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Everything posted by jackparker

  1. Is not :phu:

    So what if they hate it, I like it! :p

    Why do you put it 4th now anyway, if you used to have it first? :/

    :D Cool

    I'm fine thanks :D


  2. Is not :phu:

    Whaddya mean? I like The Resistance. UD and IBTY are cheesy yes, so is Guiding Light. But it does have some great songs on there like MK Ultra and Unnatural Selection! OoS is an all round outstanding album too! Abso is awesome, and I'd put that together with BHaR. Showbiz is good in it's own way.

    How are you? :)


  3. Ok I suppose :happy:


    goood. (:


    Haha awesome! What is your band called?

    :chuckle: Teachers smelling bad!


    I won't! I pwomise (: It's anyone's choice what they can do, I'm doing something about how famous people have helped poverty (:




    :awesome: Nope! There were a lot of boats to crash into unlike when my sister had a go, there were no boats at all!



    Aw I want to see that. Is your dad ok now? :)


    My day was average :/ First we had family over, which was fun as usual seeing as they're all cool! But then after they left I went to my room to get something and my whole bed (it's by a window) got 100% soaked from the rain. Someone (so not me! :chuckle:) left the window open and all the rain went through right until the mattress! :noey:

    I had to sleep on a sofa bed in the spare room, which was surprisingly comfortable! I think i'll have to sleep there again tonight ):


    And I also went to the water by my house and just stuck my net in there, and when I took it out there was a lobster in my net! :D I thought they all went because it was a year ago, but I think they somehow survived! I kept one but I put it back cause it could die on it's own in a bucket! I called it David Luiz (after a footballer), Dave for short :')


    Oh wow :stunned: That is one weird dream! :LOL:

    Haha running through Hogwarts to get to a cinema!

    Haha that dream is pretty :awesome: but....me and Hollie in a cupboard kissing? :LOL: :LOL: Weird dream :p

    Lol that's very, er, confusing! :confusing:

    I bet you were really confused when you woke up!


    What are you doing today? (:


    Love you too!


  4. Aww ok :/


    Not! :phu:


    The Resistance or Origin! You?

    I have to go now, speak soon!


  5. Why not?


    :eek: No way! :chuckle:

    Awesome list! For me - Arcade Fire, Kasabian, Editors, Gorillaz,Coldplay, Radiohead, U2 and My Chemical Romance. :D

    I can't think of any other questions now :chuckle:


  6. :chuckle: I know. Yeah, unless they play it at Kanrocksas or Outside Lands....hopefully they will!



    :LOL: I know. Yeah maybe I overreacted, I just didn't really like Adam Lambert all too much :LOL:

    What other music are you in to?


  7. :stunned: That's it? Even I got Bliss and]/U] CE at my gig! C'mon Muse! We know they were rehearsing Hyper Music, so why don't they play it?! :noey:


    I know, I know :(

    Yeah. Samantharax beat me to most annoying. I was also nominated for most likely to be banned permanently! It was based on who got the most infractions, and I had 4 for calling Adam Lambert (that singer) gay. :chuckle:


  8. I know! I wonder if they'll play any other rarities? Probably not :noey:


    Oi! ;):chuckle:



  9. :noey: Not at all. Australia gets Sunburn and Asia gets Dead Star! Europe's rarest is Unintended. I reckon' they treat Nishe as a rarity because it's a really old B side. Oh Muse :rolleyes:

    Welcome :happy:

    Haha I know, sometimes for the wrong reasons though :LOL:

    That was then, this is now, but I didn't come 2nd in the awards for nothing :LOL:


  10. It is frustrating, yeah :/

    Haha I find it a cool name :)


    Aw I hope so, been here long enough :LOL:


  11. They better be, or they will lose so many fans. If they play max. 15 songs now I dread the next tour if they play 13 (incl. Nishe) or if they play really bad songs. They need to play 15 proper good singles and rarities and 5/6 new songs on the next tour! Still, Muse are awesome anyway.

    Haha really? Why? :chuckle:

    :LOL: Really? :LOL:

    Is it? Ha I don't have one so I don't know how it feels :LOL:


  12. Yeah I suppose it was. I hope the set lists are better next tour!

    Your welcome :D

    Uh huh! :awesome:

    Ah no problem :D Love Boat's are awesome, especially if you have one :) x

  13. :happy:

    At least you also got an awesome set list!


    ah cool :) Maddy's a nice name :)

    Yep it is! Awesomee! What a coincidence!


  14. I was born in Holland but I've been to an English school and an International only so I've always spoken English. My dad is English too which is :awesome: and my Mum is Dutch :)

    Awesome :) I saw them on the stadium tour last year at Goffertpark! I got MKU, CE, Bliss and MotP! It was brilliant!

    So..what's your real name, supposing your parents didn't call you ibelongtoyou :LOL:

  15. Average. I'll be moving to England next year, which is so much better. I am English too, which made Holland even more awkward.

    Have you seen Muse before? :)

  16. The Netherlands.

    What's New York like?

  17. Good, thanks :)

    Where are you from?

  18. Haha I didn't even notice you did that :chuckle: It's ok :)


    Does it? It always changed my words into random words and I had to keep changing them :$



    :supersad: Is he staying in England for the holiday? At least you can meet up sometime soon :)





    Yeah, I'm sure you are! :p


    Yeah, it would make sense though!


    It could be! (:

    Ok! ;)


    I know. But it's very important! If anyone fails it, they fail year 11 and can't do their Y12/Y13 diploma :(


    Awww that's bad :( At least you're fine now :)


    Well yesterday we went with my neighbours on their boat from some place called Naarden all the way to Amsterdam. It was about an hour to get there (it takes 30 minutes by car, but the boat was more fun :chuckle:) so my neighbour said to me, "Jack, you're in control of the boat"! It's a big boat and I was completely in charge of taking us all the way! We then went through amsterdam completely by boat! It was really fun and we came home, like, really late!


    How was your day today?


    Love you!


  19. (:


    Yeah you can turn that spell check off, you know :) It's on Settings :ninja:


    :LOL: Female version of Frodo? Haha, Froda! What a weird dream :chuckle:

    How is it going with you and Liam? :/




    Oh no, 2 weeks? I know exactly what you mean by irritating 9,10 year olds! I can just see it now, a kid running around doing annoying things! You'll survive :)

    Well if the mentors hate them then I think that is alright :p

    Yes, you are awesome :yesey: Sensible, I don't know...:p :')


    Really? I think this is how it should stay, it finished just right (:


    Cool! I like songwriting, I tend to do it on the plane or in the car in other countries, cause holland is inspirationless! (is that even a word? :chuckle:)

    Can I see some of your lyrics, I'm sure it's not that bad (:


    I'm just at home today :( I have my school project and that's it...


    How was your day?


    Love you too!


  20. Sorry my message is a bit short :( i was in a rush earlier

  21. :supersad:






    Cool ;) It's Covent, not Coventry :p


    :LOL: What happened in that dream? (:


    :chuckle: I was just messing with you! ;)

    Ha those kids are so irritating! Are you in a band then? :)

    Aw I feel sorry for you with all those irritating kids around :( Nice to see you have cool teachers! :awesome:


    I saw Harry Potter today :D It was brilliant! :D


    What else are you doing tomorrow apart from drums?


    Love you wifey!


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