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Everything posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. :happy: yeah, but we drive to other places, we went to New York too last year :awesome:

    I agree! Cinema = :awesome:


    Okey Dokey :happy::chuckle:



  2. :D :D "Fuck of you cunt! Yeah you! Fuck you!"


    :happy: my brother was teaching me, but then he gave up because he has no patience :rolleyes: so I've taught myself :happy: good luck learning ;)

    :LOL: the good thing about it being to big is that its nice and warm :awesome:

    I'm good thanks just bored stiff :rolleyes: you? :happy:

  3. :happy: I love Florida! We go every year :D

    :happy: They're kind of Hard Rock ;) they're older albums are more metal


    It is quite boring tbh, there's just nothing to do where I am :rolleyes: they were suppose to build a cinema but no, they built a youth club that no one goes to :indiff:

    Yeah I do it's jademusejade@yahoo.co.uk :happy:


  4. Aww! Hopefully there'll be an Internet connection in the villa we're staying at :happy:

    Florida :happy: and spending a couple of days in Washington :awesome:

    They're awesome (imo :chuckle:) I recommend listening to: Afterlife (my fave), Seize The Day, Nightmare, Beast & the Harlot, Dear God :happy:

    This is the Death Bat ;)



    :yesey: you should :)

    Have fun fuzzing :) we go back to school on Monday :'(

    Nope just sitting in my house all day :yesey::chuckle:



  5. :happy:. :indiff: 6 weeks is ages! The good thing is I don't have to wear it all day when I go on Holiday in April, 2 weeks without the board, I won't survive! :'( :LOL:


    It stands for Avenged Sevenfold :) an awesome band that I like (going to see them in June at Download :dance:)

    I might take a profile pic of me wearing it but I'm not sure :unsure: yes it's cool :) it has the Death Bat on it :awesome:


    :awesome: is your hair really short now? :happy:

    My day's been okay thanks :) went to McDonalds for dinner! Yummy :happy: what else have you been up to today? :)

  6. :happy::yesey: "is this the nme?" "who do you think you are?!" :chuckle: yeah lol, I haven't seen a video of Dom doing a drunk interview yet :rolleyes:

    Same, it has been boring, I've just been playing my keyboard :awesome: learning B&H :happy:

    My a7x jacket came today :awesome::dance: it's so fluffy, but it's a bit big because it's a small mens :rolleyes:

  7. :happy:

    :eek: you only had to wear your 2 weeks?! I have to have mine for 6! :'( :'( stupid piece of plastic!

    I've been great so far thanks :) my A7X jacket came in the post! :happy::dance::happy:


    How've you been today? :happy:


  8. :happy:

    :awesome: good luck with the play :)

    I hate the retainer already, and I've only had it for 2 days! :happy: :happy:


    Yeah I saw it! I love drunk Matt!!! :LOL:


    What have you been up to? :happy:

  9. :'( awww *hugs*. You'll find someone else soon! :happy:


    :awesome: are you a main character in it? :happy:


    After 6 weeks then you only have to wear it while you sleep. :'( for 6 weeks I'll be talking funny and spitting everywhere infront of Liam :'( :noey:




    What have you been up to today? :happy:

  10. Aww do you think you did well on it? :happy:

    I'm okayish. I went to the dentist to fetch my retainer today. I was disappointed when I got there. I though that you only had to wear the retainer while you sleep. Turns out that you have to wear it all the time :'( :'( :'( :'(



  11. :happy:


    Good luck!!!





    How's my hubby today? :D



  12. :D I'll try too!

