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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. They are awesome! :awesome:

    Especially the third song, the bass and the china cymbal are way too amazing! :happy:

  2. Heya! I have a pic for you that you will for sure like! :D






  3. That guy was so cool, he didn't have any questions for them, he just wanted a hug! :happy: Aww that lucky bastard was hugged by Muse.

    :chuckle: I think they were too shy to do such sounds on live radio. And besides, Tom was filming the whole thing! :LOL: But at least we found out that Matt doesn't use condoms. :chuckle:

    I can't listen to the song you sent me because it's not available in my country. :supersad: You can tell me title though and I'll search for it myself. :D

    I love that radio interview! :awesome: When Dom said he broke both his arms, I thought it happened at the same time :stunned: Then I realized what a stupid thought it was :facepalm::LOL:


    Why would it be cheesy? Just write down what you really think, you don't have to make up things. Just be yourself ;)

    I haven't finished my contribution to the scrapbook yet. I hope I will it this week. When I'm done with it, you can take a lookie. :D

  4. I forgot to tell you that I managed to download the audio :dance:

    Thanks for the help! :happy::kiss:

  5. Oh how about this one? :awesome:

    (The Slipknot mask is dead! :supersad:)

  6. Just lurking here on the board. :D

    No, I do not. Sorry. :(

  7. You're welcome! :D

    I love those vids, they made my day! Haha I think Dom's "Nooo you idiot" was meant as revenge to the BDO interview where he got confused with the introduction! :LOL: And Matt was so hilarious with the fart sounds! I love those guys, they are way too amusing! :LOL: :LOL: But what the hell were the orgasm sounds for? :wtf: I thought Matt and Dom will get really into it but I was disappointed. :facepalm::LOL: And Dom's so polite. :happy:

    I love how Tom wants to film everything. :chuckle: But if I was him, I wouldn't stand not to laugh all the time!

    I don't know the JLS, are they very popular over there?

    I've been good, thanks for asking! How about you? :D

  8. Hey! Ok, this is now a little embarrassing. :$ I wanted to ask you how can I download that TripleJ interview you sent me the link to? I know it says "downloads", but it just opened a player where I could listen to it and nothing else. :erm:

  9. *opens the door carefully* :shifty: *sneaks slowly into the room* :erm: *prepares to get thrown out*

    Heyy! How about these ones? :D :D :D

    Clickie again! (Matt has no idea about his own music :chuckle:)

  10. Sorry for bombing you with my comments again, you'll most certainly find this vid here on the board, but I wanted to be the first one who shares it with you! :D

    I love this interview, Dom messes up a little bit in the beginning and Matt admits that he doesn't know how to play the keytar. :chuckle:



  11. Heya! :D

    I've brought some news for you. clickie!

    But why only one award? They deserve more nominations. :yesey:

    Do you think they have a chance? (I don't know the other bands so well, so I can't really tell. :erm:)

  12. Evening!

    Yeah, the feeling of going to school again is not nice. Especially when you are having so much fun at home and on the Internet. Oh dear, I sound like I don't have a life. :facepalm: Well, I kinda don't, I spend almost all my free time to lurk here. :LOL:

    I don't know if I should get mine fixed. I'm afraid it will do the same shit in a few weeks again and then I wasted all my money for nothing.

    You should have seen my face when I noticed that little detail in the vid! I first looked at the people who were going up the stairs and then I saw the artwork of ABSOLUTION!

    My face was something like this: :wtf::eek::D:cool::awesome::dance: Thanks for sharing! :happy:

    The same happened to me when I saw the video. The memories came back and I realized how much I want to experience it again. I know I will it in six months, but still! And you have nine months left.. So far far away..

    I love the video, I agree with you though, one with a story would be better. But they don't have time for a pwoper one now, they will do it for the fourth single. :D

    It's cool to like Muse? :wtf: Is this because of the Twilight/New Moon hysteria? Gahh I will never understand this. :noey: I think you're in a better situation because I am going to be on the same bus with her. :LOL: I will be forced to talk to her because she's like one of those who think "When there's no one else to talk to, you're good too", so she won't leave me in peace. But I will get used to it, it's only for a day after all.

    I know I'm late.. Matt posted on his FB profile again! It's so much fun reading what he wrote, I cannot resist not to reply to him. :chuckle:

    Have you seen/listened to the interview from Seoul with Chris and Dom? :awesome:

  13. Don't worry, you're going to make it! ;) Patience and confidence is all you need! :D

    What kind of exams do you have left?

    Yeah, I am so exhausted from school, I could sleep for days! :sleepy: Aww that's such an awesome feeling when you fall asleep and miss school. :D No, seriously, you feel so much better when you get enough sleep and don't mind at all that you didn't attend the lesson at time. :happy:

    I don't know actually how I am today. I am happy that the first half of the school year is now over and that it's Friday finally. But my laptop's still messed up and I don't know if I should buy a new one or pay someone to fix it. I have troubles with it all the time. Damn machine! :fear:

    Oh and today I found out that the girl that I really dislike (like really) is going to the same gig as me! Yes, she's a fan too and we used to be best friends but now I can't stand her. She became so selfish and indifferrent, I don't want to talk to her anymore. Btw, she doesn't know that we're attending the same gig. :chuckle:

    How was your day? Do you like the new video? :D

  14. "..I want to touch you deep inside and find the secrets that you hide, when you're fears are cast aside, will you remember me?" I love this song. :happy:

    And don't thank me too many times, because I'm starting to feel uncomfortable. :$:LOL:

  15. You're welcome! :D Let all your inhibitions go in the thread! ;)

  16. I asked you about the Love Boat section the other day. Well, it wasn't an innocent question, the reson for it was this:


    I wanted it to be a surprise, so enjoy! :D:kiss: (I used my favourite line from Exo for the title :D)

  17. I'm quite good, thanks for asking. Just feeling a little bit sleepy, I didn't sleep very well last night. :/

    Naww was the exam so difficult? :( It probably isn't as bad as you think. ;) Think positive. :D

    I knooow! :supersad: They are digging up the old songs which is a good as well as a good thing, I can't wait to read what they played in Australia and New Zealand! :awesome: And I can't wait to hear some of the old songs live as well. :happy:

    Yeah, they guy who wrote that article is right. But I still think it was an amazing show in November, I absolutely loved it! Besides, Matt can now run up and down the stage again! :awesome:

    I am overusing the smilies today. :facepalm:

  18. Hey Tabina! How are you today? :D Did your exam go well?

  19. Me? No, I don't. I saw Aurora's one and wasn't sure how this all works. :p

  20. That's it? I thought it was more complicated. :LOL: Do you have one?

  21. Hey! I forgot to tell you that I found some infos about the gig in June. As far as I have understood, the concert begins at 21:15, the support comes at 6pm anf the gates open at 4pm. I'm not sure if that's right though. I'm worried now because I'll arrive only one hour before gate opening and will probably not make it into the golden circle. :erm:

  22. Hey there! :D

    I have a silly question. Could you explain me the Love Boats please? I don't get the whole thing, I mean I know that each member can have one and others can write tributes in the thread. Is this it? And how do you get one? :wtf: Sorry, I'm confused. :LOL:

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