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Everything posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. :chuckle: Matt looked about 15 when he was 20!

    :( I'm hoping he doesnt ask me out, because I wouldn't know how to say no. I'd get embarrassed and then feel sorry for him :supersad:

    Just the usual stuff :happy: we had a staring competition yesterday (which I loved :happy:), we were bored in history so we were trying to balance pens on our top lip :chuckle: then we were all gonna arrange a trip to Alton towers, which is good because I'd sit on a rollercoaster next to him and then I'd have an excuse to hold onto his arm :eyebrows: oh and my friend was showing us a magic trick so Liam had to hold out his hand, and I had to put my hand onto his :D it was so warm!! :chuckle:

    Anything happen with Connor? :eyebrows:

  2. :chuckle: I'd prefer being draw on too!


    I actually wasn't tired for school :happy: I had music first, so my teacher always let's me use the piano in the practice room :awesome: so of I fell asleep no one would know :happy:

    What job are you applying for? :) good luck when you get the interview ;)

  3. :chuckle::awesome: good luck again!

    :chuckle: my nan didn't believe he had 5 kids and she thought Dom was 20! :LOL:

    :happy: his names Andrew :D he's in my English, Maths and Science, he's kinda cute, he plays guitar and he loves Muse :happy: but I still like Liam :supersad:

  4. :chuckle: if we fall asleep in class people just take pictures and put them online :chuckle:


    I fell asleep 2 hours before I had to be at school then woke up an hour later :chuckle: how was your day? :)

  5. :yesey: I miss it too! :'(

    :chuckle: I do that too! When I have pasta now my mum carries the plate for me :chuckle:

    Glad to hear they went well! How many more performances do you have? :)

    My weekend was ok thanks :happy: my nan stayed over on Saturday night and she told me that she thought Chris was good looking :chuckle:

    My friends have "a feeling" that someone at school fancies me :rolleyes:

  6. No :( it's crap :'( all we have is McDonalds and a swimming pool :(


    :supersad: awww why do Muse have to play Saturday? Why couldnt they play on Friday so that you could see them?!

    :happy: his names Andrew

    Love youu!


  7. I'm in Worksop :'(


    Awww! Hope you get better! :happy:

    Are you going to Reading/Leeds then? :D

    I haven't been up to much :( but my friends have "a feeling" that someone at school fancies me :stunned:

    Love you!


  8. :awesome: there's hardly anything to do where I am :(

    Doctor Who is awesome!!! :yesey: and so is harry hill!

    What have you been up to today? :)

    Love you!


  9. :chuckle: I'll probably fall asleep outide my first lesson :rolleyes: music first :awesome: I have to be there in 3 and a half hours :'(
  10. :happy:


    Same:) I'm just tired, it's nearly half 4 in the morning here, I can't sleep :chuckle:

  11. Hey :happy: thanks for the add

    How are you?

  12. :happy:

    :yesey::chuckle: I've never been to Holland :) is there a lot to do there? :happy:

    :awesome: Friends :yesey: It's just so awesome :awesome: what's yours?


    Love youu xxx

  13. Hi! Sorry that I didn't reply yesterday :$

    Yep she's been :) stayed for Sunday lunch too! :happy: tv is :awesome::yesey:

    What have you been up to today? :happy:

    Love youu!


  14. :awesome: I just watched the rest of it too :happy:

    I'm okay today thanks :happy: you?

    :awesome: have a good time :) my nan might be staying at our my house tonight because my grandad's gone on a golfing weekend :happy:

    Yeyy :happy:

    love youu!


  15. It was quits good :) I didn't watch it all though (I fell asleep :chuckle:). Did Chris Moyles and Radio 1 get a mention? Did you enjoy it? :happy:

    love youu xxx

  16. We used to get loads in Primary too! :chuckle:


    :chuckle: pasta pots are AWESOME!

    Gooooood luck with the performances :happy:


  17. Thank you again :happy::kiss:

    :happy: Dom didn't fit in :'( he was behind my head :chuckle:


    What are you doing now? I'm watching Comic Relief :) doctor who's coming on! :dance:


    love ya!


  18. :awesome:

    :happy: thank you thank you thank you! I thought it was crap :chuckle: did ya spot a muse poster behind me? :chuckle: I loooove my jacket :yesey:


    love ya!


  19. :chuckle: we only get 1 non uniform day a year :noey:

    :angry: stupid man! You deserve non uniform!!!

    :yesey: I bought some Ed Hardy converse, they were £75 but I got them for £15 :D and I bought an a7x tshirt :)

    :chuckle: pasta pots are :cool:

    :yesey: weeeeeekend!!!

    Nope not at the moment, you?? :happy:

  20. :happy:

    I bought some Ed Hardy converse :awesome: they were £75 but I got them for £15! :dance: and an A7X tshirt :happy:


    TV and museboard is good :yesey:



    love ya


  21. :happy::chuckle:

    I'm not lucky :noey: I had the day off to go tj the hospital :( I missed non uniform day at school :'(

    :chuckle: glad it went well, that must've been very awkward! :chuckle:

    I'm going shopping after the hospital :D

    Anything interesting happen today? :happy:

  22. Heyy :happy: I'm baaaack :)

    Everything was fine :) I bought some stuff :)

    Yep for comic relief

    Loads of people didn't go to school today they were all I'll too :(



    What have you been up to today? :happy:

    When I got home I put a Starlight cover on YouTube :happy: its in the cover thread :) will you tell me what you think? :happy:

    Love ya!


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