    Agreed :happy: Has Jack said anything to Connor yet :D

    :awesome: what play is it? :happy:

    :eek: if my mum found out about Liam she'd be like "aww is that that sweet lad that was following us round at options evening?" she'd never drop it either :rolleyes:

    I had to get my retainer today :'( I found out I have to wear it all day for 6 weeks! :'( :'(


    Thanks :happy:

    <3 Billie Joe! And I love the quote on the Matt pic :happy: "I'm the sunshine of your life." :chuckle:

  13. I had this dream last week and forgot to post it Me and two of my friends (Hollie and Lea) were stood on top of a reaaaaaally big building. Hollie was stood at the edge screaming "I'm going to kill myself! Don't try and stop me!!" so me and my friend were just stood like . Anyway Hollie jumped off the building, then Chris (dressed as Captain America) flew up and caught her so then Lea jumped off because she thought Chris would save her.. When he saw Lea jump he dropped Hollie and caught Lea, Hollie was screaming "aaaaaah! You moron! Why did you drop me?!" then SpiderDom swooped in using his spidey powers to create a web to prevent Hollie from crashing to the ground I was still at the top of the building like I was thinking, 'well this is just great! If I jump there's no one to save me!' then a helicopter hovered above me and a ladder came down. Matt was climbing down the ladder he said to me "Hi wanna get some sushi?" of course I said yes (I don't even like sushi ) so we climbed the ladder to the helicopter and flew away It was a weird dream
  14. :happy:

    I was going to pick GCSE art too, but I went to talk to my teacher about it. I'm not picking it now! There's soooo much work! I wouldn't be able to do a 10 hour exam! And 3 hours of coursework every night )': do you have to do that much in art?

    I chose GCSE Music and GCSE History, with GCSE Spanish and BTEC Art for reserves :happy:


    :happy::awesome: it's 10-12 June :dance:


    :) looks like a good film :yesey: I saw Gullibers Travels on Saturday with Hollie, our original plan was to see Paul, but Hollie messed up when they asked her when she was born :rolleyes:



    :happy: no likey, no lighty! :chuckle:

    Good :happy:


    Don't worry about it ;)


    I've been great thanks, it's half term now :dance: what have you been up to? :happy:

  15. :chuckle:

    No not yet? :noey: he forgot and didn't ask me again :supersad:

    :happy: half term rules!! :dance:

    :supersad: same. A week without Liam and Connor :supersad:


    Any plans for today? :happy:

  16. :chuckle:

    :happy: it was better than I expected :happy: Jack Black is awesome :yesey:


    :supersad: what subjects are they? Good luck on them both! I have a very important GCSE Science exam and a Spanish exam after the holidays :'(

    :LOL: I think it was a silly face :happy:

    :happy: aww thanks :)



  17. :happy:

    When they asked me my dob i said it fine, when they asked hollie she said "uuuh, uuh..." so they kinda knew we were lying :rolleyes: The age rating was 15 :indiff:

    Yeah we saw Gullibers Travels! :awesome::LOL:

    :happy: nothing much, just dropping Hollie's iPod off, 'cause she left it in my bag yesterday :rolleyes: (muse bag :awesome:) what are you up to today? :)


    We were on a train when I took it so I couldn't keep my phone still :chuckle:

    :happy: thank you! Hollie is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay prettier than me though, even when she's pulling weird faces :rolleyes:



  18. Very good thankyou! Hows my hubby? :happy:


    Yeah I had a pretty good day thanks :) went to the cinema with Hollie to see Paul, but they wouldnt let us in :indiff: Hollie messed up when they asked her when she was born :rolleyes: other than that it was great!

    How's your day been? :happy:


    EDIT: I changed my pic :happy: I'm on the right, Hollie's on the left ;) it's not one of my best pictures but it's one I took today :happy:

  19. :) Billie Joe = gorgeous :happy:
  20. :happy:


    :kiss:, we shall go to various Muse concerts :chuckle:


    Have fun! :happy: I'm going to see Paul with Hollie for her birthday :happy:

  21. :yesey: I will lock him there soon!


    :dance: we are now Museboard husband and wife :happy::awesome:




    Got any plans for thisweekend then? :happy:



  22. The only nice thing he's said is "He's quite a good guitar player!" that's a good idea! Next time he says something bad he's getting locked in the bathroom!! :LOL:

    damn it I'm young!

    Jack, will you marry me? :happy::chuckle:


    :yesey: yes they are

    :awesome: are they playing next Wednsday then? :happy:

  23. :chuckle: were you freeeeezing?! Was he worth going outside in the cold :chuckle: he will have probably forgot by tomorrow :supersad:


    How are you? :happy:

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