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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. I'm not that good at starting a conversation with the fans who are stading in the same queue. I'm actually very shy and not very talkative. :$

    I admire your endurance, it seems like there's nothing that can stop you from seeing one of your favourite bands. :D

    May I ask how you discovered your love for gigs in the first place? (I noticed that I ask too much :erm:)

    No, I haven't been to Stockholm, I just said that it's a beautiful city based on the pics I saw. :D Well, you can tell me more in about a month ;)

    :LOL: I don't think we'll write 300 pages in 5 days. That would mean we'll have a new thread in 8 days which is slightly impossible. The thread goes fast, but still not that fast. Unless we all get drunk every night and when you come back you'll only get to read drunken ramblings. :chuckle:


    Oh, I'm gonna send you my address in a few minutes.

  2. Aww that's bad. :( Muse chose a really unsuitable month for the stadium gigs, lots of people have exams then. :indiff::noey:

    Whoa you were on Triglav? :awesome: I haven't been actually in our mountains yet, I went only skiing near Maribor five years ago. :D

    :LOL: Yeah, Slovene is a quite fucked up language. Even I don't speak it pwoperly, I always get stuck with some things. :facepalm:

  3. Yes, I'm a full blooded PDTer. :D

    Bologna was so awesome, it was my first Muse gig :awesome: Are you going to Milan too?

    You've been in Slovenia? Where if I may ask?

  4. Thank you again, you're so nice, you have no idea what a great favour you have done! :kiss: I owe you something now. :D

    I am an impatient person too, I queued for Muse in November only for an hour, but I almost went insane standing there and doing nothing. I was clutching my ticket under my coat so much that I almost made it soaked :LOL:

    All the songs are great, but my favourite is Learn To Drown :awesome: Like It, Pretty Me and As Long As I got Chords are amazing too :happy: How many people have you already introduced the Itchys to? (btw, I first thought Muse were a US band :facepalm:)

    Stockholm's such a nice city, enjoy your day! :D I'd like to visit so many countries and cities in the future, but unfortunately I can't afford them all, there are way too much :LOL:

    Will you be able to survive without your daily amount of PDT then? :supersad: I hope you can get Internet access in the hotel so you can tell us how it is :D

    My sig.. :shifty: I'm changing it now. Thanks for one more time! :happy::kiss:

  5. Oh I forgot this: Dom is selling his acrylic drum kit on eBay to raise money for charity. Such a sweet guy. :happy: If I was a millionaire, I would definitely buy it.

    (but I don't want him to get rid of the clear kit! :supersad: :supersad:)

  6. Mr. Howard is nominated for the Sexiest Male award at this year's NMEs! :dance: :dance:

    He is currently first, but Matt is second and the places keep switching very often. We in the PDT have been voting like insane since Monday. :D


  7. London is so great, I can't believe I was actually there! :awesome: What did you do in London? Only holidays?


    It's the same here. Many people have no idea who Muse are. There are a few who know them though, but only because of Twilight. :facepalm: I don't understand what's so great about that film. :noey:

    Yeah, the word awesomness exists. :D I tried to convert a few friends too, but I have only succeeded with my mum. :LOL:

  8. I would love getting to the barrier some day, I can't imagine how it feels like to be in the first row. But I won't try it in the nearer future, it's safer in smaller venues. :D How many hours before the gate opening do you usually queue up?

    I downloaded their latest album Dead Serious and I love the songs so far. :D (I haven't listened to all of them yet, gonna do it today afternoon.) How did you discover the Itchys?

    Sweden is such a gorgeous country, I'd like to go there one day too. :happy: Parties always sound good. :D There's gonna be a massive hangover the next morning though. :chuckle:

    Ticket buying, ticket buying... Have you checked your mail yet? :erm:

  9. It's so awesome, they got sooo many nominations! :awesome: I hope they'll win at least three of them. :happy:

    How far are you with your pic? I'm sure it isn't as bad as you suppose it is. You should show it to someone and ask for their opinion. ;)

    Yeah, it seems like Muse are having so much fun at BDO! And the interviews they give are amazing as well, I hope there will be more. :D Have you seen the one with AbsoluteRadio? I love Matt's costume! :LOL:

  10. I love travelling too! :happy: Unfortunately I haven't been to many countries either. You were in Prag? I'd like to visit this city one day too, people say it's beautiful. I would also like to go to Paris one day, my mum has already been there :indiff: I've been to London too, but only for four days, so I haven't seen the whole city. Nevertheless I love it and I'm looking forward to going back again some day. :D I love everything that has something to do with Great Britain and British stuff which is weird, because I used to hate that country a few years ago. :chuckle:


    You should do that :awesome: Do your friends like Muse too?

