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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. No Problem, hun! :happy: Awww, well they should :p


    Haha, I knoow, Right?!! :chuckle:

    How have you been recently?? :)

  2. It was just awesome!!! I put it on my mum's mp4 player for her, so now I keep stealing to watch it!!! :chuckle: Woo!!! :awesome:


    Well that's awesome! You should put them on for me to see!!!! :happy: Wooo!!! :D

    How have you been recently? :)

  3. You're welcome! :D

    Nm, just chilling out while I have the chance in break from school work :chuckle: How about youu??

  4. Oooo, lucky youu!! :p I've been doing band rehearsals, and radio, and things for University!! So I don't really have much time to not, I'm falling behind on notifications, so do excuse me if I reply a little late! :(

  5. Yes!!! :happy: You will!! You will see them! :) If not then we shall bring them too you!! :yesey:


    How are you, today?

  6. Yeah, I know what you mean about them changing daily!!! :p Or you re hear a song you haven't got round to on the lbums and think aaaaaahh, but I love you too!!! :LOL:

    Hmm... I love Hysteria, Undisclosed Desires, Bliss, Citizen Erased, Sunburn, Futurism, Yes Please! :happy: So many awesome songs!!!!! D: So hard to choose :chuckle:

  7. Haha, aww :p

    Wooo!!! Which one?? :happy: I don't have one :noey: sucks! :chuckle:


    Ahhh, well mine would be boring, because mine is all musicy based :p School Radio, band practices for the school production, stealing the school's piano.... y'know :D

  8. Ummmmmm, Showbiz/Origin <3 :D Although tbf, I love them all!!! :D Woo!


    What have you been up to recently? :happy:

  9. Wow, lucky youu!!!! :p Oo, I love swimming :) hahah :chuckle: aww!!!

    Yeah, I'm good thanks :happy: Just the usual going on for me, shool, work, home net, late bed :p just practicing for being part of the band in the school musical and got the radio show tomorrow :happy: so woo!! How about you my dear? :)

  10. Well.... cleaning at the school 2 hours after hours on weekdays. £7.21 an hour!! 10 hours a week... can't exactly complain, can you? ;)



    I knowww! :ohmy: Must suck!! But they do! Presume it's just full of country kinds or whatever :noey: I would come to Wales!!! :LOL:

  11. Awww, I know what you mean, hun! Those days suck!! :noey:

    Thank youu!! :happy: *hug*

    My day was loooong, but I came home and spoke to this guy I've been speaking a lot to recently and I was just made so happy :) even though I was exhausted :LOL: But had Music Tech, & Media, so was all good! How about yours? :happy:

  12. Well that's good! :D

    Awww bless!! Accordian just kicks ass, I wish I could play it in the Musical. I'm in the band for High School Musical :indiff: Cheese FM!! Aww, I get to play the piano, but because I'm in the sisxth form, if any of the lower years try to join in, playing high notes really hard or trying to mess about the teachers come and get them off. Without me saying anything xD

    Yeah, I'm good thanks! :)

    Piano, yeeey! Can we swap for a little? :happy:

  13. Yusss! :indiff:

    Hahah, yesss!! But that's part of the reason why we love himm!!!! :D Cos he is just sooo lovely!!!! :D

    Awwww, bless youu!!!! :( Poor thing! I just looked at your avi then and thought it looked like you would :p as in the almost crying. Just try not to imagine that, I never do, and I have some whacky dreams!! :chuckle: Ever imagined Chris in a cactus suit? :LOL:

  14. Woo! :D:chuckle:


    Oh Meegg!! :chuckle: hahaha!! I wish I knew now!! :p

    And play football mit Popcornen ;)

    Hahahah! ... Ooooo!!!!! If is was on the day of a Muse concert though... eh?? :eyebrows: Y'know... we would be able to get right at the front ;D woo!! I am definitely making signs next time!! :) Should be fun!!

  15. YES! Then come with me!! :D haha.

    I do! We were bobbing up and down for the support acts too! :chuckle: A big patch of us all :p was so funny!! Exactly! But I will remember next time, and oooo, have you seen my picture of when I spotted Chris and Dom by the stage when Band of Skulls were on!! :ohmy: :hehe!

  16. Oh wow!!!!1 Jealous!!! D: Take me in your bagg??? :chuckle: I have to wait until next year :( Unfortunately I have to wait until next year!! I can't take the time off to go and see them at loads of different places!! Just wait till I get to Uni!!! And I have money!! :(

    You must tell me all about it!!!!! :ohmy: It will be awesome!!!!!

    Hehe, it was greaaat fun!! :D

    Oh, you are so cute!!! :happy: My baby girl!!! :kiss:

    Hehe :chuckle:

    You're very welcome!!! :D Awww, well thank youu!!!! :happy::kiss:

    Aww :chuckle: it's okay!! :happy:


    What did you get up to this weekend? Sorry for my late reply!!! :(

  17. Picture change!! :awesome:

    Yusss, and the bassist who plays with Santana, he is just amazing!! D: It's ridiculous!!

    Oh, that's awesome!!!! :D Niice!!! Aww, how comes they took them?? :ohmy::chuckle:

  18. I wish I could help on tour with them... it's like i'm itching to help, because it's like my field!!! D: It's painful to watch and not be able to join in as I'm so used to doing what I can to help! I wanna get on stage help set up etc. Damn :/ haha!

    Awww :( sucks, doesn't it!

    What have you been doing recently then?? :happy:

  19. Heey!! :happy:

    Awww, why, what's up? What happened?? :(

    I'm fine, just shattered, had a rough night D: Oh dear mee! :LOL:

  20. Aww, bless you! :happy: Well, that's always awesome!!!!!! :D :D Haha!! Can take you to a concert :chuckle: it's adorable!! ^^

    Awesome!! :D Nice one!!!

    Hehe, oh dear! Had to walk home afterwards :p I looked like I am actually physically able to take part in sports hahah! :chuckle:

  21. Woo! :D Have you got a favourite Muse song? :p

  22. I put on the Citizen Erased that you asked for ;) woo!! Aww, it is so much fun!!! :happy: What have you been up to recently?? :)

  23. Me tooo!!!! *highfive* :awesome: Awww, so so cuuuute!!! :chuckle:


    I love th face in that context, like you wouldn't think he was in a suit! :p Hahah! Awwwwww!!! :chuckle: aww, that's so meeean!! What weird suit thing though? :p

    It's not really holidayee! :/ but next concert dude?! :cool:

    Sounds like a plan to me ;) lolll, half the population will be knocked out by footballs :LOL: fantastic! Haha!!

  24. Awww, that sucks!! :( It can't be the same!!

    I just want to be all over the world!! :p Damn them! I'd love to be able to travel, I want to tooo! :p Stupid lack of money! :chuckle: What I would do if I won the lottery, go to every concert, haha!! :LOL:


    Ahh yeah, he is a shy boy isn't he :happy: it's adorable!!! :D "Soo... how was your night Matt :D" Haha, aww! :p bless!! Dictionaries = Life savers!! :chuckle:


    I do think he beats Dom for cuteness, I have to say! :p

  25. Aww, awesome!! I really hope they come over for you!!! :D I was an LCCC girl, although I wish I had the money and a way to travel to there! :p But only 17, so no chance!! :chuckle:

    Hey Paulina! :) I'm sorry for my late reply too, I have been really busy recently!! :/

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