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Everything posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. :supersad::happy: hopefully they'll let us pick a few people to move with (that's what the the other academies did) :happy:

    :supersad: aww :happy: how did he cheer you up?

    My day was pretty good thanks :happy: I have a day off school tomorrow :)

    What have you been up to today? :happy:

  2. :happy:


    Yeah everythings okay now :happy:


    I'll be shopping with my mum for the rest of the day :D but tomorrow is non-uniform dag at school :'( I'm missing the only non-uniform day of the year :'( so not fair! I wanted to wear a muse shirt!! :chuckle:


    :supersad: loads of people have been off ill this week. Must be a bug going round :erm:

    Hope you get better soon!!


    Night night ;)

    Love ya xxx

  3. :happy:

    :supersad::'( awwww! I'm sorry!

    :chuckle: I don't mind you asking :) well, before I was born I was seriously ill. My parents thought I was going to die. So I me and my mum had to be given lots of blood to try to keep me alive. When I was born I was still very ill. I was also born with a dislocated hip. So when I was a little kiddie I had loads and loads of operations and blood donations to try and make me better. So I had to have a metal plate in my leg to try to fix it. It did get better but it took a while. I'm perfectly fine now though! So every year I have to go to the hospital to have leg X-rays to see if it's moved back out of place ;)

    Loovee yoouu xx

  4. :happy: thanks :) they don't do much, so they're cool!

    :chuckle::awesome: I used to have a rabbit, he died years ago though :(

    I have my yearly hospital appointment :indiff: it's a long story :chuckle:

    Love you!


  5. :chuckle:

    :'( aww! That must've been so tough!! I seriously don't wanna move :'( I know I've only known my best friends now for 3 years but I love them so much, it seems like I've known them forever! And leaving Liam :'( that'll be hell

    I totally know what you mean. My best primary school friend and I got separated when we moved to secondary school, she's turned into one of those plastic bitches :(

  6. Naah. I used to have a few when I was younger though :erm::happy: yeah I have two geckos, coco & roxy :happy: yep it's Baxter :) do you have any? (sorry I might have asked you this before :chuckle:)

    :eek: lucky! We don't get ANY free periods :'(. I'm not at school tomorrow though :D but I really wanna go!

    Love ya lots :happy:


  7. :happy: nothing really :) I had an interesting conversation with Liam about dreams and nightmares. Then another one about family and pets :happy: did you do anything interesting?


    :supersad: awww I hope you feel better soon!

    Loooove you


  8. Hello :D

    My day was okay today :) yes it was alot better than yesterday thanks :happy:

    I went to Hollie's :happy: had a lot of fun :happy: how was your day? :)

    Lovee youu :)


  9. ;)

    Was it an easy test? :)

    :'( I hate having days like that! :'(


    Loooove ya lots too!


  10. :happy::awesome:

    :'( I know :'( for the new tutors we might get 5 kids from year 7, 5 from year 8, 5 from yr 9 and so on :'(

    I mean nothing really interesting happened with him :chuckle: we talk alot every day though :happy:

    :supersad: when did you get seperated?


  11. :D. :chuckle: I was about 8 or 9 :facepalm:

    :chuckle: I will :chuckle:

    I only live about 10miles away from Sheffield so that's my closest option ;)

    Aww, what subject?

    :supersad: well, first when I got to p.e my muse hoody had shrunk in the wash (:'() I could hardly get my head through the head hole, then we found out instead of doing tennis in p.e we had to do 2 hours of p.e coursework :indiff: after p.e it was art. In art my teacher wouldn't let me carry on with my Muse project or let me start something else Musey :noey: at dinner there was a mini food fight so we got chocolate muffins thrown at us. Technology was okay. After tech it was tutor. We found out that for year 10 & 11 we are all probably changing tutors (:eek: I'll hardly ever see Liam and my friends!!! :'(). Then it was geography. We had to go to the front of the class and do presentations about natural hazards :indiff: the last lesson was science. Oh god that was the worst. In the whole 50 minute lesson all we got done was draw a bathtub, because I have the crappiest science class and crappiest science teacher ever!!!!!!

    Sorry about that big rant.

    Love ya


  12. :chuckle: I'm not very strong so I'd get squished easily :LOL:

    :awesome: do you have a main part? :happy: good luck in the comp ;)

    I had a really really crap day today :'( nothing happened with Liam today :'( we found out we all might have to move tutors for year 10 & 11 :'( so that means I'd hardly ever see Liam and all of my friends :'(

    How was your day? :happy:

  13. :supersad:


    :awesome: I've been to Sheffield arena twice :happy: Paramore 2010 and :$ XFactor Tour 2006 :$:chuckle: I only wanna go so that I can get backstage passes to see Muse :chuckle:

    How was your day?

    I had one of the worst school days ever :'(


    Love ya


  14. Not fair :'( we finish at 15:10 every day :'(

    Yeah, we have to go to work with our parents for a day :indiff: I'm going to a shoo called Boots :awesome:

    For my 2 week work experience next year I'm deffinately gonna try to go to Sheffield Arena, because after you've worked there you can get backstage passes to any concert there! :awesome: so hopefully Muse come to Sheffield Arena after my work experience :D :D :awesome:

    Love ya moooooorrrrreeee


  15. So you finish early on Tuesdays? :happy:

    My day was cool thanks :happy: we found out some more stuff about our into-work day next week :happy:

    love yaa


  16. :chuckle: i'd get squished by the boys in Rugby :$

    :D I need to start reading Horoscopes :happy:

    What play are you doing now? :happy:

    Good Luck! Don't worry I'm sure you'll do fine :happy::awesome::D

  17. We're doing tennis now. If we do rugby we're allowed full contact but they mix the girls and boys together so I'd be terrified! :chuckle:


    :supersad: lets hole he gets better quickly! :happy:

    Anything planned for this week? :happy:

  18. :happy: any plans for today? :)

    Love ya too!


  19. I have a small brain because I'm not smart, however I'm in almost all of the top classes :confused:

    :awesome: :awesome:

    love ya xx

  20. :chuckle:

    Algebra is so bloody complicated :indiff: my peanut brain can't handle too much Maths :chuckle:


    We're both awesome :awesome:


  21. :happy:

    No not really, just school :indiff: school's a waste of time imo. We don't need English, because we speak English. We don't need much Maths, because we won't use it. We don't need science anymore because we know where babies come from :chuckle:

    My museboard hubby is tha best :D


  22. :supersad:

    :chuckle: I usually can't multitask well :chuckle:

    :happy::D lOvE yA lOtS mUsEbOaRd HuSbAnD! XxXxX

  23. :chuckle:



    :LOL: I'm good at multitasking :yesey:

    LlOoVvEe YyOoUu


  24. :happy: pretty good at the moment :D he sprayed me with his deodorant earlier (it smelt so nice :chuckle:) and we were talking about when we were kiddies and just having a good laugh :happy:

    Any progress with Sarah?

    :happy: I'm talking to you, texting Hollie & Liam and listening to A7X :awesome:

    LoVe YoU!


  25. Goood and mine was good too thanks :D had a fun time with Liam in English :happy:

    What have you been up to?

    looooovvvvveeeee yyyyoooouuuu! :D


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