amazinng!! But still! At least you didn't die :awesome: ehh? :p hehe! xxx

  17. Yeeeey! :D:chuckle:

    Let's go and buy a boat!! i can pick you up on the way around ;) hehe!

    How was your day dear? :)

  18. No worries, seriously :happy: *hugs*

    It's fine, as long as you get your rest and as little stress as possible!! :)

    Good to hear! :D Yeah, I'm fine thank you!! How was your day? :)

  19. Oooo, yess! :D I shall be there :cool: Haha, awesome! :p Awww, I.T teachers are so crap! :p Mine were horrible, never helped at all! Thanks for the page details!! :D

  20. Uuurgh, that's horrible! >< I can't stand smoking in general, makes me sick! I'm sorry! :( Must have been horrible! I hope you can see them again one time!

    Aww, that sucks! :( You think they'll come down next year??

  21. What do you study then? What subjects do you do at school? :)

  22. Yesss! :awesome: Instead of just beating them up, they will love us because we save them :cool: so in exchange we get to stay with them! And we get their clothes :D wooo!

    Great ninja you are :chuckle: hahah! I'll keep you up right :cool:

    I can see Matt with a kid on his shoulders :p hehe! What do you see?

    Ahaha, well... we do now look after them :eyebrows: Let's go! :awesome:

  23. Your Muse avatar is so cuute!! :D I love it!! Dom and his dog!! :happy: <33

  24. Thanks for joining the group "Because we love the way Matt dresses! :)" - :D


    How was your dayy? :happy:

  25. Thanks for joining the Muse - Best Live Act group!! :D

    How was your day?? :happy:

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