  11. Well, it depends on what you like. You can go skiing for example, visit the caves or travel through a few cities. It's quite a nice country, although many people dont think it's worth coming here because Slovenia's so small. :indiff:


    :LOL: Your mum's voting too? That's awesome, the more the merrier :D Dom definitely deserves to win the Sexiest Male award, he's smoking hot :yesey:

  12. Well, I don't have much experience but I can tell you that I hate queuing too. I am really impatient and I can go crazy while waiting. But I love the feeling when you finally get your ticket checked and you run into the venue filled with adrenaline. Then you see the stage and realize that you are at a gig of a band that you love so much. :happy: There's nothing like it, I always have to smile when I think back of November. :D

    Yeah, I'd like to get it officialy confirmed that I can see Muse live twice this year, ignorance makes me always so nervous. :confused:

    Sounds great! Please let me know when they announce another tour, will you? :D

    Oh I remember that you said you are going to Sweden this year. Are those the Itchys too? (sorry, my memory doesn't always work that good )

    Anyway, as I said in the PDT, I'm off to bed, gonna answer to you when I come home.

    Night-night! :kiss::happy:

  13. It wasn't that agressive in Bologna. Actually, the queueing was the worst part of it. :LOL: Hopefully Milan will go good as well. :D

    The ticket. :facepalm: I am such a n00b when it comes to purchasing through the Internet. I don't have a credit card, so I tied the other option where it says "Payment by direct debit". But it says that my account number is wrong or something, so I captured the site and posted it per e-mail to my mum, so she can ask my aunt today. (I don't even know if I my blabbing made any sense) So to sum up, I had to delay the purchase again because I am so stupid that I can't buy a ticket from the net. :facepalm: But I'll let you know as soon as I have it.

    Would you come to Slovenia if the Itchys played here? That would be über:awesome:


    I listened to the band too and I quite like them. I hope they'll record some new songs :D

  14. Yeah, I know. :erm: I am already worried if I will survive the gig in one piece. You're right, there must be another barrier, otherwise it would be too much.

    Will you really ask them? That's awesome, it would be amazing if they'd come here! :awesome::happy: International bands don't come so often to my country which is a bit annoying. We only had The Killers last June and that was it :indiff:


    By the way, have you listened to that Estonian band Aurora has told us about?

  15. Oh I am definitely coming to Verona and Firenze one day! I promised you, remember? :D

    And I also want to see Rome :happy:

    Speaking about countries.. Have you ever been to Slovenia? :p


    I agree, Dom deserves that award! :D I am going to vote for him every single day, he must beat Matt :party:

  16. It's because I was learning from podcasts which I downloaded from iTunes. And they didn't include writing. But I'll try to learn pwoper French some day. :D

    Well, what I love about Italy is.. pasta! :awesome: And lasagne. Italian food is the best :happy: And I first saw Muse live in your country too! :awesome:

  17. Huh, my French :LOL: I only know some basic things like greetings, saying where you live, counting to 10 and naming of the family members. But I only know how pronounce them, I have no idea how you write them down :confused::LOL:

  18. I hope you won't be get too squashed at Wembley. Some fans can often get too agressive when it's about to get to the barrier. :noey:

    Isn't it weird that there won't be a GC in Milan? I read in the Milan thread that there will not be one and I also didn't see the option when I bought my ticket. :erm:

    I listened to the songs you sent me and have to say that you have an awesome taste in music! The Itchys are great. I mean really great! :awesome: I wonder why I haven't heard from them before. I used to keep up with most of the German bands. :erm:

  19. Heya Tabina! Wooo the nominations for this year's NME Awards have been announced :dance:

    I am so happy that Muse are nominated in so many categories :happy: I am going to vote for them every single day!


  20. Haha, I wish! No, it's Dom's and I thought I post it to you since you like the clear kit so much. :D

    And welcome back btw! :happy:

  21. You have a GC ticket for both Wembley gigs? Isn't the barrier at fetivals a bit extreme? I mean, there are tons of people who'd like to see the same band as you and they keep pushing like insane. :erm:

    :eek: Whoa 62 times? That's quite a lot, are you going to every gig they have?

    I could never imagine to chill out with one of my favorite bands. It must be great, you get to know them better and can even go backstage after the gig and stuff :awesome:

    I listened to the songs from the Beatsteaks which you posted in the PDT last night, they are great! :happy: I also like Jane Became Insane, I remember hearing that song back in 2007 but I've forgotten about it. :facepalm:

    Btw, could you recommend me some songs from Itchy Poopzkid? I'm curious what they sound like and don't know which song should I start with. :unsure:

  22. Oh yeah, singing along with the vocalist and the crowd is such an amazing feeling. :happy: You can't explain it, you have to be there and experience it yourself. :happy:

    I can't imagine how it is to be at the barrier. I wanted to go to the front in November, but I was with my friends and they were too pussy. :indiff:

    How many times have you seen Itchy Poopzkid? If you were at so many gigs, you must have talked to them many times, right?

  23. Will do! :D I hope the pronounciation is not that difficult.. :erm:

  24. Written Arabic looks like art for me. I enjoy to stare at it, although I have no idea what the words say. :LOL:

    You could help me with learning Italian, but unfortunately I don't have time for non-school activities at the moment. :( I would have to practice every day which I don't think I could manage to do. :erm: I was learning French about a year ago in my holidays, but stopped after school begun again, because I didn't have any time for it anymore. I know that's far away, but I can try it in June when I finished all my duties..

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