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Everything posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. :awesome: we drive to London loads, just for weekend holidays :D

    Im 14 in two months! I'm still waiting for my pwoper first kiss :happy:

    :LOL: I don't know how we got married :confused:

    :eyebrows::LOL: hmmm a messageboard husband :eyebrows:


    In the past he's also said "he looks like he fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!" "he has a very tiny mouth" "he looks like a chipmunk" :mad::rolleyes:

  2. So far I've had 2 kisses on the cheek, various hugs and he's my school husband :rolleyes::awesome:

    Aww :supersad: you never know! She might be your perfect girl! You get in there before he does!!

    :awesome: have you been to London before?


    :eek: my dad just said Matt looks like the back end of a bus! :'( I replied "LEAVE MATT ALONE!!!!"



  3. Do you have a one week holiday or two week? :happy:


    I did actually take some in technology today but I look really stupid with my friends in them :rolleyes: so I need to take some pwoper pics :)


    Liams good :) he hugged me today <3 :chuckle:

    How's Sarah? :happy:

  4. Awesome have fun fuzzing later :happy:

    Pretty boring tbh :'( but it's our last day of school tomorrow then we break up for a week :awesome:

  5. :D


    What have you been up to today? More fuzzing? :happy:


  6. :happy:

    His name is Liam :happy: What's her name? :happy:

    Yeah :) everyone been saying how different I look! :) x

  7. :happy:


    Aww! Are you in love with her? The guy I like is one of my best friends.

    No I had to go back to school :indiff:

  8. :)

    It's so weird without braces! :happy:


    Valentine's day sucks when you're not with anyone :'( :'( I was depressed too :'(


    I've been good thank you! Not been up to much though x

  9. Hi! Sorry I forgot that I hadn't replied to your last message :$ sorry!


    Everythings great thanks! Got my braces off today! :dance: I'll talke some piccys at the weekend and use one as my profile pic :happy:


    How've you been? :happy:

  10. My number's in my contact list but I forgot my phone :'( Connor loves you (he just doesnt know it yet :chuckle:)!!!


    No! :'( I didn't get chance to talk to him today :'( stupid school stuff! And i wont see him tomorrow 'cause im getting my brace taken off (:dance:) :'(!!


    How was your day today :happy:?

  11. :'( valentines day sucks! :LOL:

    Well, he asked for my number today :happy: but I didn't know my number :$ (I felt like a dork because I didn't know it :chuckle:) so I said I'd give it to him tomorrow :awesome::happy:


    How was your day then? :happy:

  12. Hey :happy:

    Happy Valentines Day (for tomorrow :LOL:)

    How are you? :happy:

  13. Awesome plan!!


    How are you today?

    Grrrr valentines day tomorrow :indiff:

  14. Agreed! Sing For Absolution is :awesome:

    They should deffinately play Unintended :D

  15. ABSOLUTELY! What song should they play? :happy:

  16. I actually have no idea :confused: I don't really pay attention :chuckle:

    We should wear LED dresses, and the guys can wear silver sparkly Matt suits or a Matt LED suit :yesey:


  17. :LOL:


    I remember that Liam went out with my friend Beth in year 7, that didn't last long :rolleyes: then last year my friend Paige asked me to ask Liam out for her, so I did, that "relationship" only lasted a day! :chuckle: I think he's fed up of short relationships tbh :chuckle:

    I agree with you, she does seem really nice, and I'd hate to go to counselling :rolleyes::happy:

    :eyebrows: maybe :chuckle: we could have a shared wedding :LOL: me and Liam, you and Connor!!

    No nothing today :( but tomorrow we have drama and we both have to wear army hats and facepaint :yesey: it'll be interesting :chuckle:

    Anything else happen with Connor?

  18. Sorry! I forgot to reply to your message yesterday! So sorry! I'll reply now :)


    You never know :happy:. What was his answer?! Did he say yes? :happy:

    :chuckle: I hope so :happy: I still don't know how the "marriage" happened :chuckle:

    I doubt he'll ask me out, he's kind of shy when it comes to "pwoper relationships" :supersad:

    :chuckle: that'd be an awesome surprise!!


    My day was boring :( had parents evening :indiff: how was your day? :)


    Have you seen the new article on Matt and Kate? Its about how Kate wants to go to couples counselling with Matt before they get married :rolleyes: Matt hates the idea of it :rolleyes::chuckle:

    Here's the article :)http://www.nowmagazine.co.uk/celebrity-news/515414/kate-hudson-and-matt-bellamy-s-couples-therapy/1/

  19. :awesome::yesey:!

    Oh noes!!!! Are you gonna kill your friends?:chuckle:. Think positively! He might say Yes!! :yesey:

    Well, in art we had a supply teacher and she was coming round the class with a pen and paper taking everyones names for the register. When she got to me and Liam, he said his name then said "now this is my wife, Jade." I was :stunned: everyone, including the teacher had a :wtf: expression on their face :chuckle:


    My day was pretty great thanks :happy: in art I had a paint AND masking tape fight with Liam and Hollie :awesome: it was very fun :yesey: and I went to the Orthodontist today, they said I can have my brace off next Wednsday :dance:


    How was your day? :happy:

  21. :chuckle:

    Nothing much, school and the orthodontist :indiff:. I'm getting my brace off next Wednsday :D :D :dance:

  22. :LOL: I can't play it because I'm useless :chuckle:

    Naaah nothing planned :)

    What have you been up to today?

    Fuzzing?? :happy:

  23. :)

    Not going well :chuckle: i got the tabs for SMBH and I can only play the top string :chuckle: when i try the other strings it all goes wrong! :LOL:

    No im not learning for someone special :chuckle::happy: do you have any plans for valentines day? :happy::eyebrows:

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