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Everything posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. :happy: aww! I'm seriously not though :chuckle:

    :awesome: I loooove it it's fluffy and warm :yesey:

    :awesome: did you have fun?

    Nothing much, Hollie came round earlier :awesome: had pancakes yummy! :)

  2. Hey :happy: I got a new profile pic :happy:



    I'm wearing my Avenged Sevenfold jacket :awesome:

    What do ya think? :happy:


    What have you been up to today? :)


  3. :awesome: it's this backpack :happy:34459.jpg

    :happy: yeah quite a bit :D:LOL: we were both really fed up of our friend Heather. She fake faints to get whatever she wants :indiff: so we were ranting about her and shouting to make ourselves feel better :D

    :supersad: same with our school, 5 weeks till we break up again though :D

  4. :LOL::LOL:



    :eek: Thats kinda creepy! :chuckle: I wouldve been scared to death!!

    Homework sucks :indiff: I have 3 more exams tomorrow! :eek: science first thing, Maths straight after, them another Spanish one straight after that!! :'(

    :D In music today I was playing the piano, Liam came up and said "wow! I didn't know you were so good!" then he sang along to some of the songs :awesome: that made my day :happy:


  5. :supersad:. Our next topic is going to be modern rock :awesome: you'll never guess what band I'm gonna do :rolleyes:

    :awesome: happy birthday to him! :party:

    Have fun!!


    What was that story then? :happy:

    How was your day? :)



  6. :'(! :awesome: I went to a shop called Blue Banana (you should check it out it's an amazing shop!) and I bought a new backpack and a MCR t-shirt :happy:

    :D:D:happy::awesome: awwww!

    Going pretty well :happy: in music thismorning I was playing the piano (:awesome:) and he said "wow! I didn't know you were do good!" then he sang along to a few of the songs I played :) We were both getting our anger out earlier :chuckle: it was entertaining :chuckle:


    What have you been up to? :happy:

  7. :happy: I'm looking forward to hearing your story ;):happy:

    Nope just school :indiff: but I don't mind I have music first tomorrow :happy: do you have any plans? :)

    Jade x

  8. :awesome:

    I'm tied between Absolution and BH&R atm :happy:

    Naaaah not really just playing my keyboard (learning the end of USoE :awesome: it's hard :indiff:)

    Was yours busy?


    wifey xx

  9. Hiiiii! My day was okkkaaaaayyyy thanks, not been up to much, :happy: youu?


    :awesome: hmm its too hard fir me to pick their best album ;) just like it's too hard for me to pick my favourite Muse album :awesome:



    wifey xx

  10. :happy:

    :happy: luv you Jack ;)


    :awesome: I've actually never listened to Radiohead :$

    :yesey: yes, yes they are :awesome:


  11. :supersad: where do all the cute goth kids go?! Why do they never come to us? :chuckle:



    :supersad:, my day was cool :) I went shopping :happy:

  12. No I'm not an emo :chuckle: I'd never get loads of piercings :vomit: I'm fine with just ear studs :)

    aww thanks :kiss:

    :supersad: you never know she might like you sooner or later ;)


    It was cool :) I bought a new backpack and a MCR tshirt :awesome:


    I'm fine today thankyou! How's you? Done anything fun? :happy:



  13. :happy:

    It's going okay at the moment, I got his number the other day (:awesome:) we've been texing quite a bit :) so I don't know whats gonna happen next :eyebrows: anything happened with you and Sarah? :eyebrows:


    :chuckle: it is a cool name :yesey: I will :)



  14. They didn't go well :noey: I kept getting distracted by the piano (there's a large piano in the exam hall at the front, I was sat right at the front :rolleyes:) and when I though about music, random funny muse moment kept popping into my head :noey:

    Good :happy:


    Im going to a cool shop called Blue Banana to buy a new bag :awesome:

    You??? :happy:



  15. :happy::happy:

    lucky! what time does your school start?

    :LOL: did any new cute goth kids come? :eyebrows:

    No I haven't, is if really goooooood? :D


    How was your day?? :awesome:

  16. Not so good :'( had 3 exams today :'(


    How was your day hubby? Hopefully better than mine ;)



  17. I had a dream a couple of nights ago where Chris was my science teacher. He put an iPod and docking station on the front desk and asked me to pick a song. So I went to try and find TiRO, it was the instrumental version. When it came on the class all jumped up and started singing and dancing to it like they'd choreographed (dunno how to spell that ) it and practiced it 50 times! But there was one girl still sat on her stool at the back. Chris went to talk to her then let her pick a song. She got up happily ran to the iPod. She played Justin Beiber! 3 seconds later Matt dropped from the ceiling yelled "FUCK OFF YOU CUNT" then chucked the iPod out the window.
  18. Hi hubby :happy:


    I'm good thanks :)

    :'( still not working :'(

    Nothing much, school :supersad: got my 2 exams on Friday :(

    What have you been up to?


    Did you listen to Avenged Sevenfold? :D

  19. :dance::dance: we texted for about half an hour last night :happy: i don't have any messages this morning.

    We had to go back yesterday:'(


    :LOL: that's what Hollie says "why can't a new cute goth kid come into our tutor?" :chuckle::happy:

  20. :dance::dance: SUCCESS!!! I got his number :dance: today he hugged my waist for no reason at all and was sat next to me in 3 lessons (sat very close as well :happy:)


    How was your day? :happy:

  21. I replied to your other email. Still says "rejected by the server" :'(


    How are you today? :D


  22. I dont know why :'(


    Just tried again, still says rejected by the server :confused:

  23. I got your email but when I tried to reply it said my message was rejected by the server :'(

  24. It's cool :happy:

    :'( try jademusejade@yahoo.com I think I it might be .com not .co.uk sorry!



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