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Everything posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. Thats okay :)


    I'm feeling better now thanks :happy:

    I've been good thanks :) I got to rest my head on Liam's shoulder for 5 seconds today! :dance: how've you been? Anything happen between you and Connor? :D

  2. :)

    good :happy:

    :awesome: when do you think it'll arrive?

    Pretty good thanks :) had tennis again this morning :awesome:

    Have you been up to anything interesting today? :)


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  3. Hey Jack :)

    How was your day today? :)


    Love you


  4. :)

    Because Lea told Jamie that Liam was my boyfriend and he STILL believes her :noey::chuckle: he won't get over it :LOL:

    Got the email :) looks awesome :D

    :awesome:. Are you studying for an exam?


    Love you


  5. Hey Jack :)

    My day was pretty good thanks :) Jamie gave Liam dead eyes twice today though :noey::facepalm:

    :eek: lucky! I want doms drumstick! That's a great price for a signed drumstick! :eek: got any pics? :D

    What else have you done today? :)


    Love you


  6. :LOL: ikea is actually awesome :) we call gormless people Gorm's :chuckle: all of my friends call me a Gorm :LOL:



    Nope not really, just school :( you? :)


    Love you


  7. :happy:

    :chuckle: oh right, I just checked my other post, I asked you about Sunday :chuckle: I'm such a gorm :LOL:

    :happy: I got Green Day - Kerplunk, Dookie. SoaD - Toxicity. Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High. Escape The Fate - This War Is Ours, Escape The Fate :awesome:

    :) I'm really starting to like them :yesey: I recommend 'Ashley' 'Harder Than You Know' and 'Issues' :yesey: good stuff


    Love you


  8. :)

    :( I'm feeling a lot better now thanks :happy:

    :eek: why did you get to stay home? :):awesome:

    Okayish I guess :happy: been listening to alot of music :) got 6 new albums :)

    Do you like the band Escape The Fate? :)


    Love you


  9. :awesome: people tell me I'm good at being mental too :LOL:

    :LOL: Mr Park is awesome :awesome:

    :yesey: we need to blame Usher for Justin Beiber, because he found him on YouTube :indiff: stupid Usher :indiff:

    :chuckle: it was quite nice :yesey:

    :happy:, I didnt do much, I wasn't feeling too well :(

    :awesome: yes! There should be! :yesey:

  10. Hey Jack, sorry that I didn't reply yesterday :$


    I didn't do much, I wasnt feeling that well :(

    What did you do yesterday?


    love you


  11. thanks :party:

    :eyebrows::LOL: going mental is quite awesome :yesey:

    In Maths the first thing Liam said to me was that him and his mum love Undisclosed Desires :D so my teacher played it for me because it was my b-day the day after the lesson :happy: lots of people enjoyed it :) humming, singing and tapping along to it :awesome: then Mahir shouted out "This sounds like Justin Beiber!" I gave him a :wtf: look! Then Bryony shouted "Mahir, you have just offended Jade by saying Muse sounds like Justin Beiber!" :LOL: was a fun lesson!

    :happy: I went bowling then to TGI Fridays :awesome: never tell the servers at TGI's it's your birthday :facepalm: they gather lots of servers together, get everyone in the restaurants attention, then sing and clap, then bring you a toffee popcorn/hot fudge brownie sundae (which was actually pretty nice :chuckle:) :facepalm:

    What have you been up to?

  12. ;)


    Tennis is awesome :yesey: only about 10% of the 1500 kids at my school listen to good music :noey: about 40% listen to Justin Beiber :noey:




    It was lots of fun :)

    Was your visit :awesome:?

    :) well, my Download tickets were my main present from my mum and dad. Got £50 from my nan and grandad, an A7X shirt from my bro, lots of little presents from friends, money from family, Hollie bought me a Muse shirt :) and one of those giant cards :chuckle: she stuck musey pictures inside it too :)

    Love you loaaaaads and loaaaaads


  13. :)

    (I forgot how to spell Torture then :LOL::$)

    :LOL: yeah, her face dropped then she started mumbling "stupid festival, why?!" :LOL:


    The rest of my day was good thanks :) had a windy tennis lesson and a musey Maths lesson :awesome:


    THANKYOU JACK! :kiss::happy::dance:

    Yeeeep Bowling and a meal :happy:


    What are your plans for today? :)

    Love you lots!


  14. (:

    :chuckle: thankfully Liams not in my tech :chuckle: I'd get distracted by him too!


    :eek::chuckle maybe he was planning on stalking you!

    :LOL: he probably won't tell him :chuckle:

    :happy: my day was pretty good thanks :D had a musey Maths lesson :awesome: had a windy tennis lesson with Liam :LOL:

    It's my birthday today :D going Bowling :awesome: what are you up to today? :happy:

  15. :)

    :eek: I HATE that song! That must've been torcher!

    In Maths my teacher said "now, im going to play that Rebecca Black song, because it is the best song ever and I love it....... :LOL: APRIL FOOLS!!!" :awesome:

    I pulled a prank on Hollie today though :D I showed her something I made that looked like an official Download Festival post saying that the festival was cancelled :LOL: she believed it and almost started crying! :$

    Love you!


  16. Hey Jack :)

    How's your April Fool's day been? :D

    love you


  17. :happy: we had to make a "Point Of Sale Display". It's like, how can I explain this.. Well, when you go into a shop (like a music/DVD shop) and a new album/DVD has come out, it like has it's own custom stand at the front of the store (I'm not explaining very well :chuckle:), we had to make one of those. So I did mine on The Resistance :D the coursework 12page folder took about 6-7 months and the actual product took about a month to make pwoperly :happy: when I'm allowed to bring it all home I will post some pictures :D

    Thats a good idea! I'll think of something :D

    love you loaaaaaads ! :D


  18. Yep for Radio 1 ;)

    :awesome: all of my tech coursework and products were about Muse :chuckle::rolleyes:


    :chuckle: I have no pranks planned yet, I need to think of some :p:awesome:

    Love you more than loads :)


  19. :awesome: it smells so nice! :happy:

    Nope not yet :$ Im hoping he doesn't mention it at all! :chuckle:


    Pretty good today actually :happy: got an A* in technology and in English Liam cleaned lots of White paint off of my jumper sleeve :chuckle: but some girls were flirting with him today :indiff: he didn't take any notice of them though :D (they were all gorgeous too! :D)

    How's your day been? Anything with Connor? :happy:

  20. :happy:

    :supersad: stupid sick teacher :supersad:

    :D we've registered 3 times for the Saturday, and 3 for the Sunday, so hopefully we'll get lucky! :)

    Pretty good today actually :D got an A* in technology :dance:

    How was your day?

    Got any pranks ready for tomorrow? :chuckle:

    love you lots and lots and lots museboard hubby!


  21. Good :happy: grr homework :indiff: I'm grreat thanks :) been up to anything interesting today? :)

    I really want to go to Radio 1's Big Weekend now :awesome:

    Love youuuuu loads!


  22. :happy: I have those Harajuku Lovers perfume :yesey: I bought the Music one :happy:

    They do that to me too!

    :chuckle: he laughed and smiled :) he told me today that he walked past my brother (Jamie) in the corridor. He said that Jamie gave him a weird look, then smiled and laughed :rolleyes:

    Awwh I thought you would have fainted! :chuckle: that's so cute! :happy:

    :LOL: Cleverbot is win :yesey:

    How's your day been today? :happy:

  23. :chuckle:


    :yesey: yes they are!

    How's your day been today? :happy:

    love you lots


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