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Everything posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. :chuckle:

    I don't think he believes me :chuckle:

    Vanilla is :awesome: I love Cookie Dough!! :yesey:

    Stupid gmail rejecting me and stupid yahoo mail for not sending it pwoperly :noey:

    love youu


  2. :awesome:


    :chuckle: boring boring Worksop :rolleyes:

    :LOL: I think he is suspicious :ninja: I went out with Hollie earlier, I think my brother thought I was meeting Liam :rolleyes:

    Ice cream is awesome :yesey: what's your favourite flavour? :D

    I just got the email, no it still says "rejected by the server" :supersad:

    Love you!


  3. :vomit:

    I bought a Paramore book and some Perfume :awesome:

    Today was cool thanks :happy:. yesterday was :ohmy: first I was sat with Liam in geography because we were working together (:eyebrows:) Hollie and Lea were sat infront of us. Hollie turned round, looked at me, then him, me, him, then had a weird smile on her face. She asked me what love songs I like, her eyes flickered to Liam, then she asked him the same question, her eyes flickered to me :rolleyes: after that she asked us both if we sent or received any valentines cards and gifts this year :rolleyes: I think Liam knew what they were getting at :rolleyes: oh and at the end of the day at lockers, Lea went up to my brother and told him me and Liam went out :eek: then Briony told him I was pregnant with Liams baby :eek::eek:!!

    How has your day been? :happy:

  4. :awesome:


    :supersad: school parties are crap :noey:

    I can't wait :D my brother has his prom in a couple of months :) it's apparently at a fancy hotel and they actually spend a lot of money on it :happy:

    The rest of them are quite cool too! :happy: did you listen to them yet? :happy::chuckle:

    It was quite good today thanks :happy: Lea is still trying to convince my brother that me and Liam are going out though :rolleyes:

    How was your day? :)


  5. :chuckle::chuckle:




    Ok ;)

    I've never actually had a slow dance before :'( we had a prom at primary school but no one took that seriously. We have a pwoper prom in 2 years though :D

    I've listened to No Cars Go, it's quite good actually :happy:

    Love you!


  6. :chuckle:




    What did ya think ? :D

    :chuckle: yeah they count :yesey: Unintended was my 3rd fave :awesome:


    I'll listen to a couple of those in a minute :happy:

    Love you!


  7. :chuckle:

    They do bug me sometimes, but I love them lots!

    I like loads :D


    - this one's my favourite :'( it's called Heaven

    - my second favourite :happy:

    What love songs do you like? :happy:

    :chuckle: it was quite funny actually :chuckle: it went all over the floor too!

    :awesome: I've never actually listened to Arcade Fire :$ any recommendations? :D


    Love youu!


  8. Hey :happy: my day was good and bad :erm: it was bad because Lea told my brother that I went out with Liam :eek::noey: he didn't believe me when I said it wasn't true :eek:

    Was good because in geography I had to work with Liam :D we were sat next to each other, Hollie and Lea kept looking at me, then him, then me, then him :rolleyes::chuckle: they they asked me what love songs I liked, when they said that their eyes flickered to him. Then they asked him the same question :rolleyes: after that they both asked us if we received Valentine's cards and gifts :rolleyes: I think Liam knew what they were getting at :chuckle:

    Oh and he spilt water all over me and my chair in English :LOL:

    How was your day today hubby? :awesome:

    Love youu!


  9. ;)

    :ohmy::facepalm: it was.. Um.. Different? :chuckle:


    I love TGI's :awesome:

    :happy: cant waaaait! :D

    Love youu!


  10. My favourite Pendulum song is either Propane Nightmares, Watercolor or Tarantula. So you could check those out if you want :happy:

    I found a KoC dubstep :eek:


    Rock!!! :musesign:

    :D going bowling then to TGI Fridays :cool:


    What are you gonna get for me? :D:LOL:

    love youu!


  11. :chuckle:

    It was very cool :yesey:

    Yep I like drum and bass :happy: and yep that's Pendulum's genre :)

    What's Dubstep ? :happy:

    We're doing musicals in music so I'm learning Can You Feel The Love Tonight from The Lion King :happy: The Lion King is my favourite Disney movie :happy:

    Studying is quite tiring :yesey: have fun on your walk :)

    Not really, just my Birthday on Saturday and Mothers Day on Sunday :)

    Have you got anything planned this week? :awesome:

    love youu


  12. :chuckle:

    :yesey: it works!

    oh! I thought you were actually there :facepalm:

    :eek: you got CE, MK AND Bliss?! :eek:

    You were quite close to the stage! I was quote far away from the stage :'( :chuckle: did they speak in Dutch correctly or did they say some words wrong? :chuckle:

    They were amazing :)

    My highlights of Paramore:

    - I was close to the stage

    - The amazing crowd

    - the second they walked onstage

    - Jeremy's flip during Pressure

    - Hayleys funny dances :chuckle:

    - The girl that got up onstage to sing Misery Business at the end

    - Hayleys 3 minute speech about seats :LOL:



    - they were amazing live

    - the bass sent shivers through my spine

    - I was even closer to the stage at this one (:

    - Seeing Rob Swire's goatee (:ninja: it was cool :cool:)

    - the crowd

    - seeing Hadouken



    My Sunday's been okay thanks :) ive been learning a new song all morning (:

    What have you been up to? (:


    Love you!


  13. :vomit: she's about 60 too :noey:

    :chuckle: Girly stuff. I went shopping AGAIN because it was my mums birthday :happy:

  14. Paramore biography :awesome:

    :yesey: yes it is


    Yeah I have BBC 3 (: I mean radio 1 broadcast it on tv like they did for last years reading and the Teignmouth gig :happy:

    :chuckle: it's fun being dragged across the floor :chuckle: I was begging my dad for something and I held his ankle so he dragged me :LOL:

    Hmmmm.... I don't know :chuckle: I really loved the whole thing :chuckle: my top 5 moments were (no particular order)

    • everyone singing along to TiRO - the balcony was shaking because everyone was jumping :chuckle:

    • the UFO in Exo

    • when they walked onstage

    • clapping along to starlight

    • when they played soldiers poem, everyone got their phones out and waved them :happy: it looked so pwetty :supersad:


    What was your LCCC highlight? :)

    love youu!


  15. :party: yep :) bought a book for my holiday, some perfume, a magazine and a CD :awesome: went to pizza hut for dinner :awesome:

    :happy: at least I get to see them when they come back on tour in the UK :dance: long time to wait though :supersad: yeah my dad said BBC Radio 1 should broadcast it live too :happy:

    :supersad: beg! Get down on your hands and knees and beg! :yesey:

    love you!


  16. :happy:

    :LOL::LOL: our p.e teacher never wears a bra :vomit:

    What have you been ul to today? :happy:

  17. :D


    It was my mums birthday today so we went shopping and out for a meal :happy: I was sooooo close to getting Reading tickets!! My dad asked me and my brother which festival we'd rather go to, Reading or Sonishpere. My brother said Reading. I was so confused because he really wanted to see Metallica at Sonisphere :confused: I asked him why and he said "because I know how important this festival is to you..." :supersad: I turned the tickets down so he could see Metallica :'( he'd give them up to make me happy :happy: I love my brother :happy: have you thought of a plan to get tickets yet? :)

    Love youu!


  18. :LOL: I got him back by throwing a ball at him :yesey:

    :yesey: awesome teacher :)

    Yeah sure :happy: don't worry about it :happy:

    You too!

    love you!


  19. :happy: having your hair cut is awesome :yesey:

    :chuckle: we only have a week left of tennis now, thank god! Lol violent sports!

    We bitch about teachers all the time! The other day we were stood outside a classroom talking about the teacher, when the bell rang and we walked in he came up to us and said "I heard what you said about me.. :LOL: I'm sorry"


  20. :)

    Well Liam nearly took my head off with a tennis ball! :chuckle: and I found out my science teacher loves Muse, and he let me play time is running out :)

    What time's the date? :happy:

    Love you!


  21. :)

    Pretty good thank you! You?

    Yep I'm ready! :kiss:

    Love you!


  22. Go somewhere you really like :) we have to do 2 weeks next year :eek: I'm probably gonna go to Sheffield arena :) you get free concert tickets/backstage passes if you go there! :D

    Boys :rolleyes:

    :happy: when I got to school this morning the first thing he said to me was "your hair looks really nice :) you had it cut didn't you?" :D then throughout the day he was complimenting my hair like "it really suits you!" "it looks pretty" :happy: and in tennis he nearly took my head off with the ball again :chuckle: I can't really complain about that because I almost hit him too :chuckle: me, Liam and tennis don't mix :LOL:

    Anything happen with you today? :)

  23. We have to go somewhere for 2 weeks next year! Every school should do work experience, shouldn't they? :erm:

    You never know he might secretly have a crush on you! :happy: do you think you'll ever change your mind about him? :D

    I was texting Liam last night, we didn't know what to talk about so I put "what would you do if someone shot me right infront of you?" as a joke to see what he'd reply. He wrote "id track them down. Stick needles in their eyes, then rip them to shreads." :awesome:


    Anything good planned for today? :happy:

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